What I mean is that
All Lives Matter...how tough is that to understand?
I include members of all races in that statement.
The only time I've had a problem with the BLM slogan is when they have gone ballistic on someone who says what every single person on earth should believe: All Lives Matter; and that's when I repeat the phrase.
To say ALM is not to deny BLM, but in our current environment, every little group is ready to fight at the drop of a hat.
Are there some people who declare ALM who are bigots? I'm sure there are just as I'm sure that some who declare BLM are bigots as well (Yes Virginia a black person can be a racist). Are you comfortable with assigning the label to one whole group and not the other? I'm not.
We are in an Orwellian age of rhetorical tyranny.
All Lives Matter
Americans are dreamers too.
That so many people want to consider these phrases of a heinous ideology is insane.
Sorry, but I will never cave to any demand that I speak