monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 23 Jan, 2018 04:53 pm
Thought of two more ways over the wall while driving home from work. One would probably require some simple modification on stuff I'm pretty sure already exists. The other would require one simple piece of equipment, simple to design with CAD software and a 3D printer and some measurements if they actually do go thru with the stupid idea and actually build some segments. Maybe I'll apply for a patent. Remember the Maginot Line which France built to keep Germany from invading before WWII. Remember how well that worked.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 05:23 pm
The last major immigration legislation was the ICRA--the Raygun-era Immigration Control and Reform Act of 1986. Millions of illegal immigrants were allowed to apply for (and most of them got) residency permits, and some became citizens. At the time, there was all manner of right-wing bullsh*t about a border wall, and heavy military patrols. All of that ignores that there is a significant sector of the economy which relies upon the stoop labor of immigrants, many of whom are illegals. All the noise, all the public anguish mean nothing in the face of employers willing to spend money on candidates who will assure that their interests are served, and President Plump's base be damned.

But it is more hilarious because of the reality that Plump is probably ignorant of (vast is the body of knowledge about which he is clueless) and which it appears that right-wingers are also ignorant of. The coyotes, as they are known, who smuggle illegals in, the drug lords and other smugglers don't care about no steenking wall. It was true in 1986, and it's true today--they go under the border:

From Reuters, "U.S. border agents find smuggling tunnel in San Diego"

From CNN: "Rare view of tunnels under border wall" (videos)

From Time magazine: "Inside Mexico's Drug Tunnels"

The Time article claims U.S. law enforcement agents have found more than one hundred tunnels since 2001.


Yeah, build that wall, fat boy, the saps will love ya for it.
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 05:38 pm
You forget to mention that at the time there were only an estimated 3-4 million illegal immigrants in the US at the time. That law was suppose to solve the illegal immigration problem. In the 30 years since, illegal immigration has grown to over 11 million, that is almost 4x in 30 years. Amnesty didn't solve anything then and it won't solve anything now.

You mention the tunnels, did you stop to think that those would be accounted for and have monitoring for such things? I'm sure who ever ends up with the wall contract, will have thought of such things.
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 05:51 pm
Yeah, right . . . wanna buy a bridge?

Don't talk to me Baldimo. I've had no respect for you since the night you talked about "n*gger music" to a newly joined member who happened to have been black. You then attempted to defend yourself by saying you're not white. Your eventual rationale was that Italians are not white.

I've got zero respect for you, and no interest in anything you have to say.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 06:27 pm
Yeah, right . . . wanna buy a bridge?

No, we have enough bridges to no where as it is.

Don't talk to me Baldimo. I've had no respect for you since the night you talked about "n*gger music" to a newly joined member who happened to have been black. You then attempted to defend yourself by saying you're not white. Your eventual rationale was that Italians are not white.

I don't recall the "n*gger music" comment, might have to pull that one out of the basement for context.

You mean me saying that Italians/Sicilians are not considered white? They aren't considered white. How many KKK members had Italian names? You would be interested to know, that I'm whiter than I thought I was, did a 23 and Me test, turns out I'm only 8.7% Italian and I'm like 24 or 26% German/French with some Norse thrown in for good measure.

I've got zero respect for you, and no interest in anything you have to say.

I've never asked for respect, so the fact you haven't given any doesn't bother me. Not listening to anything I saw because you want to be a cry baby is another story. It's a level of childishness I used to only attribute to certain members who like to play the "ignore" game in their threads.
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 06:53 pm
Well, OK, then!!

US kills 150 ISIS fighters in Syria airstrike during government shutdown

The Pentagon says it killed 150 ISIS fighters in an airstrike in eastern Syria, while the U.S. federal government was shut down Saturday.

The airstrike took in one of the last remaining pockets of ISIS control along the Euphrates River near the border between Syria and Iraq, according to a statement from U.S. Central Command, responsible for American forces in the Middle East.

While ISIS has lost 98 percent of its territory, the remaining 2 percent held by the terror group includes an area around the Syrian city of Al-Shaafah, where the strike took place. Top U.S. military officials believe the head of ISIS, Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, is hiding in the area.

