I agree completely. That election was Clinton's to lose, and lose she did, in grand style. She behaved as though the convention were a coronation, and didn't get off her dead @ss for weeks. Then she squandered her political capital and the serious political capital of Mr. Obama in Florida, a state she could not really hope to win. Had she gone to Wisconsin, Michigan and Pennsylvania, and more importantly, if she had asked Mr. Obama to go there, she'd be sitting in the oval office today.
The Internet Research Agency in St. Petersburg has been in business since 2013, and has a very wide range of propagandistic goals. One of them is to undermine the faith of Americans in their political, law enforcement and intelligence gathering institutions, and Plump and Company have been busily abetting that since his first days in office. I suspect that foreign intelligence agencies won't tell our boys and girls squat these days. Moral in Central Intelligence, the NSA and the FBI is probably in the toilet.