First, I've made no such accusation about anyone else on this board. Ever. So pretty obviously we could conclude this is not likely a matter of partisan divide or excessive tribalism.
Second, I'm very well aware that the behavior I am indicting has a real presence in modern US politics. As I've described before, much of the ClintonsForMcCain/Puma movements were false flag operations run by the RNC and allies where the pretense was "dems angry that Hillary's election was stolen by Obama so we are voting for McCain in protest". As a reporter at Wired discovered, the ClintonsForMcCain domain was registered to the RNC and within a day or two, that site was up was quickly linked to hundreds of other related and inter-linked MySpace pages and sites purportedly run by Hillary fans. I spent a couple of months going through this web and speaking with many people involved. Maybe one out of ten could detail policies Hillary was advancing that they agreed with. This was the first organized use of social media to run a political dirty tricks operation that I had bumped into.
Third, one of the loudest voices coming from the "sanders supporters" during the Dem convention was that of a lady who later was revealed to be a right wing pretender. That's an old propaganda trick.
Fourth, it was/is utterly predictable that a significant attack vector against Clinton would be to come at her from the left - "she's a crappy, untrustworthy, faux-liberal". Not only was the Sanders campaign (regardless of its legitimacy) a great gift to the Republicans because it served the necessary function, it will predictably be an arena where right wing trolls would be operating.
Could I be wrong that some individual would spend this amount of effort on a board such as this one? Sure. It does seem quite ridiculous and unlikely. But I've seen it before. It matches the pattern. And to repeat, I've not made this accusation, ever, of anyone else on this board.
And on this board, lash has a long record that's readily available. You seem to include her and her statements in the category of "far left". That's a very big difference in ideological stance from the Lash we knew before the last election. Is that degree of shift more likely to you than my thesis?