The target for the American aircraft was an ISIS headquarters with a “heavy concentration” of ISIS fighters, who were preparing to leave the area, according to the statement.

That's what I'm talkin about!

While Chuck the Schmuck was busy trying to take their paycheck away from them, them boys was takin care of real business, eh?
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 07:36 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Given the recent revelations about FBI texts, I would love to see the comments of those who have reliably mocked the notion of a "Deep State"
What revelations? And how would you know about them? Can you cite the data source you are relying on?
Finn dAbuzz
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 07:40 pm
No you're right --- never happened Laughing
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 07:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
You apparently believe there are some "revelations" in the memo. How would you know? It hasn't been released.
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 07:57 pm
It was some bad ****, sho nuff, but maybe the worst part was bringin British spies in to NSA headquarters to do the (otherwise) illegal spyin, so the FBI could say the information came from a "friendly foreign intelligence agency." There aint no limit to how much that could be done, eh?
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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 08:48 pm
Supreme Court Pumps The Accelerator On DACA Appeal

The Supreme Court agreed Tuesday to accelerate the Trump administration’s appeal of a lower court order requiring the government to continue administering the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program.

The justices ordered DACA supporters to file a brief defending the lower court judgement by Feb. 2, a swift timetable compared to other cases.

Judge William Alsup’s Jan. 9 ruling prompted the government’s appeal to the high court. Alsup concluded DACA’s termination was based on an error of law, making the action “arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion, [and] otherwise not in accordance with law.”

In a remarkable procedural move, the Department of Justice declined to follow normal course by appealing to the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals, and brought the case straight to the justices.


Looks like the Supremes are getting fed-up with solitary cheese-eatin judges tryin to play President, and dictate discretionary policy for the whole damn country, eh?

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Real Music
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 09:07 pm
Schumer Rescinds Offer on Funding Trump’s Border Wall

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) told the White House this week that he has retracted his offer to provide funds for the Mexico border wall well above the $1.6 billion that President Trump originally requested, Politico reported Tuesday. Sources say “Trump will simply not get a better deal than that on his signature campaign promise.” Last Friday, Schumer originally offered the border-wall funds while meeting with Trump, hoping to get “a broader deal to help DREAMers.” Since the government shutdown, a Democratic aide said that Trump has “missed an opportunity to get the wall.”

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Tue 23 Jan, 2018 09:55 pm
If I have to pay for that Rube Goldberg of a wall, why is it Trumps wall? I thought you guys believed that Mexico would pay. Changed your mind?
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 10:28 pm
Wall will be built, and Mexico will pay (even if indirectly)

President Trump has promised to build the wall and he’ll make Mexico pay for it. The Democrats called the idea crazy. President Trump understands something that Congressional Democrats don’t. In fact, President Trump has found a better way to make Mexico pay by making concessions in the North American Free Trade Agreement. In the process, that will help create thousands of jobs across America.

“They can pay for it indirectly, through NAFTA,” Trump said. “I’m going to take a small percentage of that money and it’s going toward the wall.

Guess what? Mexico’s paying. And that’s not just smart, it’s brilliant. Under NAFTA, America has a $55 billion trade deficit with Mexico. The cost for the border wall? A projected $18 billion. So Trump only needs to renegotiate a one-third reduction in the trade deficit to effectively force Mexico to pay for the wall.

Talks on renegotiating NAFTA have already begun. And President Trump is aiming to show that he’s still Master of the Deal. And when he re-balances trade with Mexico, Trump will end up keeping two vital campaign promises. America will have a border wall and Mexico will pay for it. That’s genius.


Tough luck, Mexicans. You're gunna hafta give up nafta.

Purty simple, actually, eh?
Tue 23 Jan, 2018 10:35 pm

layman wrote:

Wall will be built, and Mexico will pay (even if indirectly)
So Trump only needs to renegotiate a one-third reduction in the trade deficit to effectively force Mexico to pay for the wall.

Somehow, "renegotiate" does not elicit the same feelings as "make them pay". It sounds more like he's going to ask them to pay.

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