monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Walter Hinteler
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:03 am
coldjoint wrote:
You don't need to. It is out there, if it happened, and you and everyone else on the internet knows that too.
The "mediatheks" of most (if not all) tv companies don't store their news online or not over such a period, sir.
Sorry that we don't follow completely US-American habits, sir.

But you can complain about that - try to do cuh, for instance, with a complain at the German Press Council >link here<
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:12 am
@Walter Hinteler,
More great news from Coldjoint's Fake News Website: We can get our news on world events from Marvel Movies now. Damn, this world just gets more and more advanced.

"Avengers: Infinity War’ Exposes Illuminati Depopulation Agenda

July 5, 2018 Sean Adl-Tabatabai Conspiracies 3


The latest Marvel series, ‘Avengers: Infinity War‘, exposes the Illuminati depopulation agenda – promoting it with pathetic moral justification.

The message is clear: “We have to save mankind by controlling its population growth. The more people there are, the more harm to the ecology and ecosystem there will be. People must be prevented from destroying their environment.”

Henrymakow.com reports: These angelic moral justifications in order to reduce the population, ‘save the world’, are fed to the gullible pea-brain zombie masses.

But there are two flaws in that reasoning. The flaws are:

1- that humanity cannot auto-adapt to its own growth, and

2- the killing of millions (billions) of people is morally justifiable.

In fact, the hidden agenda real reason is that the fewer people there are on the planet, the more they can be managed & controlled. The real Illuminati’s goal is their OWN well-being, not ours, by the means of population control, hence Agenda 21.

In order to reduce world population, the Illuminati began by targetting the most uncontrollable regions that don’t abide by their economic/banking rules system, namely Iran, Irak, Syria, Libya; the Middle East in general. War does a great job at reducing a population and enriching the aggressors.

The PTB must also manage the American, African and European population. For this, they use vaccines and GMO foods (now fishes and soon animals) to provoke diseases and mass sterilization.

The main threat for the Illuminati now is the Internet per se that they don’t control. But don’t worry, they’re working on it: the most secretive spying plan comes from the Israeli Unit 8200 Talpiot program. This is SO invasive that you have NO idea. Intel and AMD have now conception plants in Israel and now, in their CPU is embedded an ARM processor. A Trojan CPU in your CPU that they (PTB) control.

About the myth that society cannot adapt to its growth, there are some interesting things to consider here. First, The lie was popularized by Paul Ehrlich in his book ‘The Population Bomb’ published in 1968. His time bomb theories gained traction few years later in the media and some TV series amongst which the famous Star Trek series. His population bomb scare was later challenged and debunked by Julian Simon, a renown economist who published ‘The Ultimate Resource”. See the excellent Corbett Report: ‘Meet Paul Ehrlich, Pseudoscience Charlatan‘.

There is a town Omalonga in Guatemala where Ken Peters ministered that is inhabited mainly by practicing Christians. They are fervent Christians and their crop is… manyfold the size of a regular crop. They are able to harvest huge vegetables: one footlong+ carrots, two feet long lettuces, huge corns, etc… And we fear about resource shortages in case of population growth!? But then if you lose your values, faith and religion, according to the Adversary’s plan, then you won’t harvest anything outstandingly divine, but pitifully… à la Monsanto (now Bayer).

We live in a time where evil has been set loose. The devil’s plan is to compel the innocent not to … ‘accepting’, but to… ‘not objecting’ to the harm perpetrated against them. In order to do that, he instigated a social system where people are powerless, unconcerned, without values, too tired to criticize, too focused on their own survival, brainwashed and enslaved to the dictate of authorities, being it scientists, doctors, politicians… or the mainstream media! The perfect scheme to succeed…

Satan and his follower’s plants hints of their misdeeds in the movies and TV in order to proclaim that the people… have been warned, and didn’t object. And they are now doing so well in their bogus warnings, they found the people SO docile and asleep that they don’t feel the need to hide anymore. They opened a Satanic Temple in Detroit with a statue of Baphomet revered by… children! Imagine.

In the movie, Thanos openly states that he was rejected in his overcrowded home planet for his depopulation reduction views and showed the outcome of that situation: a crumbling and devasted planet. In doing so, the author imposes to the mind of the viewer that there is NO solution to a population overgrowth. The manipulation here is in the prefix ‘over’! What is ‘over’ and what isn’t in a population growth? The movie (and the PTB) don’t make any distinctions. They don’t conceive that a population growth can auto-regulate itself. They jump right away to the extreme conclusions.

In summary, just because Hollywood made a plot out of it, this movie does advocate for a planetary depopulation. It is a devious tactic to manipulate and condition the population mindset into considering the idea as acceptable, even worst… moral! It is a satanic Psyop operation par excellence.

