Although more because of Obama than because of Hillary.
He had the appearance of being competent, while blaming her for atrocious foreign "policy" fuckups. I'm sticking with HRC as being the reason they're in the gutter, although he did leave them broke enough to need bailing out by HRC. Might have been planned.
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 05:37 am
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 05:59 am
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 07:57 am
So a democrat council man blocked the entrance to ICE to protest separation of migrant families. OK, he broke the law and was arrested as he deserved in a civilized protest. I am sure there were councilman and such like arrested for other like behavior in the civil rights movement. We look back and call them heroes of the civil rights movement. (Those who did not commit violence or threaten violence.)
On the other side:
An Alabama man who yelled “womp womp” and waved a gun at people protesting the separation of migrant families appeared in court on Monday on charges of reckless endangerment and menacing, officials said.
Law codes from the Attorney General's office say: "Any person who, while fighting in the streets of any city or town, or at a militia muster, or at any public place, whether public in itself, or made public at the time by an assemblage of persons, uses or attempts to use, except in self-defense, any kind of firearms shall, on conviction, be fined not less than $200.00 nor more than $500.00, and may also be imprisoned in the county jail or sentenced to hard labor for the county for not less than six months."
You can tell that's an old law-either pay $200 or go to jail for six months. Back then, $200 meant a lot more.
You have to give credit to the old guy in white shorts-he ran after the guy pointing him out to the cops, even though he knew the guy was armed. That takes courage, even if he had put the gun away.
You have to give credit to the old guy in white shorts-he ran after the guy pointing him out to the cops, even though he knew the guy was armed. That takes courage, even if he had put the gun away.
Yeah, he did truck on up there didn't he?
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 01:04 pm
On a related note, the Quinnipiac data pointed to a stunning gender gap: men voters prefer to support a Republican congressional candidate by an eight-point margin, while women voters prefer a Democratic candidate by a 25-point margin. No, that's not a typo.
NBC News star Andrea Mitchell slammed for citing wrong law when attempting to bash White House
NBC News star Andrea Mitchell is under fire for citing the wrong law when attempting to attack the White House amid its Twitter feud with Democratic Sens. Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris.
Law & Crime reporter Ronn Blitzer wrote that the statute Mitchell named has “nothing to do” with the situation and “doesn’t even include the language she quoted.”
Former Office of Government Ethics Director Walter Shaub responded to Mitchell’s tweet on Tuesday morning.
“The text of that tweet comes from 18 USC 1913, not 31 USC 1352. And 1913 has been interpreted too narrowly to be useful here,” Shaub wrote.
In addition to Blitzer and Shaub, many critics took to Twitter to call out the NBC veteran for spreading dishonest information.
Wrong, your rhetoric is failing. Maybe not here, but everywhere else. Democracy is alive and well and Trump will keep it that way.
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 02:20 pm
blatham wrote:
On a related note, the Quinnipiac data pointed to a stunning gender gap: men voters prefer to support a Republican congressional candidate by an eight-point margin, while women voters prefer a Democratic candidate by a 25-point margin. No, that's not a typo.
Sounds like an overwhelming victory for the republicans, then, eh?
We all know, because Hillary done told us so, that these stupid-ass women will just vote the way men tell them to. It doesn't matter what they "prefer" to do.
Of course that's just one of millions of reasons why she lost, but, still....
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 02:51 pm
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Tue 3 Jul, 2018 03:08 pm
President Trump Destroy Obama Era Policy Favoring Black Students Over Whites
The Trump administration is going to rescind the Obama era policy that instructed universities to consider race when deciding on admissions in order to promote diversity. The change comes as President Trump’s administration investigates allegations that Harvard University discriminated against Asian students, The Wall Street Journal reported.
Only if you make it that way. Things look good and not being able to handle that is just dumb. There is no catastrophe waiting to happen there is just a constant whine that has affected peoples thinking by more or less just stopping it.
There is no catastrophe waiting to happen there is just a constant whine that has affected peoples thinking.......
Well summed up. As opposed to a guaranteed invasion of Iran and North Korea, at yuuuuuuuuge public expense, and the deaths of many more people, had that NWO slut got her way.
How do progressives think about freedom? We know how they feel about free speech.
Facebook Algorithm Flags, Removes Declaration of Independence Text as Hate Speech
The post in question contained paragraphs 27 through 31 of the Declaration of Independence, the grievance section of the document wherein the put-upon colonists detail all the irreconcilable differences they have with King George III.
Stinnett says that he cannot be sure which exact grievance ran afoul of Facebook's policy, but he assumes that it's paragraph 31, which excoriates the King for inciting "domestic insurrections amongst us, and has endeavored to bring on the inhabitants of our frontiers, the merciless Indian Savages."
The removal of the post was an automated action, and Stinnett sent a "feedback message" to Facebook with the hopes of reaching a human being who could then exempt the Declaration of Independence from its hate speech restrictions.
Fearful that sharing more of the text might trigger the deletion of its Facebook page, The Vindicator has suspended its serialization of the declaration.
In his article, Stinnett is remarkably sanguine about this censorship. While unhappy about the decision, he reminds readers "that Facebook is a business corporation, not the government, and as such it is allowed to restrict use of its services as long as those restrictions do not violate any laws. Plus, The Vindicator is using Facebook for free, so the newspaper has little grounds for complaint other than the silliness of it."