monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:20 pm
What I consider Communists as are obsolete, on the dustbin of history and not infiltrating anybody anymore.

Naive is the nicest thing I can say about you. So you are saying Obama's legacy will have some company in the dustbin?
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:21 pm
You really don't know jack **** about European politics, or for that matter about the multifarous versions of socialism, do you? You just know uber-right memes.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:23 pm
layman wrote:
"Democratic Socialism" is just the latest in a long series of euphemisms,
Indeed, 'invented' just recently, 150 years ago.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:31 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Indeed, 'invented' just recently, 150 years ago.

And co-opted in this country in 2016 by Bernie Sanders and his communist front movement, eh? They have to keep switching and recycling tags in an attempt to disguise their commieism. It never lasts long. Americans can spot a filthy commie a mile off.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:37 pm
Americans can spot a filthy commie a mile off.

We have known for a while.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:39 pm
Democratic socialism is a political philosophy that advocates political democracy alongside social ownership of the means of production with an emphasis on self-management and democratic management of economic institutions within a market socialist, participatory or decentralized planned economy.[2] Democratic socialists hold that capitalism is inherently incompatible with what they hold to be the democratic values of liberty, equality and solidarity; and that these ideals can only be achieved through the realization of a socialist society.

More recently, the U.S. Senator Bernie Sanders from Vermont described himself as a democratic socialist,


Commie-ass commies, sho nuff.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:41 pm
coldjoint wrote:
Everyone knows the bias of Facebook. It means ****. More propaganda and spin aimed squarely at conservative pro-American ideas.

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - U.S. Homeland Security Secretary Kirstjen Nielsen commended Facebook on Tuesday for taking action to interrupt a political influence campaign on its site and said it showed the company was taking election security seriously.

“This is a very good news story because it’s showing that Facebook is taking this very seriously, so they should be commended for what they did today,” she said in an interview with Fox News. “It also shows that the threat is very real and Americans need to know that.”
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:42 pm
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:45 pm
thzt's ONE variety of many of democratic socialism. Probably unlike all the righties who spout off on the subject, I've actually known a number of communists. I found them rigid and doctrinaire, commited to ideology and unwilling to examine the real world. Quite a bit like most conservatives, in fact.

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:49 pm
I've actually known a number of communists.

0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:58 pm
Between 1922 and 1991 an entire large Christian nation was basically sacrificed in an experiment to determine whether or not communism could be made to work. We all know the basic answer. Things in Russia got so bad that the Communists themselves ultimately gave up on it when it finally dawned upon them that they were all going to starve to death if they kept on with it.

Whenever I've spoken with people from Russia who are old enough that their parents or grandparents lived under the tsars, I've asked the same question: "Жизн в России была хуже под царями или под коммунистами?" ("Was life in Russia worse under the tsars or under the Communists?") The answer always comes back the same way, that life under the tsars was bad enough that it never occurred to anybody that it could get worse... But it didn't just get a little bit worse; after 10 or 12 years of THAT ****, people were speaking of tsarist times as the good old days.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:58 pm
Four US paramedics accused of racially profiling and failing to provide medical care to a dying woman face a disciplinary hearing on Tuesday.

Crystle Galloway's mother says medics assumed the Tampa, Florida, family could not afford the ambulance cost.

The 30-year-old's mother drove her to hospital instead. Ms Galloway slipped in to a coma after suffering a presumed stroke, and died five days later.

Hillsborough County officials have already accepted responsibility.

The incident occurred early on the morning of 4 July this year, days after Ms Galloway had given birth by Caesarean section.

Her mother, Nicole Black, called 911 after finding her daughter slumped in the bath, drooling from swollen lips.

The ambulance crew arrived at Ms Galloway's third-floor apartment, and carried her downstairs.

Ms Black told US media. "They kept asking her over and over, 'Do you want to go to the hospital? Do you want to go to the hospital?' She kept begging and telling them yes."

But instead of the ambulance, Ms Black said they placed her daughter in her car.

