monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 30 Jan, 2018 11:57 am
As is typical of every cheese-eater, who, being the perennial VICTIMS that they are, are recognized as masters of "taking offense," you cannot distinguish between "feeling" (or acting) insulted and actually being insulted.

Such is the nature of the subjective solipsist, I guess.
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:00 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Ain't that something. These fuckheads have no integrity.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:07 pm
For the life of me I don't know why this "memo" said with all drama it can possible get, is getting so much attention.
It's a propaganda operation. The intent is to throw up smoke and noise to confuse and to prep the right wing base (most acutely) for Trump's moves to shut down the investigation. Of course, pretty much the entire party is facilitating and expanding this operation.

We know all that because it is completely obvious for anyone paying attention. But there's an interesting aspect here - how the right uses its media operations to push desired narratives into the mainstream press. In this, they are very savvy. And the mainstream media deserves a lot of criticism for continually falling into the trap.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:09 pm
The Nunes memo incorporates many of the most prominent arguments offered in Trump’s defense, but it also enjoys the benefit at this point of being un-fact-checkable (since it’s still classified). Even once released, it reportedly picks from other classified reports that themselves cannot be assessed by the public.

It’s important to note that the memo arrives in the broader context of an enormously complicated 2016 election and its aftermath. In light of that, we’ve created this timeline of the events that led up to Nunes’s memo — including how it fits into an ongoing effort to defend Trump’s presidency.
A complete timeline of the events behind the memo that threatens to rip D.C. in two
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:11 pm
blatham wrote:
to prep the right wing base (most acutely) for Trump's moves to shut down the investigation.

why bother? they don't care
they've long ceded control
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:12 pm
We know all that because it is completely obvious for anyone paying attention,

The standard cheese-eater "proof," right there, sho nuff.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:15 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
The Nunes memo incorporates many of the most prominent arguments offered in Trump’s defense, but it also enjoys the benefit at this point of being un-fact-checkable (since it’s still classified). Even once released, it reportedly picks from other classified reports that themselves cannot be assessed by the public.

Most republicans are calling for all the underlying "classified" documents to be released too, at least to the maximum extent possible.

And no doubt most Americans would also want that. Especially cheese-eaters, since they cannot be aware of how much they might regret it.

It goes without saying that anytime you reduce thousands of pages to four pages, you have done some "picking." In itself, that's not a valid objection. It is conceded that it's a "partisan" summary, but, again, that in itself does not undermine it's accuracy. Isn't that what cheese-eaters have been claiming about all the over-the-top Trump hatred displayed by certain FBI agents, i.e., "that don't mean they cant be fair"?
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:24 pm
Boy, you're on a roll today. I didn't title those examples; the people felt that the words and the tone were insulting. How many times were Bush II or Romney accused of using insulting terms and phrases? I can't think of any myself. They knew enough, and respected the electoral process enough, to be circumspect in their use of divisive language on the campaign trail.

I assume you were trying to "insult" me by suggesting that I'm a "perennial VICTIM", a "cheese-eater", and, most ridiculous of all, a "subjective solipsist" — as if there were objective solipsists!
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:30 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Good for Bump. That's a valuable timeline.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:31 pm
hightor wrote:
I assume you were trying to "insult" me by suggesting that I'm a "perennial VICTIM", a "cheese-eater", and, most ridiculous of all, a "subjective solipsist" — as if there were objective solipsists!

1. I didn't directlly accuse you of that, but, if the shoe fits, go on ahead and wear it, eh?

2. Granted that the words I used are worthy of the most extreme disdain, disgust, and denouncement, them's just the facts, Jack. Facts can't be "insulting."

3. The more times you say it, the more better, I always say.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:40 pm
why bother? they don't care
they've long ceded control
Two main and related reasons, I think.

First, maintenance of emotional excitation in that base. The fears, suspicions and hatreds are pretty certain to decline if not continually reactivated in those right wing minds.

Second, to facilitate the increasing lawlessness of Trump's moves to shut the investigation down.

