monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

cicerone imposter
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:22 am
Frugal1 wrote:

Hollyweird circle jerk parties, why are they televised?

Because people like you watch it.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:26 am
Meryl Streep
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:29 am
giujohn wrote:

There was a time when if a US citizen was illegally detained or harassed by a foreign government while traveling overseas the threat of the U.S. military being deployed to rescue that individual was enough to have that individual immediately returned.

Seems to me we need to get back to the point where our enemies fear us and we are not so reluctant to deploy our military in defense of our citizens.

Yeah, John...

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco...

"Preposterous," said Roosevelt's Secretary of State, John Hay, responding to the ransom demands.

Seven battleships from the Atlantic fleet were dispatched to the Moroccan coast.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:29 am
I didn't say Meryl Streep should shut up, I said her opinion was overrated because she is a celebrity. She has the same right to speak her mind as anyone else does, but unless she is staying something informative there is no reason to pay any more or less attention to her opinion than you would someone else's opinion.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:32 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

Frugal1 wrote:
Hollyweird circle jerk parties, why are they televised?

Because people like you watch it.

Cicerone, I know you to be an affable, engaging guy. You should cut back on this kind of stuff. It isn't like you and it does no one any good.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:32 am
tony5732 wrote:
....but unless she is saying something informative there is no reason to pay any more or less attention to her opinion than you would someone else's opinion.

Isn't that exactly what she was doing? Saying something informative...
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:33 am
maporsche wrote:

Isn't that exactly what she was doing? Saying something informative...

Naw, it aint. She was merely parroting a false media claim.

The falsity of this "frame-up" would be apparent to anyone who cared to know the facts.


I have no idea who this reporter, Serge Kovalski [sic], is, what he looks like or his level of intelligence. I don’t know if he is J.J. Watt or Muhammad Ali in his prime or somebody of less athletic or physical ability. Despite having one of the all-time great memories, I certainly do not remember him.

I merely mimicked what I thought would be a flustered reporter trying to get out of a statement he made long ago. If Mr. Kovaleski is handicapped, I would not know because I do not know what he looks like. If I did know, I would definitely not say anything about his appearance.

How, pray-tell, would Meryl Streep know what the reporter in question looked like when she saw Trump?

The "disability" the reporter had was not anything like the motions Trump made anyway. He couldn't possibly "mock" a disability that the reporter didn't have to begin with.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:37 am
@cicerone imposter,
Wrong again, I don't watch any network TV.

Why is it that people like you are always wrong?
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:40 am
layman wrote:

giujohn wrote:

There was a time when if a US citizen was illegally detained or harassed by a foreign government while traveling overseas the threat of the U.S. military being deployed to rescue that individual was enough to have that individual immediately returned.

Seems to me we need to get back to the point where our enemies fear us and we are not so reluctant to deploy our military in defense of our citizens.

Yeah, John...

It all happened in 1904, when the 64-year-old Perdicaris and his stepson found themselves taken hostage from their villa in Tangier, Morocco by a scruffy band of rifle-toting Berber tribesmen on horseback.

The bandits' chieftain was flamboyant, black-bearded Mulai Ahmed er Raisuli, and he wanted to extort a heavy ransom from the Sultan of Morocco...

"Preposterous," said Roosevelt's Secretary of State, John Hay, responding to the ransom demands.

Seven battleships from the Atlantic fleet were dispatched to the Moroccan coast.

It also gave Roosevelt the chance to issue one of his most blood-curdling proclamations, a statement that helped ensure his re-election while sending Americans wild with joy:

"Perdicaris alive or Raisuli dead!"

YES! That's exactly the incident I was referring to but could not remember it... You da man Layman.

And as I remember it he was born in Greece to an American mother I think.
0 Replies
Debra Law
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:52 am
@cicerone imposter,
cicerone imposter wrote:

The definition of a tyrant; not America. They're trying to take away free speech, because they don't like what they hear.

Reminds me of this: "All tyranny needs to gain a foothold is for people of good conscience to remain silent."

Attacking the messenger, rather than the substance of the message, is a form of tyranny that seeks to silence dissent.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 11:57 am
@Debra Law,
Debra Law wrote:

Attacking the messenger, rather than the substance of the message, is a form of tyranny that seeks to silence dissent.

Like the libs trying to blame the russians for the contents of Podesta's emails, ya mean?
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:00 pm
The conservatives dont care that Putin hacked the government because it got them a completely republican president, legislature, and supreme court.

Hacking the DNC is not hacking the govt, as Blickers has been very good at pointing out, the DNC is a private group and not a govt agency. Has Russia been involved in hacking US govt agencies? Of that I have no doubt, but don't confuse hacking govt agencies with the hacking of the DNC, they are not the same thing.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:01 pm
Well, no.


There's not any information here. It's just her stating her opinion. It's not data, facts, statistics, quotes on what Trump said, etc.

It's simply her opinion and perception.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:05 pm
Beat me to it!
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:20 pm
Boy she got it on the money. Youve given pass to that schmuck who does his dirty nasties right on the TV screen.
Never Forget.
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:22 pm
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:22 pm
layman wrote:

Debra Law wrote:

Attacking the messenger, rather than the substance of the message, is a form of tyranny that seeks to silence dissent.

Like the libs trying to blame the Russians for the contents of Podesta's emails, ya mean?

0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:28 pm
So some undercover video's are ok, but others are not?
0 Replies
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:36 pm
Wait, didn't you accuse he/she of being a Russian plant? I think the trolling got started by you Rabel. Just as you always do, no substance but plenty of name calling, it's your MO.
Mon 9 Jan, 2017 12:49 pm
tony5732 wrote:

Well, no.


There's not any information here. It's just her stating her opinion. It's not data, facts, statistics, quotes on what Trump said, etc.

It's simply her opinion and perception.

Opinions can be informative, can't they?

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