"They never took blood pressure," said Mrs Black. "They never took her temperature. They never checked any of her vitals.

"They were too busy or too caught up in convincing us that she couldn't afford it.

"There was reference to, 'Didn't you just have a newborn baby? Do you really want to spend $600 to go three blocks?'

"'Oh, have you been drinking? Were you guys celebrating Fourth of July? Is that why your head hurts?'"

Ms Black said the medics spent 12 minutes urging her to drive her daughter to hospital herself, as Ms Galloway lay on the ground "in the foetal position".

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:06 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

You really don't know jack **** about the multifarous versions of socialism, do you? You just know uber-right memes.

Commie #1: I'm a Marxist

Commie #2: I'm a Leninist

Commie #3: I'm a Stalinist

Commie #4: I'm a Trotskyite

Commie #5: I'm a progressive

Commie #6: I'm a democratic socialist

Commie #7: ....

Shut the **** up., already. You're all cheese-eatin commies.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:11 pm

longish interesting read

in summary

Because so many attorneys working for the White House counsel have been witnesses in the special counsel’s investigation, and because their testimony will clearly be crucial in determining whether the president obstructed justice, Don McGahn took the extraordinary step last summer of recusing his entire staff from advising the president further about the Russia investigation.

The February 15 memo, combined with accounts given to the special counsel by Priebus and McGahn, constitutes the most compelling evidence we yet know of that Donald Trump may have obstructed justice. In an effort to persuade the American people that the president has done nothing wrong, Trump and his supporters have blamed those they identify as their political adversaries—from President Barack Obama to Jim Comey, and including entire institutions such as the FBI and CIA, and an ill-defined “Deep State.”

But the most compelling evidence that the president may have obstructed justice appears to come from his own most senior and loyal aides.

The greatest threat to his presidency is not from his enemies, real or perceived, but from his allies within the White House.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:22 pm

Isn't it nice the BBC has so much time on their hands. These are exceptions, not the rule. It is an on going propaganda campaign. In the meantime, their own politicians are being condemned for discussing gang rapes by Muslims.

The persecution of Sarah Champion
The MP is being punished for daring to talk about Muslim grooming gangs.

The UK is on the shithole express.

0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:25 pm

Ezra Klein

In 2016, Donald Trump wielded that same sense of change as a threat; he was the revanchist voice of those who yearned to make America the way it was before, to make it great again. That was the impulse that connected the wall to keep Mexicans out, the ban to keep Muslims away, the birtherism meant to prove Obama couldn’t possibly be a legitimate president. An America that would elect Donald Trump president was an America in which a future was being written that could read thrillingly similar to our past.

This is the core cleavage of our politics, and it reflects the fundamental reality of our era: America is changing, and fast. According to the Census Bureau, 2013 marked the first year that a majority of US infants under the age of 1 were nonwhite. The announcement, made during the second term of the nation’s first African-American president, was not a surprise. Demographers had been predicting such a tipping point for years, and they foresaw more to come.

The government predicts that in 2030, immigration will overtake new births as the dominant driver of population growth. About 15 years after that, America will phase into majority-minority status — for the first time in the nation’s history, non-Hispanic whites will no longer make up a majority of the population.

That cross will come in part because America’s black, Hispanic, Asian, and mixed-race populations are expected to grow — indeed, the Hispanic and Asian populations are expected to roughly double, and the mixed-race population to triple. Meanwhile, the non-Hispanic white population is, uniquely, expected to fall, dipping from 199 million in 2020 to 179 million in 2060. The Census Bureau minces no words here: “The only group projected to shrink is the non-Hispanic White population,” they report.

This isn’t just a statement about the future; it’s a description of the present. The economist Jed Kolko notes that the most common age for white Americans is 58, for Asians it’s 29, for African Americans it’s 27, and for Hispanics it’s 11. A new report out of the University of Wisconsin Madison’s Applied Population Lab found that white births are now outnumbered by white deaths in 26 states, up from 17 in 2014 and four in 2004.

