monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 31 Jul, 2018 10:35 am
More at link.

A hotly contested US congressional race has turned Sasquatch ugly after one candidate accused the other of being "a devotee of Bigfoot erotica".

The row began after the Democratic candidate in Virginia tweeted an image of the beast taken from the Instagram account of her Republican rival.

"This is not what we need on Capitol Hill," Democrat Leslie Cockburn wrote with the drawing of a naked Sasquatch.

Republican Denver Riggleman denies he was writing a book about Bigfoot sex.

Walter Hinteler
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 10:48 am
Facebook says it has uncovered a coordinated disinformation operation ahead of midterm elections involving false pages and profiles
The social media company said that it couldn’t tie the activity to Russia, which interfered on its platform around the 2016 presidential election. But Facebook said the three dozen profiles shared a pattern of behavior with the previous Russian disinformation campaign.

A congressional aide said there’s no evidence that political candidates were targeted in the new disinformation effort, but that pages and accounts sought to spread politically divisive content around social issues. Facebook briefed House and Senate lawmakers this week.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 10:52 am
I'm gunna just haul off and take a wild-ass guess: I'll bet this guy never showed on the court hearing date written on all the notices to appear given to him by Obama and a deportation order was given "in absentia" each time, eh?

Illegal immigrant deported 5 times from US sentenced for third DUI

A Mexican native was sentenced to nine months in jail for his third DUI in Virginia. Santos-Ochoa was convicted in federal court in Texas of “re-entering the U.S. after being deported — in 2009, 2011 and 2012 — and sentenced to seven months, 180 days and 15 months, respectively, in federal prison,” court documents stated.

Mario Santos-Ochoa, 44, was sentenced to nine months in jail on Monday and immigration authorities placed a detainer on him, the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. Two years before the incident, Santos-Ochoa was convicted of his second DUI. He was also convicted three times of “giving a false identity to police.” He could be deported again after serving his time.

Santos-Ochoa has four children, ages 9 to 21 years old, who were all born in the U.S., his attorney, Catherine Lawler said. He was deported five times between September 1997 and September 2014.

Chesterfield Circuit Judge Frederick G. Rockwell III sentenced Santos-Ochoa to “five years in prison with all but seven months suspended on the felony third offense DUI charge and fined him $1,000,” the Richmond Times-Dispatch reported. He was also sentenced to “an additional five years with all but two months suspended on the felony identify fraud count.”

“He is a danger to Chesterfield and a danger to the community,” prosecutor Ben Garrison said.

Sounds like this guy loves U.S. jails, eh? But how could these horrible prosecutors and judges brutally separate him from his children during all that jail time!? It's barbaric, I tellzya! This guy was inhumanely deprived of the pleasure of driving the streets with his kids in his car beside him for all that time, ya know?

Well, at least we won't be separating them from him when we deport his ass again. His 4 kids are free to go Mexico with him. Maybe deported with him too, after having their citizenship stripped for aiding and abetting an illegal alien, eh?

0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:02 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Facebook have started a huge ad campaign about how they're tackling fake news, the fact that they've only started doing it after a select committee has released its findings could be coincidental.

I get the feeling they're jumping before being pushed, how far reaching the legislation may be could depend on how cooperative they're being. And they're being as cooperative as Trump at a meeting of dictator's arses.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:08 am
Facebook have started a huge ad campaign about how they're tackling fake news,

Everyone knows the bias of Facebook. It means ****. More propaganda and spin aimed squarely at conservative pro-American ideas. 0.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:09 am
People who play with fire usually end up getting burned.

Oh you can throw eggs at me. I've been thrown worse things.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:22 am
I guess these candyass professors don't think their "safe space" will be safe enough now, eh?

Trump aide Marc Short's hiring at University of Virginia prompts professors' resignation

Two University of Virginia history professors have resigned from the school’s Miller Center for Public Affairs after it hired Marc Short, a former Trump aide.

Professors William I. Hitchcock and Melvyn P. Leffler said the hiring of Short, who was the White House director of legislative and intergovernmental affairs, violated the Miller Center’s values...

“Your decision was made without adequate faculty discussion, deliberation, and a vote,” Hitchcock and Leffler said in their resignation letter.

After the news, 150 UVA faculty and students signed a petition calling for the university to revoke the hiring of Short. An identical Change.org petition has also garnered more than 3,000 signatures as of Tuesday morning. “No one should be serving at the highest levels of this administration, daily supporting and defending its actions one week, then representing UVA the next.” the petition said.

These chumps seem to think they were hired to run the school, instead just teaching, eh?

Good riddance, cheese-eaters.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:33 am
...Short, who was the White House director of legislative and intergovernmental affairs...

God forbid that a professor with actual government experience should be allowed at their "Center for Public Affairs," eh? Only professors who had an education consisting of having the Communist Manifesto read to them by their professors and have since remained in the 'safe space" of their ivory tower should be allowed to interact with youth who will soon enter the real world.

3,000+ signatures on an intolerant commie-ass petition designed to get this guy fired shows you just how much they actually support "diversity," eh?

If I were the dean, I would fire every last prof. who signed that petition. You can't have an academic staff which is composed of anti-intellectuals who are opposed to academic freedom.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:47 am
thatll show us about how to deal with all this free speech ****.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 11:55 am
farmerman wrote:

thatll show us about how to deal with all this free speech ****.

Exactly, Farmer. It is the obligation of University administrators to serve the needs of their students, not the speech-suppressive subversive ideology of commie infiltrators.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:00 pm
sheesh, talk about being stuck in the 1950s, "commie infiltrators", geez. you sure they're not shape-shifting alien invaders from another galaxy. ?
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:03 pm
"commie infiltrators"

That is what your side is screaming. For Christ's sake, do you pay any attention?
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:05 pm
yeah, youll get 10 to 20 sure, as well as violating the TOS.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:05 pm
Where the hell is Tail-gunner Joe when ya really need his ass, eh?

0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:07 pm
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:08 pm
Russians. Not commies, you're thirty yearts behind the e times, with obsolete Red Scare tactics. Layman regularly accuses libeerals of being commies. Clueess.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:10 pm
Russians. Not commies,

If they are both enemies what is the difference? You probably do not consider Communists an enemy.
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:16 pm
What I consider Communists as are obsolete, on the dustbin of history and not infiltrating anybody anymore. RUSSIAN spies, with no communist affiliation, but Putin's lackies, on the other hand.....
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:16 pm
Here is your free speech advocate.
Muslim Congressman tells Amazon to Stop Selling Books that Liberals Don’t Like

Ellison, who is “the deputy chair of the Democratic National Committee, wrote to Amazon.com’s Jeff Bezos, demanding that he no longer sell at Amazon any material that the Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC) dislikes.”

Two jokes, Elison and the SPLC.
0 Replies
Tue 31 Jul, 2018 12:17 pm
MontereyJack wrote:

Russians. Not commies, you're thirty yearts behind the e times, with obsolete Red Scare tactics. Layman regularly accuses libeerals of being commies. Clueess.

Wise up, chump. "Democratic Socialism" is just the latest in a long series of euphemisms, such as "progressive," adopted by commies in a transparent attempt to disguise their Marxist ideology and totalitarian agenda, eh? A commie by any other name.....

And no doubt you are one. I'm sure you agree 100% that the guy needs to be fired, eh?

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