Your take (or emotional response) re Warren is very different from mine. That's interesting.
Quote:I was talking about the need for the Democrats to find a young, smart AND charismatic candidate years ago. Neither of the major US parties seems to have a gift for bringing young candidates up through the ranks. I think it's a horrible gap.
I think there's no question that much too little work has gone into building/maintaining infrastructure which enthuses, tutors and organizes young people even if I also think that in the present culture this is a very problematic undertaking (quite different from the sixties). But, yes, it does have to be done regardless.
In my eyes, the most hopeful phenomenon (by far) was the Women's March which produced the largest protest gathering in human history. And as I've said before, I do think that US democracy is likely toast unless many more women become active, run for office and then achieve office. I want a candidate who builds on that dynamic and who, once in office, will have the intellectual and experiential background to push progressive values and legislation.