But note my phrase in brackets.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:43 pm
as if there were objective solipsists!
Not every Tuesday morning contains this level of hilarity.
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:49 pm
Just so as everyone is confident and hope-filled as regards future election integrity...
“Of course” Russia will attempt to interfere in the 2018 midterm elections, CIA Director Mike Pompeo told the BBC in an interview aired Monday.

“I have every expectation that they will continue to try and do that,” Pompeo said. “But I am confident that America will be able to have a free and fair election, that we’ll push back in a way that is sufficiently robust, that the impact that they will have on our election won’t be great.”

Pompeo, a former Republican congressman from Kansas and a Trump ally, said in June that Russia had been attempting to undermine America’s democratic processes for decades and that “this election was meddled with by the Russians in a way that is frankly not particularly original” and “in some ways, there’s no news.”

Do read his wikipedia page for his prior statements and positions and for his connections with the Koch brothers organization.
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 12:50 pm
Needless to say, there are people who are, objectively speaking, solipsists.

That aint the way I was usin it, of course, but, yes, Virginia(s), there is such a thing as an "objective solipisist."
0 Replies
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 01:17 pm
Claire McCaskill‏Verified account
Congress voted 517-5 to impose sanctions on Russia. The President decides to ignore that law. Folks that is a constitutional crisis. There should be outrage in every corner of this country.
4:16 AM - 30 Jan 2018
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 01:34 pm
"You're gonna look bad," he [Trump] adds. "And look, all I can say is FORBES is a bankrupt magazine, doesn't know what they're talking about. That's all I'm gonna say. 'Cause it's embarrassing to me."

WaPo: The Treasury Department copied from Forbes magazine, which Trump once said ‘doesn’t know what they’re talking about’
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 01:41 pm
In an effort to keep you as woke as possible, here are five examples illustrating just how out of touch Donald Trump is with Black voters.
Very Happy

You have to be kidding.

I will acknowledge that the Politico story does strongly suggest an attempt to play on certain white voter's antipathy and fear of black. It shouldn't have been done, and if the numbers are a Politico suggests, it was noxious. It hardly demonstrates, though, a pattern of Trump or his supporters actively working to insult and marginalize African-Americans

The infamous "rapists" comment referred to Illegal immigrants from Mexico, not Mexican-Americans.
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 01:55 pm
blatham wrote:

Let us imagine...
White House to Congress: Russia sanctions not needed now

Try to imagine if this decision had been made by Obama or some other Dem president who had just won the presidency with the known assistance of Russia. Further, imagine if that same Dem president had extensive financial aid for his profit-taking enterprises - from Russia.

That person would already be in prison through the bipartasan efforts of the Dems and Repukes. Why? because the Dems are Americans first while the Repukes are just, well, traitors or never were Americans. Not all mind you, but the ones that aren't need to stand up and be counted, otherwise they too are traitors! I fully appauld those that already have.
Tue 30 Jan, 2018 01:56 pm
Baldimo wrote:

You will notice almost everyone involved with the FBI and this probe has some sort of dirt on them, and every time the left starts making noise about there is nothing there, one of these FBI people with DNC connections ends up stepping down? Have so many people in lead FBI positions connected to a single "investigation" ever stepped down in these numbers before?

Good observation and good question, Baldy.

Trump didn't have anything to do with disposting of any of these people, Mueller himself did (in conjunction with the FBI, maybe). And that includes McCabe. Trump has long made it known that he wants McCabe out, but Wray has never fired him. It was all up to Wray this time, too.

NBC wrote:
FBI’s Wray makes clear McCabe’s retirement tied to IG’s Clinton report

News that McCabe would leave his role seven weeks before he was expected to retire triggered speculation on Monday that he was being forced to leave under political pressure from President Donald Trump. But several FBI insiders said that was not the case.

FBI Director Chris Wray made clear in a message sent to all bureau employees on Monday night that Deputy Director Andrew McCabe's decision to step aside was a result of forthcoming information to be detailed in an Inspector General report, according to a copy of his message obtained by NBC News.

Wray alluded to having seen aspects of the IG's report into the way the FBI handled the investigation into Hillary Clinton's use of a private e-mail server.

Several sources familiar with McCabe's move said the he made his decision as a result of a meeting with Wray in which the Inspector General's investigation was discussed.


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