Meanwhile, America’s foreign-born population is projected to rise from 14 percent of the population today to 17 percent in 2060, 2 percentage points above the record set in 1890. The rise has been staggering in its speed: As recently as the 1970s, America’s foreign-born population was under 5 percent.

Demographers can and do disagree over whether these projections will hold. Perhaps Hispanic whites will begin identifying simply as whites in the coming years, much as the Irish became white in the 20th century. Race is what we make of it, and what we make of it shifts and mutates.

Another way to say that is it’s often our perception of race and power that matters. In that case, though, most Americans feel the browning of America is happening even faster than the demographers report. Back in 2013, the Center for American Progress, PolicyLink, and the Rockefeller Foundation surveyed Americans and found that the median participant believed the country was 49 percent nonwhite; the correct answer was 37 percent.

I spent months talking with politicians, social psychologists, and political scientists about what happens in moments like this one, moments when a majority feels its dominance beginning to fail. The answer, attested to in mountains of studies and visible everywhere in our politics, is this: Change of this magnitude acts on us psychologically, not just electorally. It is the crucial context uniting the core political conflicts of this era — Obama and Trump’s presidencies, the rise of reactionary new social movements and thinkers, the wars over political correctness on campuses and representation in Hollywood, the power of #MeToo and BlackLivesMatter, the fights over immigration.

Demographic change, and the fears and hopes it evokes, is one of the tectonic forces shaping this era in American life, joining income inequality and political polarization in transforming every aspect of our politics and culture. But to understand what it is doing to us as a country, we need to begin by understanding what it does to us as individuals.

giant snip - this section has links to some interesting research


Obama’s presidency didn’t force race to the forefront of American politics through rhetoric or action but through symbolism: Obama himself was a symbol of a changing America, of white America’s loss of power, of the fact that the country was changing and new groups were gaining power. That perception wasn’t incorrect: In his 2012 reelection campaign, Obama won merely 39 percent of the white vote — a smaller share than Michael Dukakis had commanded in 1988. That is to say, a few decades ago, the multiracial Obama coalition couldn’t drive American politics; by 2012, it could.

The changes that led to Obama’s presidency are everywhere in our culture. We live in an America where television programs, commercials, and movies are trying to represent a browner country; where Black Panther is a celebrated cultural event and #OscarsSoWhite is a nationally known hashtag; where NFL players kneel during the national anthem to protest police brutality and pressing 1 for English is commonplace.

There’s a reason why, when the Russians wanted to sow division in the American election, they focused their social media trolling on America’s racial divisions.

White voters who feel they are losing a historical hold on power are reacting to something real. For the bulk of American history, you couldn’t win the presidency without winning a majority — usually an overwhelming majority — of the white vote. Though this changed before Obama (Bill Clinton won slightly less of the white vote than his Republican challengers), the election of an African-American president leading a young, multiracial coalition made the transition stark and threatening.

This is the crucial context for Trump’s rise, and it’s why Tesler has little patience for those who treat Trump as an invader in the Republican Party. In a field of Republicans who were trying to change the party to appeal to a rising Hispanic electorate, Trump was alone in speaking to Republican voters who didn’t want the party to remake itself, who wanted to be told that a wall could be built and things could go back to the way they were.

“Trump met the party where it was rather than trying to change it,“ Tesler says. “He was hunting where the ducks were.”

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:29 pm
This is the crucial context for Trump’s rise, and it’s why Tesler has little patience for those who treat Trump as an invader in the Republican Party. In a field of Republicans who were trying to change the party to appeal to a rising Hispanic electorate, Trump was alone in speaking to Republican voters who didn’t want the party to remake itself, who wanted to be told that a wall could be built and things could go back to the way they were.

That is an opinion which is not and cannot be proven fact based in anyway, shape, or form. Try again. Lying rhetoric is lying rhetoric.

How about that Islamic terror problem? Doesn't Justin need your help?
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:40 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

What I consider Communists as are obsolete, on the dustbin of history and not infiltrating anybody anymore.

