So when you or your parents or older associates were prtotesting the Vietnam War and the drafts, segregation and Jim Crow, CIA backed coups and asassinations,the abuses of Hoover's FBI etc etc etc you were all saying and thinking
"Gee Golly this is wrong but let's not get carried away, because Government is really the Good Guy?" - Yeah right.
I don't know who you think occupies "my side," but I don't see Government as The Enemy (and only a total idiot would do so because of a military parade). It can do good and it can do evil, and the minute we all think it is incapable of the latter and accept bad actions because it serves our silly tribal interests, it will eventually become The Enemy.
Even if we accept all the claims about Trump, Trump Jr, Flynn, Page et al do you really see that as worse than sending 60,000 American kids to their deaths in a war in SE Asia we refused to win? How about 4,500 kids killed, and 31,000 wounded in Iraq and Afghanistan? How about the 43 killed in Somalia, and the 30 killed in Bosnia/Kosovo?
My bet is that you were livid about the the deaths of Americans in wars in which Republican presidents engaged our nation, but when a Dem president was the CIC, not so much.
The CIA and FBI of course have a legitimate function, and the men and women who make up the career rannk and file, overall, perform as heroes, but none of them made the decision to support Central American Death Squads, overthrow democatically elected govermtents in Chile and Iran or spy on attempt to blackmai clivil rights leaders. Those decisions were made like men like James Clapper who lied to Congress about the extent of NSA spying on Americans, John Brennan who lied about spying on the congressional oversight committee charged with wathdogging the CIA and James Comey who is a lying, sanctimonious bag of **** who has only ever cared about his own career and image. You know, the ones who you believe 100% because it suits your tribal interests.
I'm not terribly worried about our government morphing into a tyrannical police state like NK or China, but it isn't because I don't think our political leaders (including political appointees) are all Good Guys, but because I don't believe the men and women in the rank and file of the Millitary, CIA, FBI etc will go along with it.
What I am terribly worried about is how these corrupt individuals can damage our freedom with their sinister scheming. They always rely on Useful Idiots on the Left & the Right. People like you who are willing to turn a blind eye because of some pathetic sense of partisan achievment.