So, it's her business to "expose" the "radical right," eh? It shows. This article is basically a prosecutor's closing argument, "proving" that Trump was acting in Russia's interests in compliance with russian demands.
Any rumor, however unfounded, is treated by her as probable fact. Any statement of anybody associated with Clinton is treated as being indubitably true, and any facts or claims which counter her long-winded "conviction" are treated as lies by republican political operatives. Speculation is rampant on her part, but not without leading her to undeniable "conclusions."
The whole article is so thoroughly biased and partisan that I'm sure every cheese-eater believes every word of it, without any question or analysis. They've KNOWN it was all true for years now, anyway, after all.
Steele and all his impeccably honest, impartial, patriotic homeys at the justice department, the FBI, the Clinton campaign, and intelligence agencies, foreign and domestic, have been so badly mistreated, eh?
She does kinda slip at one point by including Ohr's statement that Steele “was desperate that Donald Trump not get elected and was passionate about him not being President."
"Desperate and passionate" pretty much describes every left-wing wacko out there, so he fits in pretty well with the accepted narrative, I'm sure.