Quote:Its gonna be generationally achieved
That's the hope. But I'm not confident. It's been more than a hundred and fifty years since publication of On The Origin of Species and though reason has made great progress over fevered imaginings and threats of Satan walking the earth eating toasted babies, this is still a battle that is not over in America.
Quote:Why did common sense stuff like this fail?
We know the answer here - it is the organizational sophistication, wealth and political power of the NRA in association with a corrupt political party and with other powerful business entities (the Koch crowd, mainly) that have gained political power through working together to achieve disparate but similar ends.
Not sure if I mentioned this before but when Canadians were debating the long gun registry, Charlton Heston came up to BC to rouse Canadians to this threat to their liberty (God-given right to bear arms...Jesus talked about this a lot). What he was actually doing was trying to prevent Canada from standing as an exemplar of effective and non-liberty-threatening gun regulation. We were too close to the US geographically and culturally.