monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 28 Jul, 2018 07:29 am
The great American General Tecumsah S. Sherman understood war, and observed that "War is hell." His idea of war was TOTAL WAR, designed to completely obliterate an opponent's ability to even exist by destroying their means of survival.

The path he left on his "march to the sea" from Atlanta was jam-packed with poisoned wells, dead livestock, burnt houses, and corpses.

Trump studied Sherman well when he was in military school. He is now applying those tactics. He will soon completely deprive the Democratic Party of it's ability to exist by deporting every illegal alien in the country.

Like Sherman, Trump says "Don't blame me." You started this all-out war, and now you're gunna hafta to suffer the consequences.
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 07:41 am
An Iranian special forces commander has warned President Donald Trump if the US attacks Iran it "will destroy all that you possess".

Major General Qassem Soleimani vowed that if Mr Trump started a war, the Islamic Republic would end it, Iranian news agency Tasnim reported.

It follows Mr Trump's all-caps-lock tweet warning Iran's president to "never, ever" threaten the US.

Tensions have risen since the US withdrew from the 2015 Iran deal.

Maj Gen Soleimani - who leads the Quds Force of Iran's elite Revolutionary Guards - was quoted on Thursday as saying: "As a soldier, it is my duty to respond to your threats.

"Talk to me, not to the president [Hassan Rouhani]. It is not in our president's dignity to respond to you.


There's a lot of Persians living in America. There's been plenty of time to set up sleeper cells and draw up plans for assaults on Trump's property.

I expect Trump will do what he does best, back down, just like he did with Putin and Juncker, then try to claim a victory which only the lickspittles will believe.
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 07:53 am
There's a lot of Persians living in America. There's been plenty of time to set up sleeper cells and draw up plans for assaults on Trump's property.

Not for long, eh? Deporting muslims is the highest priority now, ahead of even murderers, ya know? Well, not like there's any real differences, actually.
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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:13 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:
That's why the import of US-soybeans won't be big success.
Are there enough non-GMO beans to satisfy demand?
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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:21 am
President Donald Trump's lawyer, Rudy Giuliani, substantially weakened his case against Michael Cohen by going back and forth as to whether Cohen could tell federal prosecutors the truth, said Jay Goldberg, President Donald Trump's friend and former lawyer.

Giuliani called Cohen, Trump's former personal lawyer, "honorable" and truthful on several occasions before an audio recording of a discussion between Cohen and Trump about buying rights to a Playboy model's story about an alleged affair Trump took part in became publicized.

After CNN aired the audio, Giuliani called Cohen a "pathological liar" and said he doesn't "see how he has any credibility."

"I expected something like this from Cohen," Giuliani told CNN's Chris Cuomo on Thursday. "He's been lying all week. He's been lying for years."

Goldberg, who served as Trump's divorce lawyer for the President's first two marriages, said Giuliani "immeasurably" damaged his case against Cohen by changing his tune.

"I knew as soon as Giuliani spoke that he was damaging Trump's case immeasurably," Goldberg told CNN's "Erin Burnett Out Front." "It ranks near 100 in terms of damage."


Washington (CNN)President Donald Trump's attorney, Rudy Giuliani, said Sunday that he isn't concerned about Michael Cohen potentially cooperating with federal prosecutors.

"I don't know what he has to flip over," Giuliani said of Cohen, Trump's former personal attorney, on CNN's "State of the Union." "What I do know is there is no evidence of wrongdoing with President Trump. So we're very comfortable. If he believes it's in his best interest to cooperate, God bless him. He should cooperate. I think the man has been horribly treated by the people he's going to cooperate with, but sometimes you have no other choice."

Giuliani also said that if Cohen tells the truth, "we're home free."

Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:27 am
Rudy, an idiot and a lying douchebag? I suppose that's possible.
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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:29 am
Trump studied Sherman well when he was in military school. He is now applying those tactics. He will soon completely deprive the Democratic Party of it's ability to exist by deporting every illegal alien in the country.

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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:34 am
Iran has a history of ******* with people who ought not to be fucked with, including the very last guy in the entire history of the planet that you'd ever want to **** with i.e. Genghis Khan. That sort of thing has never worked out well for them.

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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:36 am
layman wrote:
The path he left on his "march to the sea" from Atlanta was jam-packed with poisoned wells, dead livestock, burnt houses, and corpses.

