Zardoz wrote:The Republicans have blocked every attempt to stop the school shooting in America.
Zardoz is lying. There are no such attempts for the Republicans to even try to block to begin with.
Zardoz wrote:We can have a no-fly list for terrorists that prohibits them from flying but when the Democrats tried to make sure that terrorists could not buy semi-automatics weapons of war the Republicans put their foot down and said absolutely not. Who would want guns sold to known terrorists? The Republicans. The reason we should sell semi-automatic weapons to terrorist according to the Republicans is that a mistake might be made and someone accidentally put on the list who is not a terrorist and the NRA would miss out on a gun sale.
Zardoz hates freedom and civil rights. People have the right to due process in America.
Zardoz wrote:The Republicans make a big deal out of the shootings be caused by the mentally ill. So, you would think if a regulation was put in place made to keep the certified mentally ill from buying weapons of mass destruction that they would at least the Republicans would agree to that. Not a chance these people were those that were drawing social security disability checks for mental illness. The checks went to guardians because their mental illness was so severe they were not able to handle their own money but the NRA wants them to have guns. Obama had made the regulation while in office and Trump killed the regulation as soon as he took office. When Trump tells the public, he is trying to stop the mentally ill from getting guns don’t judge him by his words judge him by his actions.
Zardoz is lying again. Inability to balance a checkbook is not a mental illness.
Zardoz wrote:Trump was making a big deal blaming mental illness but his budget eliminates the Medicaid that pays for the 50% of the treatment of mental illness in America. Trump has said only the able bodied that work will be eligible for Medicaid. He didn’t say anything about the sound of mind. Most people with mental illnesses can’t hold a job so the streets will be full of people who can’t get their medication but on the bright side they will have plenty of guns the NRA will be thrilled. Bullet proof vests will be required for students apparel in the brave new Republican world.
I do wish the Republicans would not sabotage the Obamacare exchanges. However, Medicaid is hardly quality healthcare and it would be good to start transitioning people away from it.
Zardoz wrote:They showed the picture of the shooter in FL and said here is the face of evil but that is not true, the real faces of evil are all the Republicans in congress who have taken the money soaked with the blood of American’s children to block anything from being done to stop the gun violence. Trump got his speech written for him by NRA members and gave it for the third time. Rubio tried to point to a tightening up on background checks in military as a major Republican accomplishment but it was stalled in the senate. Paul Ryan tried to say nothing can be done because the weapons of mass destruction already on the street would be grandfathered. That is absurd when Marijuana was outlawed if you had a farm raising it you were not grandfathered. If you had a moonshine still before it was made illegal you were not grandfathered. The guns could be bought back.
Sorry Zardoz. America chooses to be free. If you want to live without freedom you already missed your greatest opportunity when the Soviet Union collapsed. However, it's not too late to go live in North Korea.
Zardoz wrote:When an older generation watched as the Thompson machine guns were used to commit mass murder they were banned not grandfathered and mass murders came to an end for a generation.
Zardoz is lying again. Any machine gun registered before 1986 is indeed grandfathered.
Zardoz wrote:Trump and the NRA create a straw man to attack. They always say mentally ill but not one of the mass murders I know of has been found innocent because of mental illness. Even with this shooter saying he wanted to be a professional school shooter he stills has the right of free speech. All he had to say was it was a joke. Just because someone decides to kill people does not make him mentally ill. If a criminal robs a bank we don’t say he is mentally ill. Other killers who kill their wives or friends are not called mentally ill.
True. But so what? The liberals are trying to violate our rights for no reason other than the pleasure it gives them to violate people's rights.
Zardoz is lying yet again. The Republicans are not responsible for any school shootings.