blatham wrote:
Quote:CBO Projects Obamacare Repeal Would Leave 32 Million Uninsured By 2026
Aside from the abysmal morality of this, there's a very real electoral consequence for the GOP if they head in this direction. Blue collar and older demographics will be hit by this along with the poor and middle class. Because of the tax structures the GOP wants and is promising, the wealthy and very wealthy will gain and they'll be the only ones who do.
Blatham's inferences here are badly misleading.
Presumably these 32 million folks are currently paying for coverage under the existing law, or alternatively, not participating at all, and paying the tax penalty or fine, or whatever the USSC prefers to call it. If the replacement plan does not provide for compulsory insurance ( a likelihood) some, presumably including all or most of those who currently do so, will choose to remain without insurance. That leaves only the folks currently paying for insurance under Obama Care.
It seems very likely to me that with some very likely liberalization of the current rules requiring state-by-state segmentation of health insurance policies, the increased competition, availability of options and customer selectivity that will be created, plus the removal of all the truly silly coverage mandates in the ACA , these folks will be able to find more appropriate coverage at a lower cost than they are paying now.
In any event, the alternative is the collapse of ACA, which will occur next year as losses and rates increase and more insurers withdraw from the exchanges.
Debra Law might call this "the fallacy of the meaningless or distorted comparison". However, I hesitate to speak for her.