Quote:Former Trump campaign aide Sam Nunberg also told CNN’s Jake Tapper earlier this year that Trump knew about the meeting. “He talked about it a week before,” Nunberg added.
This distortion is obviously an attempt to insinuate that Nunberg, as a campaign aide, was privy to a meeting where he personally heard Trump "talk about the meeting."
A complete lie.
1. Nunberg NEVER told Tapper that Trump knew about the meeting. He merely said that he believed Trump knew.
2. The "talk" he is referring only to Trump's public statement that he would later be giving a speech about Clinton. In other words, the same senseless horseshit that Huffpo is trying to peddle. Furthermore, the suggestion by Nunberg is that the got the information from Tapper himself.
Quote:Candidate Donald Trump vowed to expose dirt on his political opponents Bill and Hillary Clinton...Trump never delivered on his promise...
The men expected to be presented with damaging information about Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, but the attorney failed to deliver, Donald Trump Jr. told Senate investigators.
His father’s promised speech on the Clintons then sank without a trace.
More absolute and unqualified lies, which have more than amply been exposed. Yet this post gets 6 thumbs up, and you continue to adamantly defend it, Hi.
All this proves, Hi, is that you and your homeys are complete liars and sophists. You continue to lie when everyone knows you're lyiing. Well, that may be too harsh. Maybe you're all just mentally ill after having contracted Trump Derangement Syndrome, who knows for sure?