And Schiff is claiming he knew all along that it was a prank.
Let's see, Trump Jr meets with someone who might be an agent of a foreign government in the hope that she will provide him with dirt on his dad's political opponent.
Meanwhile, the Clinton campaign has been funding a former agent of a foreign government in the creation of a dossier of dirt on her political opponent and is being fed lies, largely, by agents of the same foreign government that is associated with the woman Trump Jr met.
Now we learn that Adam Schiff directed members of his staff to obtain photos of a naked POTUS offered by someone he believed to be a prominent member of a foreign government.
In the first case, we have a scumbag traitor betraying his country and destroying our democracy.
In the second case, we have a campaign simply doing what all campaigns do.
In the third and final case, we have nothing at all because Schiff and his supporters insist that despite evidence to the contrary, it never happened and that we are carrying Putin's water if we say it did.
Does that about sum it up?
Oh, and which one of these cases do you think has gotten the most coverage in the MSM?
I am very very anxious to learn from our friends here how Case #1 is so clearly distinguishable from #'s 2 & 3 that I must be a
simpleton for not seeing it.