The honchos at the FBI, CIA, the State department and others in the Obama admimistration kinda remind me of the Japanese in December, 1941. Their sneak attack led to all out war, and they had some early successes over-running our Pacific stations.
But they bit off far more than they could chew. They didn't realize just who they were ******* with. Ya wanna piece of us, eh? Here, suck on a few nukes, chumps. Totally oblitereated, just like Brennan, Clapper, Comey, et al will soon be.
The Japs strutted around sayin "that's right, we bad!" choppin off G.I. heads on the Bataan death march, and ****, ya know? Then they learned what bad was when Curtis "Bombs away" Lemay burnt half their cities to the ground. William Tecumseh Sherman would have been proud.