Personal attacks? That's what Republicans do, suck up to the rich man. We got the NHS back in 1946 when we still had to pay for WW2. You could have had that too, but instead you chose McCartyism.
I'm not disputing anything in the Guardian article, just mildly surprised that you'd used it immediately after trashing it on your fascism thread.
You continue to misrepresent those protesting, as some how being opposed to the NHS. That is an out and out lie, one told by Trump who wants to spread the myth that UHC doesn't work, that they only solution is over priced insurance, the only beneficiaries being big business and the super rich.
It's not just the NHS that's in crisis, it's the entire public sector, and that's down to underfunding, austerity budgets, tax cuts for the rich coupled with tax avoidance, use of loopholes and offshore banking.
This is the main story trending over here right now, chronic underfunding of local government.
Let's get one thing straight, I've never doubted your nationality. I accept you're an American teacher somewhere in the deep South, but I've never believed your damascene conversion to progressive politics. If you were a teenager then yes, but I find it inconceivable that someone of your, (or my,) age could vote for Dubya twice and then do a complete 180 degree turn and start supporting Sanders. I'm not talking about a softening politically which I can accept, but a complete volte face.
I thought we'd reached a détente, our exchanges on TV shows have been civil enough, warm even, but that changed when you attacked the NHS. Some of those people marching in support of the NHS are my friends, and when you lied about their motives you made it personal, very personal. My father is being discharged today after receiving excellent treatment, and what you wrote was an insult to the wonderful doctors and nurses who've been treating him.
If you told any of those people marching that they didn't support the NHS you'd get short shrift. What's even worse is that you continued to misrepresent them even after being told otherwise by someone who actually lives here and is experiencing the NHS right now. You don't know what's really going on over here like I don't know what's happening over there. So for once it would be nice that instead of trotting out the party line you actually listen to someone who knows NHS staff and the protesters and knows what their motivations really are.
I would like to go back to having civil exchanges, but when you make things personal it's very difficult.