Quote:Getting old, losing my illusions about mankind... same as usual.
Yet you still believe in a fantasy perpetrated by the world's biggest liars. I thought that getting older was supposed to help you in the wisdom department.
Did you know that a countryman of yours, a top scientist says the seismic signals recorded at LDEO were from powerful subterranean explosions, not the plane impacts or the collapse of either twin tower?
None of the seismic data supports the USG story and all of it supports those who think that the truth is important.
I'm happy you had such a wonderful time with your sister. Family is important, even to dark skinned people.
Quote:What about you? Do you still live in that perfect country out there, who never committed any crime against anybody?
That is really a lame notion, Olivier, and you know it. That didn't help WWII war criminals and it shouldn't be helping USA war criminals.
Decent people shouldn't be advancing such nonsensical drivel.