Like Trump, it wasn't nuthin purty, but, again like Trump, it got the job done:


From November 15 until December 21, 1864, Union General William T. Sherman led some 60,000 soldiers on a 285-mile march from Atlanta to Savannah, Georgia. The Yankees were “not only fighting hostile armies, but a hostile people,” Sherman explained; as a result, they needed to “make old and young, rich and poor, feel the hard hand of war.”

Sherman believed that the Confederacy derived its strength not from its fighting forces but from the material and moral support of sympathetic Southern whites. Factories, farms and railroads provided Confederate troops with the things they needed, he reasoned; and if he could destroy those things, the Confederate war effort would collapse. Meanwhile, his troops could undermine Southern morale by making life so unpleasant for Georgia’s civilians that they would demand an end to the war.

"We must war upon and destroy the organized rebel forces,–must cut off their supplies, destroy their communications…and produce among the people of Georgia a thorough conviction of the personal misery which attends war, and the utter helplessness and inability of their ‘rulers’ to protect them...it is mercy in the end.”

The Union soldiers raided farms and plantations, stealing and slaughtering cows, chickens, turkeys, sheep and hogs and taking as much other food–especially bread and potatoes–as they could carry. (These groups of foraging soldiers were nicknamed “bummers,” and they burned whatever they could not carry.)

Sherman’s troops arrived in Savannah on December 21, 1864, about three weeks after they left Atlanta. The city was undefended when they got there. (The 10,000 Confederates who were supposed to be guarding it had already fled.) Sherman presented the city of Savannah and its 25,000 bales of cotton to President Lincoln as a Christmas gift.Early in 1865, Sherman and his men left Savannah and pillaged and burned their way through South Carolina to Charleston. In April, the Confederacy surrendered and the war was over.

Sherman’s “total war” in Georgia was brutal and destructive, but it did just what it was supposed to do: it hurt Southern morale, made it impossible for the Confederates to fight at full capacity and likely hastened the end of the war.


As with Sherman, history will view Trump as a great commander who saved a great nation from imminent collapse.

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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 08:57 am
What was meant to be a celebratory tour of the Midwest on Thursday turned sour for President Donald Trump when he learned federal prosecutors were looking to question his company's longtime financial boss.

Phoning his attorneys and other confidantes from behind his desk on Air Force One, Trump sought more details about what precisely the Southern District of New York wanted to know from Allen Weisselberg, the Trump Organization's chief financial officer who is so close to the President he once appeared on "The Apprentice."

For Trump, the news added another unfortunate layer to his growing frustration at the swirling legal questions now clouding both his administration and his business. Trump's mood, people inside the White House say, has grown dark as his longtime fixer Michael Cohen executes a very public breakup. Even as he worked to exude confidence about a roaring economy and handshake deal with Europe, the encroaching troubles made for another agony-and-ecstasy week.

"They're dying to see us make a little bit of a mistake," Trump lamented Thursday from inside a Granite City, Illinois, steel plant, where he was hoping to exult in positive economic news in front of a supportive crowd. Aides said they organized the tour hoping to spotlight policies that have helped boost American manufacturing. Privately, some also concede getting Trump on the road is a way to distract him from the persistent drip-drip of the Russia investigation.

But even in the heartland, his mind turned again to his troubles back home. Glaring at a row of television cameras, he mimicked his media critics and flashed irritation at the spotlight that comes with his office.

"These people, they analyze every single word and they follow us," he complained, describing an experience that every president in the age of television has endured. "The good news is: we can get the word out."


I am sure Sherman thought he was personally persecuted to have to fight those pesky rebels.

The trouble with Trump is he forgets or ignores the fact that he is supposed to be a president for all the people in a free democracy with a free press, even those who did not vote for him or do not agree with him. He is not supposed to treat those who disagree or simply ask him uncomfortable questions as though they are the enemy in a war zone.
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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 09:05 am
izzythepush wrote:

An Iranian special forces commander has warned President Donald Trump if the US attacks Iran it "will destroy all that you possess".

Yeah, right, eh? Kinda like Saddam talking trash about "the mother of all wars" before getting the mother of all beatdowns, eh?

Anyone remember the muslim intramural Iran/Iraq War?

