monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:14 pm
FWIW, I’m a classroom teacher; a gun owner; a cool, accurate shot; and calm under pressure. With six healthcare paraprofessionals in the room, I have given the Heimlich procedure twice (because I’m comfortable responding to emergencies and do so quickly), and I wouldn’t hesitate to stop a young attacker with lethal force...

All of that being true, I would not want to introduce a firearm into a classroom.

There is a greater chance of something bad happening than something good.

You’d have to be an experienced professional in a classroom to know how many ways this could go wrong.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:17 pm
You never present any facts, oralloy. It is just your long winded repetitions of NRA, Republican, Trump, Beirtbart, ... memes.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:20 pm
Isn't he that lunatic who spouted all those falsehoods about Hiroshima and Nagasaki?

One of your better examples of projection, oralloy.

I read that thread. That was definitely you.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:24 pm
Hardly illegal for us to help South Vietnam defend themselves from Communist aggression.

As rational, non-delusional people who can read a map and can plainly see there never was any South Vietnam. There was only the usual US installed brutal right wing dictatorships.

The communist countries of China and Russia helped the people of Vietnam rid their country of the always ugly invading hordes of Americans and then they, like good world citizens went home.

Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:26 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Settle down, Finn. It's not healthy to hold in such anger over a lifetime of conservative hatred for all the is good, decent, ... .

Maybe your leftist brother can help you see the light.
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Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:28 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I have tried, with less than overwhelming success, to be objective in these discussions. In fact, I probably have failed miserably.

So now I will cast all such bullshit to the wind.

Hang in there, Finn, you are on your way to full recovery. Out with the Trump/Bush/Reagan BS and in with the Clinton/Obama/... BS.
0 Replies
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:46 pm
Lash wrote:
There is a greater chance of something bad happening than something good.
You’d have to be an experienced professional in a classroom to know how many ways this could go wrong.

How would you fend off a school shooter?
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:47 pm
camlok wrote:
You never present any facts, oralloy.

Yes I do.

Fact: Hiroshima and Nagasaki were military targets.

Fact: Japan didn't offer to surrender until after both A-bombs had already been dropped.

See how easy it is to tell the truth? Now you try it.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 08:49 pm
camlok wrote:
One of your better examples of projection, oralloy.
I read that thread. That was definitely you.

You cannot point out a single untrue thing that I wrote in that thread.

(Nor any other, but let's stick to that thread for now.)
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Sun 25 Feb, 2018 09:00 pm
oralloy uninformed opinions or oralloy covering for his war criminal governments both have zero veracity.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 09:02 pm
How would you fend off a school shooter?

Lash? obviously with her rapier like wit.
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Sun 25 Feb, 2018 09:17 pm
The people of the south of Vietnam were the ones who would have voted Ho Chi Minh in as their leader in the promised UN elections, the ones that Eisenhower the war criminal knew would see 80 to 90 percent of the Vietnamese people vote for, so the war criminal, deeply evil USA scuttled those elections just so they could slaughter three million people.

That is deeply evil.

This is contemporary because the USA has never changed in all its 93% of its years as a "nation" to be in a state of war. This is highly contemporary because the world, mostly the world's poor have a predator nation that will do absolutely anything to keep producing these vicious, illegal invasions, this vicious terrorism, the slaughter and the genocide.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 09:39 pm
Sorry. This was in response to Oralloy.

We had a lockdown when I was making extra money subbing while going to school.

The first thing that happened was I heard a commotion in the hallway. Pretty far away from my room, but it caught my attention. I was subbing, my first day, so I didn’t investigate. I continued teaching. I heard raised voices in the hall, but couldn’t make out words. I assumed it was disgruntled parents. Angry adult voices.

A teacher ran to my door, told me to follow lockdown procedures: lock the door, turn off the light, close blinds, get everybody to the back of the room.

As I’m doing this, the lockdown announcement came over the speaker.

This was fourth grade, and I remember one kid asking if we were going to die. I still thought we had a disgruntled parent, maybe non-custodial parent who was trying to take their child out against court order - which happens - so I said, “I think this is just a drill. Why don’t we sit in the back and tell some cool stories.”

I was so sad that these kids had to confront such a thought at school. I did know that if anyone did come in, I’d do the best I could. I didn’t allow myself to consider on any deep level that a person entering might be armed.

The lockdown only lasted about ten minutes. It was a long ten minutes.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 09:51 pm
Lash wrote:

All of that being true, I would not want to introduce a firearm into a classroom.

Neither would I, and one reason is that teachers are highly variable.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 10:22 pm
As are all "groups" of people. I agree roger.

Another reason, guns in random places being brandished throughout a school would be a SWAT Teams nightmare. In front, in back, to the right - left. It would cause their procedures to slow down to a crawl.

And, all these untrained gunman who are at the tension of piano wires would be on tender boxes to begin with. These school shooters often come in looking like SWAT Team members. The teachers would be shooting at anything/everything at the first impression.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 10:36 pm
All that, and I could probably think of more.
Sun 25 Feb, 2018 10:46 pm
BillW wrote:
Another reason, guns in random places being brandished throughout a school would be a SWAT Teams nightmare. In front, in back, to the right - left. It would cause their procedures to slow down to a crawl.

As much of a nightmare as finding a bunch of dead students because the liberals insist that there be no one available to defend them?

BillW wrote:
And, all these untrained gunman who are at the tension of piano wires would be on tender boxes to begin with.

Who told you that people who carry a concealed weapon are untrained?

BillW wrote:
These school shooters often come in looking like SWAT Team members.

That probably can't be helped.

BillW wrote:
The teachers would be shooting at anything/everything at the first impression.

Sun 25 Feb, 2018 10:52 pm
camlok wrote:
The people of the south of Vietnam were the ones who would have voted Ho Chi Minh in as their leader in the promised UN elections, the ones that Eisenhower the war criminal knew would see 80 to 90 percent of the Vietnamese people vote for, so the war criminal, deeply evil USA scuttled those elections just so they could slaughter three million people.

Being oppressed by communist totalitarianism isn't as popular as you make it out to be.
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