This thought (turning over an American citizen) should never be entertained, much less spoken, for goddamn certain should never be spoken in public by a US president.
What's being humorously uncovered (humorous from Putin's perspective, for certain--and from a decidedly black humor standpoint for realists in the peanut gallery) is the fact that our country is guilty of everything our media is blaming Russia of. So Putin is actually pretending to consider these insane proffers by Trump to share intel, and saying, "Well, if you're asking for us to extradite our spies, surely you will send us yours."
It is a logical request, which brings to the forefront the reality that we have spies too; we overturn governments; we kill people; we interfere in elections. We have spies in Russia. I find it bizarre that most people here act like this is a revelation or not part of the Russia-hack story.
Putin has got to be laughing his ass off at the bizarre level of ignorance and inappropriateness on display by Trump as he has bumbled backasswards into this comic opera in the past couple of weeks; however, just as bizarre to many is how the media acts as though this is a surprise, one-sided attack.