monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 01:00 pm
Very Happy
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 01:00 pm
I see you're catching up on all the stuff you missed (and some you already replied to yesterday). Must have thought of some more catchy comebacks overnight.

You were wrong (how's that for a declarative statement). No sense is debating that point. I'm right. You're wrong, wholly.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 01:03 pm
layman wrote:

Ya think these allegations from FBI agents are worth investigating, eh, Hi?

I said "eh, Hi?"
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 02:15 pm
I thought Sessions recused himself from all things Russian related? Since he was interviewed by Mueller today, it seems suspicious timing to open an investigation into those stupid memo's. He must have felt uncomfortable with his interview and is making a counter attack. What a country we live in now.

Sessions orders probe of FBI agents' texts

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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 02:22 pm
Wasn't Sessions interviewed last week? in any case, lots of distractions from what's important. Governance.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 02:30 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

It's impossible to discuss this with you since you are obviously incapable of acknowledging what just about everyone in this country knows: The Dems miscalculated and blew it. I'm done.

You failed to make even the most feeble attempt at an argument to prove your point.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 02:36 pm
You're right, it was last week, however, it was reported today.

Comey and Sessions Are Questioned for Hours in Russia Inquiry(NYT)
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 03:10 pm
yes , Sessions last week
Comey last year


I would love to be there when #45 asks Sessions what happened. More memory fails?
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 03:12 pm
Wall funding offer pulled by Schumer.

Good timing on that play.
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 03:59 pm
The country do't want no steenkin wall. If theyvever actually build on ten to one half a dozen different people will have figurod out half a dozen difflerent ways over around or under it within a week. Off the top of my head I can think of three without trying. It's a stulid expeensive idea.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:20 pm
interesting polling results


the POLITICO/Morning Consult poll actually shows an increase in the percentage of voters who thought passing a DACA fix was worth shutting down the government.

"As Democrats consider their next move, our polling shows an uptick in voter support for shutting down the government over protections for 'Dreamers,'" said Morning Consult co-founder and Chief Research Officer Kyle Dropp. "In a poll taken before the shutdown, 42 percent of voters said this issue was important enough to prompt a government shutdown, compared with 47 percent of voters who say the same today."

Fewer voters in the poll, 38 percent, say DACA is not important enough to shut down the government — down from 42 percent immediately before the shutdown.

On the other hand, significantly fewer voters say it’s worth shutting down the government to secure funding for Trump’s main immigration priority: a wall along the Mexican border. Fewer than 3 in 10 voters, 29 percent, say a border wall is worth shutting down the government over, while 57 percent say the wall isn’t worth it.

The POLITICO/Morning Consult poll surveyed 1,997 registered voters online and has a margin of error of plus or minus 2 percentage points.

Morning Consult is a nonpartisan media and technology company that provides data-driven research and insights on politics, policy and business strategy.

More details on the poll and its methodology can be found in these two documents — Toplines: http://politi.co/2n0N3II | Crosstabs: http://politi.co/2BkRmTz

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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:25 pm

Trump is also clearly in the minority camp when it comes to immigration, another key pillar of the America First vision. Only 39 percent approved of Trump’s handling of immigration as of November 2017. Most Americans simply don’t share the president’s dim view of immigrants. Trump began his campaign in 2015 complaining of Mexican immigrants that “They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They’re rapists.”

Last week, in a meeting about immigration at the White House, Trump’s views again stirred debate after he complained about people coming from “ shitholes ” like Haiti and Africa and asked why the United States didn’t get more people from Norway.

But according to a June 2017 Chicago Council on Global Affairs poll, just 37 percent of Americans see immigrants and refugees as a critical threat to U.S. interests. Seventy-one percent say that immigration is a good thing for the country today.

Poll after poll finds that a majority of Americans think that even illegal immigrants should have the opportunity to stay in the United States—68 percent in a recent Quinnipiac poll say they should be able to apply for citizenship.

Unsurprisingly, Trump and the Republicans face the same political headwinds in the debate over DACA reform. Seventy-nine percent thinks the “Dreamers”—undocumented immigrants brought to the United States as children—should be allowed to stay and become citizens.

interesting place to be in, in advance of the midterms.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:33 pm
You're a schmuck, Chuck:

Schumer's shutdown performance sparks unrest in his ranks

Schumer is now under attack from the left and confronting pointed criticism of his negotiating skill. Progressive senators were visibly miffed by what their leader had just done, even if they did not publicly go after him.

But liberal groups were furious, threatening in a conference call with progressive senators on Monday to spend money against Schumer and his vulnerable incumbents this fall, according to a person on the call. “It’s Schumer’s job to lead and keep his caucus together to fight for progressive values, and he didn’t do it,” said Ezra Levin, co-executive director of the activist group Indivisible.

In the end, Schumer found himself under attack from liberals he’s spent months courting. Schumer declined to respond to any criticism of him on Monday afternoon.

In the view of Schumer allies, the pledge to take up a bipartisan bill, rather than a conservative bill, was an off-ramp from the shutdown worth taking. The Democratic Caucus began sensing quickly that a long shutdown over immigration would begin damaging the sympathetic public view of Dreamers, a Democratic aide said.

For Schumer, the shutdown was the culmination of a complex internal Democratic crisis that’s been brewing for months. Since October, a steady march of progressive senators took the position that they would no longer vote to fund the government without protection for young immigrants facing deportation by a March 5 deadline.

Schumer led almost his entire caucus into a vote to shut down the government on Friday and rejected an offer from McConnell on Sunday night that was similar — albeit less firm — than the one he accepted hours later.

“They had to do it, because that’s where their base is right now and they have to prove these threats are serious. I think they had to wave the bloody flag,” said Sen. John Thune (R-S.D.).

But despite all the Democrats' reservations, what mattered most in bringing the shutdown to an end were the two Senate leaders. “Schumer trusts him,” Feinstein said of McConnell.

“Sen. Schumer believed in what he was doing. But you can also believe that two plus two equals five,” said Sen. John Kennedy (R-La.).


It's bad to get played, but even worse when you play your own damn self, eh?
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:35 pm
The fools! Don't they realize it was all part of Chuck's brilliant scheme? They need to connect with the libs of A2K who will surely educate them.
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Finn dAbuzz
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:43 pm
Given the recent revelations about FBI texts, I would love to see the comments of those who have reliably mocked the notion of a "Deep State"

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