glitterbag wrote:
You didn't imply Simon is a sissy, Finn did. He is the penultimate of a no-nothing. He's basically blah blah blah, huff puff loud snorts of outrage, and more blah blah blah.. I am so sick of listening to these real snowflakes who have never had to deal with a murder or rape or suicide postulating about the RIGHT way to react. A pox on his house...but not on his kids....
And you are Simon's poster-sister.
How is pointing out that his response was a torrent of id released emotion, in any way questioning his masculinity? I don't think expressing emotion makes a man a "sissy" (how quaint by the way), but apparently, you do. You may need some group therapy with proud males in attendance.
You also need to consult a dictionary if you are going to use
big words like
"penultimate." Perhaps, though, you actually meant I was the last thing before a "no-nothing" (Which I assume you meant to be "know-nothing")
Presumably, your rant means that you have had to deal with murder, rape, and suicide. If so that's pretty tough, my sympathies. However, you haven't a clue as to what I may have experienced in my life as respects such personal tragedies, so please get royally stuffed.
Was one of Simon's kids among the 17 murdered? If so I owed him a lot more slack that I gave him, but I don't believe that was the case.
It's sweet of you to exempt my children from your curse, but regardless of how much you resemble an old hag, neither they nor I believe in witches.