This kinda **** happens every day with the fake news. They take something Trump did say, and then re-word it, interpret it, and/or speculate about what they think he might possibly have meant, or what his true motives were, and then present their concoction as something he
actually said, or intended, when he didn't.
Then they all repeat the misrepresentation, and forever after treat their fabrication as known fact. Just a few such lies:
1. Trump said all Mexicans are thieves and rapists.
2. Trump mocked the handicap of a disabled reporter.
3. Trump claimed he sexually assaulted women
4. Trump insulted gold star parents.
5. Trump said all immigrants are animals.
All false. As I said, it's done daily and no one even bothers to keep track of all the fake news lies after a while. But they all become part of the lore of "known facts" about Trump when the fake news is endlessly repeated, even years later, thereafter.
They do the same with anyone associated with Trump too, of course. Like the CNN bitch who said Sarah Huckabee had threatened her with physical violence when Sanders merely noted, after the bitch had tried to put words in her mouth, that "you don't know me."