Tell it to Obama, eh?

Accuracy in Academia wrote:
Until now, precious little information has come to light about President Obama’s youthful political views. That may change as disclosures by former political science professor Dr. John C. Drew eventually surface in the mainstream press.

During an evening he spent with Obama in late 1980, Drew, a former Marxist, recalled that the young Obama was not only a passionate Marxist, but a Marxist-Leninist, devoted to the revolutionary overthrow of the capitalist system in America.

The meeting occurred in late December, 1980 when Drew, a 1979 Occidental College graduate in his second year of Cornell University grad school, visited his girlfriend, still an Occidental student, who shared a political theory class with Obama.

As a serious Marxist revolutionary himself in those days, Drew said that as soon as he met young Barack, he realized that this radical college sophomore wasn’t just “dabbling in Marxism . . . he was a Marxist-Leninist dedicated to the overthrow of the capitalist system.

Drew says that his “most vivid memory of Obama was the way he strongly argued a rather simple-minded version of Marxist theory,” while he (Drew) had moved on to a more pessimistic graduate school view that true revolution would never happen in this country.

During their meeting, Drew recalls that Obama believed that “America was definitely the enemy, and American elites were the enemy, and whatever America was doing was definitely wrong and bad. He thought that perhaps the Soviet Union was misunderstood, and it was doing a better job for its people than most people realized."

Drew says that his meeting with Obama some 30 years ago provided useful evidence of why he was able to win the trust and support of people like Bill Ayers, Bernardine Dohrn, and Alice Palmer. He believes that Obama “never surrendered that tough, Marxist socialist ideology I saw in him as a sophomore at Occidental College.”

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:40 pm

White America is quietly self-segregating
Everyone wants diversity. But not everyone wants it on their street.

But this isn't a story about what minorities have done. It's about how many white people have reacted to increasing exposure to nonwhite populations, who are following in their footsteps and pursuing the traditional American dream. The reaction is not always articulated or even intentional; in fact, most people say they want to live in a diverse and integrated community; they, too, have the dream that no one will be judged by the color of their skin.

But data shows that as minorities move into suburbs, white families are making small and personal decisions that add velocity to the momentum of discrimination. They are increasingly choosing to self-segregate into racially isolated communities — "hunkering down," as Lichter likes to call it — and preserving a specific kind of dream.

this study is referenced in this article and the one just above that I posted


A few years ago, researchers conducted an experiment in which they took a group of about 200 white people and primed some of them with different news articles. When the respondents were reminded about America's growing diversity, they showed more bias against black people.


another large snip

And even when white families live in relatively diverse suburbs or urban neighborhoods, the one place integration has to be faced head on is in traditional public schools, where catchment areas determine where your child goes.

In a place like North Carolina, white families are using charter schools to escape this system. And as a whole, studies show that charter schools have created more segregation than traditional schools. It can be a tool to integrate schools, but that’s not what’s happening — white children who choose to go to charter schools are choosing to go to predominantly white schools, and black children to a predominantly black one. In short, charter schools are being used by some as a self-segregation tool.

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 01:52 pm
Idiot of the Week: White People Have No Culture

Looks like someone beat Justin to it. What is he doing about Islamic terror? Making beds in the hotels?

Self-loathing white people are some of the most disturbing people to have ever drawn breath. Drama queens might be the best way to describe them, for they obsess endlessly about things they haven’t done, they elevate petty problems to the world stage and bury major ones behind a veneer of political correctness. A white kid wearing dreadlocks is the end of the world. But recognizing that ISIS lobs gay people off of buildings for amusement is probably racism (even though, paradoxically, Islam is not a race). Sanctimony is their religion, Social Justice their crusade, and endless self-hatred their spiritual diet.

Here’s a window into the insane mind of one of these cretins: White People Have No Culture. And it cries out in the darkness of colossal ignorance for a proper fisking. Let us begin our descent past an event horizon of stupidity, a singularity of dedicated ignorance…

Keep reading.

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