So, is the Avengers Infinity War movie an innocent entertainment ? or a forewarning? another harbinger of doom ? an official warning notice? Considering the actual state of worldly political affairs (summer 2018), this movie topic is more of actuality then ever don’t you think?

Source is Coldjoint's Russian Fake News Website
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:46 am
Quote Coldjoint:
There is their(my site's) address. Now show us the connection with Russia. Should I wait?

Well hell, your site, YourNewsWire's, first article said Merkel was censoring the German press. Inaccurately. So clearly your source, YourNewsWire, doesn't like Merkel.

Then the next article from YourNewsWire said the Avengers movie revealed the blueprint for population control on the world by supposedly evil elites, which are the Illuminati and Israel. Actually, I doubt the Marvel movie said Israel is evil, but the Russians who run the news website, YourNewsWire, (which Coldjoint uses for information), hate Israel.

And now, here is another article from, YourNewsWire, Coldjoint's favorite news source. This source attacks the Rothschilds and says all of America's allies like the UK are evil. Also says the US banking system must be broken. Russia claims that all the time, and after all, Russia knows more about broken banking systems than just about any country, since Russia is broke all the time. So here's Coldjoint's favorite news source's latest effort:

Russian TV Exposes Rothschilds And Educates People About Their Power
June 29, 2018 Baxter Dmitry Conspiracies 14


The Rothschilds, one of the most notorious, influential and secretive families in the world, has been exposed on Russian TV like never before (watch the full video below).


The Rothschilds are used to operating in the shadows, convincing people they do not exist, but they have been put under the spotlight in Russia in recent years, as Vladimir Putin continues his campaign to eradicate their influence and control from his country.

Putin Getting Ready To Oppose New World Order

AnonHQ reports: Many rumors have gone around about the connection between Rothschilds and New World Order.

Due to the family having connections with many different establishments the conflict of interests simply cannot be ignored. It was said that Putin is getting his people ready to put up a fight opposing New World Order, which the powers that be set up and who have control over almost all of the government, media, and banks in the world.

It was said that Putin wants to get rid of international banking systems and begin afresh with a nationalistic platform that has the backing of thousands of tons of gold along with alliances in Europe, the Middle East, and China, which are growing. Russia has a strong desire to become independent from the remainder of the world, which emerged while under Putin’s ruling and this has shown itself in many different ways.

Russia Is Setting Up New Banking System For Independence

An insider to Russia said that the country is getting ready to set up a system of banking that is going to ensure they have independence from the remainder of the world’s banks, which is a bold move in the economy of today.

The Rothschild family are of course well-known for having ownership of the banking systems, and they have money in numerous countries around the globe. Now it looks like Russia wants to put distance between themselves and the corrupt system, a system that has up to now ruled the way that money changes hands for such a long time.

Russia is said to have developed and implemented successfully and alternative if they are excluded from the banking systems. The banking sector is the biggest vulnerability of Russia. They did not want to have to rely on the SWIFT system of international banks. This is a fast and supposedly secure way of transferring money, and it has been used for over 50 years.

Source: Coldjoint's Russian Fake News Site

So now YourNewsWire, Coldjoint's source of information, runs a big article on how the Rothschilds are ruining the world and how the world needs Putin to save it.
And Coldjoint wants proof this is a Russian site? Every goddamn issue and every opinion is exactly the issue and opinion Russia is running on social media. And that is what Coldjoint pushes. All the time he's on here.

Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:55 am
@Walter Hinteler,
because they worship hate and don't value fellowship and peace.
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:56 am
Your News Wire publishes perhaps some legit news, however most stories are related to conspiracies and/or simply misleading fake news.

Reports @ snopes tagged yournewswire.com (only those with conspiracy theories).
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 01:58 am
Sure you didn't bumble into The Onion by mistake?
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 02:06 am
LOL, sure reads like it, doesn't it? But this is just the sort of thing that the Russians put out, and there's a certain percentage of people who buy into it.
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 02:19 am
....there's a certain percentage of people who buy into it.

Critical thinking isn't the strong suit of many people, these days.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 04:59 am
Yet another victory for the abolish ICE crew!!!

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell was verbally harassed by protesters calling for the abolition of U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement as he left a Louisville restaurant Saturday morning, an online video showed.

The Senate leader previously received public flak for his support of the Trump administration’s tough immigration policies. The protesters shouted in unison, “Vote you out!” and “Abolish ICE!”

Others shouted, “We know where you live, Mitch. We know where you live.”

Toward the end of the video footage one protester says, “We did good, fellow citizens.”

They're listening to Auntie Maxine, sho nuff!

Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:14 am
coldjoint wrote:

Fact: ICE Arrested 1,800 Foreign-Born Killers In 2017

Let's abolish ICE?
Criminal aliens arrested by ICE ERO in FY 2017 were responsible for:

-More than 76,000 dangerous drug offenses;
-More than 48,000 assault offenses;
-More than 11,000 weapon offenses;
-More than 5,000 sexual assault offenses;
-More than 2,000 kidnapping offenses; and
–More than 1,800 homicide offenses.