That ROCKED, eh? It was muslim on muslim and it dragged on for 8 years. Toward the end, the "armies" consisted of 10 year-old kids on one side shooting at 9 year-old kids on the other.

The conflict has been compared to World War I in terms of the tactics used, including large-scale trench warfare with barbed wire stretched across fortified defensive lines, manned machine guns, bayonet charges, Iranian human wave attacks, extensive use of chemical weapons by Iraq, and, later, deliberate attacks on civilian targets.

An estimated 500,000 Iraqi and Iranian soldiers died, in addition to a similar number of civilians. The end of the war resulted in neither reparations nor border changes.


Needless to say, we wisely supplied both sides with weapons, including chemical weapons, throughout.
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 09:19 am
I read that at least 1% of that growth can be attributed to tax avoiding exports before the new rates apply, soybeans being a big export. That's not going to happen again, and what was good for the economy in the first half of the year will be very bad in the second half.
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 09:20 am
As much as they hate westerners and western culture, the truth is that a muslim enjoys nothing more than busting a cap in the ass of some other muslim who is not part of his particular religious sect, eh?
0 Replies
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 09:28 am
On The Last Leg last night, after watching another one of Trump's recent mangled speeches, Josh Widdecombe asked if anyone remembered Dubya's misunderestimated. The comics had a lot of fun with that which went on for weeks, but with Trump it's a daily event, almost every other word of his agonised prose is nonsense. You can't point out anything stupid he says because a couple of seconds later he says something even stupider. It's stupidity overkill.
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 09:59 am
izzythepush wrote:

An Iranian special forces commander has warned President Donald Trump if the US attacks Iran it "will destroy all that you possess".

There's a reason why Trump has astutely been acting like we're friends with Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and all those other muslims in the mid-east. Trump has adopted the "Truman Doctrine," and is fixin to implement it. It will soon be Iran and Syria against the rest of the middle east and we will help, as needed.

Harry S. Truman wrote:
"If we see that Germany is winning, we ought to help Russia, and if Russia is winning we ought to help Germany, and that way we let them kill as many as possible." (1941)

Putin will do his part too, of course, and he and Trump have already agreed to split up the joint 50/50, with a modest carve-out for Israel, when the entire mideast degenerates into utter chaos, ya know?

Get ready for gas prices to hit a 40-year low, eh!?
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 10:09 am
hes rich ore for comedians to mine the world over. I shoulda wrapped up his "Plumpisms" into contract language.
Sat 28 Jul, 2018 10:12 am
I can tell you this, Farmer. Trump's oratory is very, very great, believe me. The greatest of all damn time. It's strictly Big League ****, ya know?
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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 10:18 am
Trump initially supported the second Gulf War. But once he found out that Dubya wasn't planning to steal all the oil, he knew it was stupid.

Not to worry, though. Now he can fix all that.

the Cheese-eatin Guardian wrote:
Trump's plan to seize Iraq's oil: 'It's not stealing, we're reimbursing ourselves'

One of the recurring themes of Donald Trump’s national security strategy is his plan to “take the oil” in Iraq and from areas controlled by Islamic State (Isis) extremists. It would drain Isis’s coffers and reimburse the US for the costs of its military commitments in the Middle East, the candidate insists.

At a forum hosted by NBC on 7 September, Trump suggested oil seizure would have been a way to pay for the Iraq war, saying: “We go in, we spend $3tn, we lose thousands and thousands of lives, and then … what happens is we get nothing. You know, it used to be to the victor belong the spoils.

He added: “One of the benefits we would have had if we took the oil is Isis would not have been able to take oil and use that oil to fuel themselves.

The idea predates Trump’s presidential campaign. As far back as 2011, he was telling the Wall Street Journal that this was his policy for Iraq. “You heard me, I would take the oil,” he said. “I would not leave Iraq and let Iran take the oil.” And he insisted to ABC News that this did not amount to national theft.

“You’re not stealing anything,” Trump said. “We’re reimbursing ourselves … at a minimum, and I say more. We’re taking back $1.5tn to reimburse ourselves.”

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Sat 28 Jul, 2018 11:09 am
I've been really busy and haven't gotten to this yet but Jane Mayer has a piece up on Christopher Steele NYer link

Mayer is one of the very best reporters around so it will be worth your while to bookmark and read. I swear to god.

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