monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 8 Apr, 2018 06:24 pm
so you take his "elf depricating" humor as a true report yet deny me the same souring of his inability to take advive from those with superior knowledge. Look at all the folks thatve left because they were at odds with him and he couldnt take advice that apparently made him have to take a step back.
He is a fuckin bald face liar and hes lied to our faces unashamedly.

Sun 8 Apr, 2018 06:27 pm
so you take his "elf depricating" humor as a true report

Because it is true. For Christs sake, there is a video. You just lost the argument. Next.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 06:33 pm
He is a fuckin bald face liar and hes lied to our faces unashamedly.

Why bring Obama into this?
0 Replies
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 07:32 pm

izzythepush wrote:

US President Donald Trump has lashed out at Syrian President Bashar al-Assad and his allies Russia and Iran over a suspected chemical attack, saying there will be a "big price to pay".

That wouldn't be the same Donald Trump that was recently planning to withdraw from Syria, would it?
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 08:12 pm
That wouldn't be the same Donald Trump that was recently planning to withdraw from Syria, would it?

**** happens.
0 Replies
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 08:45 pm
Hold on to your asses. Israel is bombing Syria and Gaza.
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 09:23 pm
What's the source?
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 10:52 pm
Here's CNN. Apparently it's the Syrian state doing it, no mention, at least in this story, about Israel.

Walter Hinteler
Sun 8 Apr, 2018 11:25 pm
Perhaps she' referring to last night's bombing of the Syrian airfield? (USA denied having done it)
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 12:12 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Could be. Lash's post was at 10:45 PM EDT, and the updated account on CNN was at 1:38 AM EDT today, and by that time the US had already denied it. So her post might have come right after the bombing of the Syrian airfield.

US denies Syrian state media reports of US missile attack on Homs air base
By Ryan Browne, Eli Watkins and Barbara Starr, CNN Updated 1:03 AM ET, Mon April 9, 2018

(CNN)The Pentagon has denied Syrian claims the US attacked a Homs air base Sunday, hours after President Donald Trump tweeted "Animal Assad" would have a "big price to pay" for an alleged chemical weapons attack in the city of Douma.

Syrian State TV said the T-4 airbase had been hit by "several missiles" in a "likely attack by the US," early Monday morning local time.
The base, located in a strategic position between the cities of Homs and Palmyra in Syria's west, has been a key staging ground for Syrian and Russian aircraft during the war.
Citing a military source, the state-run Syrian Arab News Agency said the attack had caused an unspecified number of deaths and injuries.
A senior US administration official told CNN Sunday that reports from the region claiming US Tomahawk missiles had struck targets in Syria were not true.

The Pentagon also issued a statement denying the attack.

"At this time, the Department of Defense is not conducting air strikes in Syria. However, we continue to closely watch the situation and support the ongoing diplomatic efforts to hold those who use chemical weapons, in Syria and otherwise, accountable," a Pentagon statement said.

On Sunday, Trump said there would be a "big price to pay" after an alleged chemical weapons attack in Douma, near the capital Damascus on Saturday, which the US blamed on Syrian President Bashar al-Assad.
In a series of tweets, Trump also criticized Russian President Vladimir Putin and Tehran, saying "Russian and Iran are responsible for backing Animal Assad."

It's not clear what retaliatory action Trump has in mind, if any, but the issue is expected to be discussed at a "small group" meeting of the National Security Council Monday, led by John Bolton on his first day as White House national security adviser, two administration officials told CNN.
In April of last year, the US launched Tomahawk missiles at a Syrian air base after the US and others accused Assad's forces of perpetrating a deadly chemical weapons attack in Khan Sheikhoun, which the Syrian military denied.

A United Nations joint report later blamed the Syrian government for the attack, which used the highly volatile nerve agent sarin to kill 80 people.
Six people were killed in the retaliatory US airstrike, which US Secretary of Defense James Mattis claimed last year destroyed about 20% of the Syrian government's operational aircraft.

Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 01:07 am
Syrian state TV reported loud explosions near the T-4 airfield in the desert east of Homs in the early hours of Monday. It said the airfield was targeted with several missiles and that the Syrian air defence was responding and had shot down eight incoming missiles.

It was unclear who had carried out the air strikes, but state TV said the attack was “most likely” American, a claim the Pentagon has denied.

Video footage on social media in Lebanon showed aircraft or missiles flying low over the country, apparently heading east towards Syria. At least 14 people, mostly Iranians or members of Iran-backed groups, were killed, the UK-based Syrian Observatory for Human Rights monitoring group said.

Lash must have/have had different sources.
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 01:18 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Sources that jump to conclusions.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 02:32 am
There were some sources, indeed.
According to the agencies Tass and Interfax (at 9:13 and 9:18 local time), the Russian defence ministry said, two Israeli F-15 fighter jets fired eight missiles from Lebanese airspace to the T4 airport in Moscow on Monday night.
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 02:56 am
@Walter Hinteler,
So Lash gets most of her news from Russian sources, that would explain this ludicrous thread.

Mon 9 Apr, 2018 04:39 am
...that would explain this ludicrous thread.

That's one of the more charitable explanations. It amazes me that anyone would post such a story — with a straight face — and expect to be taken seriously. Ever.
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 05:35 am
Your argument is fallacious on several points. Socialism, even in the moderate forms found in Europe, has proven to the a generally enervating economic system that yields few benefits for the loss of freedom and social/economic creativity it involves.
Let's be accurate here and rewrite your claim as "even in the moderate forms found in Europe and New Zealand and Australia and Canada the United States".

We've been through this before. There is no example of a broadly prosperous and free nation now or ever which operates without redistribution of wealth and without large social programs in place nor without significant controls on the certain tendencies of unfettered capitalism. Not one.
(Indeed a strong case can be made for the proposition that long term political and stability is best achieved in Republics with built in mechanisms allowing a cycle between left & right wing governments - thus avoiding the excesses of both.)
That's sane if we define "republic" to include Japan, Britain, Norway, etc.

Otherwise, your post is a typical example of the false dilemma I'm pointing to, bolstered for you by what you presume are axiomatic truths (European nations must be less free - nothing else is possible).
0 Replies
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 05:36 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Yes, she was talking about the bombing last night.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 05:43 am
Well yes, but if she was interested in being taken seriously she wouldn't claim to be at all progressive.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 05:43 am

As the bombing was being initially reported, I assumed the US had done it. US forces denied it. From that point, only Israel seemed to be plausible.

Western actors were playing it close to the vest.

It’s weird that no one has admitted it still.

Russia says it was Israel.

To me, they have as much credibility as the others in this drama.
Mon 9 Apr, 2018 05:45 am
“Most if her news”? Certainly not.

Does Russia compare to Israel and the current US government re credibility? In my opinion, yes.

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