That is 143,8oo arrests.

Trump is just a fuckin liar when he tries to paint libs as being "soft on crime," eh?

What do we want? Dead cops! When do we want them? NOW! What else do we want? To be on the DNC convention stage will Hillary. Then come on down, boys!

Next Dem platform plank: Don't just abolish ICE, abolish ALL police!
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:20 am
Mexico is so overrun with criminal cartels that they can't even begin to arrest them all, and even if they do, their jails are too full to hold them.

But their new commie president has come up with a solution: Take them to the USA border, put a gun at their back, and tell them to get the hell out of Mexico.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:33 am
Many wanted fugitives in this country try to make it to Mexico to avoid arrest. I wonder what country Mexican criminals try to make it to, eh? If I was a Mexican thug, I would probably try to make it to some chump country which had lots of sanctuary cities run by cheese-eaters, know what I'm sayin?

What do we want? Open borders! When do we want them? NOW!

0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:36 am
I wonder which side will kill someone first.
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:42 am
Every goddamn issue and every opinion is exactly the issue and opinion Russia is running on social media.

I know. Baxter Dmitry??? Puh-leez. And the stooges continue to post these things and expect us to nod approvingly or something? "Gee, I've been had...the Royal Family really did order Diana's assassination." Either they post these examples of disinformation knowingly and assume no one will ever check their cited sources or they're so eager to find confirmation for their prejudices and opinions that they've been completely duped themselves.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 05:52 am
glitterbag wrote:

Unlike your country we still have a Justice system, it's on wobbly legs alright because some folks like to shoot first and ask questions later. Plus, I'm sure you can understand what a huge insult it is for so many of our insecure men that a women was arrogant enough to run for the presidency and then ******* win. Thank gog (yeah, I meant gog) for the electoral college and the gerrymandered districts.....because if her 3,000,000 vote lead was actually counted, the knuckle draggers would have a hit on every women who was brassy enough to go to college and steal a job away from a man. It's just a matter of time before all those stupid, ignorant, loser assholes take matters into their own hands and punish Hillery, then Chelsey and the Grandchildren.....will that make you happy you foreign busy body. I can only wonder what a lonesome pathetic existence you must have if you are so ******* worried about Hillary Clinton. You dont like my country? Who the **** really gives a good God damn what you think, we don't mate.

Do we still call people ‘foreign’ if they aren’t Americans?
Should we begin dismissing opinions of non-Americans on this site in this way?
Somehow, his opinion about Hillary Clinton’s corruption means he’d be happy if she, her daughter or grandchildren were attacked by a mob of ‘losers’?

This is just some nutty word salad attack on someone who has a different opinion.

I think this kind of response should end.
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 06:06 am
layman wrote:

Among other things, the FBI leaked a story to Yahoo about Carter Page, and he wrote a letter to Comey complaining about it. That fabrication gave them a "pretext" to contact him for entrapment purposes. They spied on him for well over a year and still have no evidence to support any kind of indictment.

These lying frauds have a lot more smear campaigns planned for this fall, too. To quote the great Roger Stone, their time in the barrel is also coming soon.

I forgot to add that the FBI took the story they planted in Yahoo to the FISA court to get a warrant, presumably to show that an "independent investigation" has also turned up evidence that Page was a russian spy. This was the same Carter Page who had worked with the FBI to expose potential Russian spies in the past.

They learned the "tricks of the trade" from J. Edgar Hoover, the flaming transvestite, pretty damn well, doncha think?
0 Replies
Walter Hinteler
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 06:07 am
Lash wrote:
Do we still call people ‘foreign’ if they aren’t Americans?
How would you call them? "Outlander"? "Alien"?

From Middle English forein, from Old French forain, from Vulgar Latin *forānus (“outsider, outlander”), from Latin forās (“outside, outdoors”), also spelled forīs (“outside, outdoors”). Displaced native Middle English elendish, ellendish (“foreign”) (from Old English elelendisc, compare Old English ellende (“foreign”), elland (“foreign land”)), Middle English eltheodi, eltheodish (“foreign”) (from Old English elþēodiġ, elþēodisc (“foreign”)), and non-native Middle English peregrin (“foreign”) (from Old French peregrin). The spelling altered perhaps by analogy with sovereign.
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 06:09 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Would you be ok with it if someone answered your post by saying “we don’t care what you say, you foreign busybody?”

Is everyone here supposed to be American?

Do you need an invitation from an American to speak about American topics?

Just storing info for future reference.
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Walter Hinteler
Sun 8 Jul, 2018 06:13 am
Thank you. I really like being called with such a long hyphened noun.
(Perhaps not all do, since the international tourism to the U.S. declined?)
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