coldjoint wrote:Your press is being censored because your government that is helpless to do anything about the problem other than kiss Islamic ass.
In the Federal Republic of Germany, the press is reserved to the legislative competence of the
Länder (states). Thus, the press law for each individual federal state results from the respective state press law.
coldjoint wrote:So it is subject to censorship if your governments wishes? That's dumb.
Neither federal nor state governments make laws here but the parliaments.
Hamburg Press Law
The Kalergi/Soros/Ferkel plan made simple...
Willie, the young German mechanic stops by his mother's house to say Hi...
Mama: "Willie, where is that nice girl, Gretchen, that I used to see you with? (Willie, wo ist das nette
Mädchen, Gretchen, mit dem ich dich in der Vergangenheit gesehen habe?)
Willie: Oh I'm so sorry, Mama, you didn't know, the giant foo bird ate her. (Oh, es tut mir so leid, Mama,
du hast es nicht gewusst, der riesige FooVogel hat das arme Gretchen gefressen...)
and Willie thinks to himself: "Sie würde mir beschuldigen, dass ich zu viel Reefer geraucht hätte, wenn ich
ihr gesagt hätte, dass unsere Regierung fünf Millionen muslimische Männer im Militäralter importiert hat
und alles in ihrer Macht stehende getan, um junge Mädchen wie Gretchen zu ermutigen, sich mit einem von
ihnen zu gehen... (She'd accuse me of smoking too much reefer if I told her that our government had
imported five million muslim men of military age and was doing everything within their power to
encourage young girls like Gretchen to hook up with one of them...)
My guess is that at some point in this story, Willie and a lot of other young Germans realize that
they have nothing left to lose, and the rogue government of Frau Merkel goes down.
wmwcjr wrote:
You deserve a 10-plus "thumbs up" for this post. Whatever happened to the concept of a free press in Germany? My sister was once a conscientious investigative reporter whose job was not easy, to say the least. She would be absolutely appalled by the German government clamping down on the press. It's outrageous! A betrayal of our Western heritage.
I became a grandfather in January. My grandchild is a baby girl half a year old. Words fail me at the moment. If there ever was a case calling for capital punishment, here it is. This barbarism is difficult to comprehend. It definitely should be reported!
Someone voted you completely off the conversation, they have also voted Walter (a man who actually lives in Germany) down on every comment he has made. Why do you think that is Bill????? Think about it, some of these folks are frightened of the truth and would rather believe that everyone else on the planet is evil.
Well, for some truth is what you believe – even if it’s a lie.
I've just looked through the data of other recent relationship drama here in Germany and wonder, why these persons don't get upset about those.
@Walter Hinteler,
Quote Walter:
Quote:In the Federal Republic of Germany, the press is reserved to the legislative competence of the Länder (states). Thus, the press law for each individual federal state results from the respective state press law.
Don't bother arguing. Coldjoint's "source": A fake news Russian online "news" site:
Love the "exposé" they were running about the Illuminati by somebody who supposedly used to be one. And the congratulatory article about Putin criticizing the G20, because he was pissed off that they threw Russia out for invading Ukraine.
coldjoint wrote:Show me a TV station in Germany covering it the day it happened.
It happened at 10:40 h local time. Was on the main (evening) news of any tv-company in Germany, with more reports on the regional and local broadcasters on the same day from noon onwards.
First on the internet at shortly after 11:00 h on all news websites.
coldjoint wrote:Show a clip.
I didn't record it, awfully sorry that I can't follow your orders, sir!
But as for the newswebsite reprots - you can see those still, if you've got internet access as well as the related police's and public prosecutor office's reports.
@Walter Hinteler,
More news from Coldjoint's Russkie "news site".
North Korea Threatens Retaliation As Kim Jong-un Deported From UK
January 3, 2016 Baxter Dmitry Weird 4
Kim Jong-un detained at Heathrow airport before being deported
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un was detained at London Heathrow airport for 12 hours before being deported after attempting to enter the United Kingdom in disguise and using a fake tourist visa, say Heathrow immigration officials.
After arriving on an early morning Air China flight, his documents were questioned and he was taken into custody for further questioning. After hours of interrogation the North Korean leader broke down and admitted who he was, and announced that he wanted to see Buckingham Palace, visit Harrods, and attend a Premier League football match, preferably Manchester United versus Chelsea.
According to North Korean military sources, the deportation of the supreme leader is being viewed as an act of aggression in Pyongyang.
“The People’s Republic of Korea condemns, in the most serious tone possible, this act of extreme aggression towards our dear leader,” read a statement on the government-run website North Korean Central Information. “If another transgression of this type occurs in the near future we will be left with no choice but to retaliate with the total force of our military.”
North Korea is the proud owner of the world’s third largest free standing army. Pyongyang insiders are painting a picture of an “angry” army that has been “aggressively woken from a peaceful slumber” by the news of Kim Jong-un’s deportation.
The UK Home Office have not yet commented on this case.
Coldjoint's YourNewsWire Russkie Fake News Site
Yup-when it comes to crappy fake news sites, Coldjoint can pick 'em with the best.