monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sun 21 Jan, 2018 02:00 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Not only that: just imagine, 'California' would be translated to Spanish.

Isn't it rich, and the French don't have a word for entrepreneur. Our humiliation never ends.
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 02:00 pm
The White House has changed its answering machine message to blame Donald Trump's political opponents for its failure to answer calls.

The US is in the middle of a government shutdown, leaving many federal services without staff.

But callers to the White House comment line at the weekend were informed that Democrats were to blame.

The recorded message says calls cannot be answered because Democrats are holding government funding "hostage".

The recorded message was set up on the White House comment phone line, which accepts calls from members of the public.

"Unfortunately, we cannot answer your call today because Congressional Democrats are holding government funding - including funding for our troops and other national security priorities - hostage to an unrelated immigration debate," the recording says.

"Due to this obstruction, the government is shut down."

Some members of the public opposed to Mr Trump expressed outrage at the partisan message on the public service.

The message seemed so unusual to some that it was confirmed as genuine by fact-checking and urban legend-debunking website Snopes., in addition to dozens of journalists checking the recording for themselves.

The line was frequently busy at the weekend, requiring multiple attempts before the BBC could get through to confirm the recording.

0 Replies
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 02:05 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Oh, that was a good one, Mr. Maturity!
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 02:25 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
I'm sure you are right, finn. There are no traces of racism to be found at Fox or with his statement. Nor with Trump. Nor Bannon. Nor Gorka. Nor with that skinny slimeball who's been saying racist things since high school. Nor with the present Attorney General. Nor with any but one or two Republicans in Congress and Senate. How dare I even suggest such a thing.

Fox's viewership is equally mixed, colored and white. Police don't stop blacks on foot or walking any more often than they stop whites. US jails are filled with more whites than blacks because there are more whites than blacks in the population, so it's proportionate.

There was no racism within conservative ranks when a black man was in the White House. Limbaugh, for example, never talked about black women having a big back porch. Nobody on the right passed around that illustration of Obama with a bone through his nose.

And there's certainly no racism evident in the right's thinking on immigration. That's just utterly certain.
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 03:28 pm
I am right. There were no traces of racism to be found within Carlson's statement.

The rest of your screed is beyond the point.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 03:29 pm
Thank you! I thought so.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 03:32 pm
glitterbag wrote:

Isn't it rich, and the French don't have a word for entrepreneur. Our humiliation never ends.

Feeling humiliated is not very pretty.

Glad it's you and not me.
0 Replies
Sun 21 Jan, 2018 10:10 pm
Day 3 of the tRump government shutdown to begin. Once again shows he is such a winner Rolling Eyes Confused Sad
Walter Hinteler
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 12:14 am
Trust in U.S. institutions plunges in Trump's first year
DAVOS, Switzerland (Reuters) - Trust in U.S. institutions, particularly the government, has plunged in President Donald Trump’s first year in office, according to a leading survey released on the eve of the World Economic Forum in Davos.

The annual Edelman Trust Barometer showed overall trust in the four institutions it measures - the government, media, business and non-governmental organizations - falling more steeply in the United States than in any of the 28 countries surveyed.

Trump has broken with presidential tradition and repeatedly denounced the media and judiciary - attacks his critics say risk undermining public confidence in those institutions.

By contrast, the country that saw the biggest trust gains among its own citizens was China, after a year in which President Xi Jinping cemented his hold on power at a triumphal party congress.

Faith in the Chinese government jumped 8 points to 84 percent. In the United States it fell 14 points to 33 percent.

“The United States is enduring an unprecedented crisis of trust,” said Richard Edelman, head of the communications marketing firm that commissioned the research.

Xi was the headliner in Davos last year, days before Trump was inaugurated. This year, Trump is the main attraction. He is expected to defend his “America First” policies in a speech on the final day of the conference of policymakers, CEOs, bankers and celebrities in the Swiss Alps, which runs from Jan. 23-26.

Pointing to the steep erosion in trust in the United States, Edelman said it was the first time since the survey began 18 years ago that such a precipitous drop was not linked to a specific event, such as an economic crisis or catastrophe, like the 2011 Fukushima nuclear disaster in Japan.

Instead it comes at a time when the U.S. economy is showing robust growth and stock markets are at record highs.

“Normally when things are going well, trust is pretty good,” Edelman said. “Increasingly there is a disconnect between trust and economic outcomes.”

Link to Edelman
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 01:28 am
Newsweak has found the perfect click-bait headline for sucking in cheese-eaters, eh?:

Newsweek wrote:

If Trump did conspire with Russia, the president “should resign, or, if he doesn’t, he should be impeached,” Lessig wrote in his essay. Vice President Mike Pence would also have to either resign or get impeached, which would make House Speaker Paul Ryan the president of the United States, Lessig wrote at the time.

Given that there is “no mechanism in American law for a new election,” nor “a mechanism for correcting the criminal results of the previous election,” Ryan ought to nominate “the person defeated by the treason of his own party, and then step aside, and let her become President,” Lessig went on to say.


Byron Tau, of the Wall Street Journal, wrote:
“What's left of Newsweek is actively making people dumber and less informed and honestly should be unfollowed and shunned for this kind of behavior.


It's kinda like tellin some 4 year old kid that, yes, there really is a Santa Claus, ya know? Except here the kids are adults. But, just like kids, they're quick to accept as true anything that they want to be true. The most wild, seemingly impossible fantasy will be entertained as probable fact when the desire for it to be true is high.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 01:37 am
That fantasy was borne out of a blog post in October penned by Harvard Law professor and activist Lawrence Lessig, who wrote that Mueller's investigation would eventually lead to Trump's impeachment. While that is improbable, it's not completely impossible.

But Lessig took his theory a step farther, saying that, in some world, the presidential chain of succession would reach Paul Ryan, who would literally hand the most powerful office in the nation from himself to Clinton — a member of the opposite party and his party's enemy number one.
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 01:54 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Harvard Law professor and activist Lawrence Lessig,

Normally the musings and opinions of a guy like this would be respected, at least. But as soon as you see them identified as an "activist," whether its on behalf of gays, women, muslims, immigrants, whales, trees, cats, windmills, or any other special interest, like cheese-eating, you know they have zero credibility.
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 02:24 am
It's kinda like tellin some 4 year old kid that, yes, there really is a Santa Claus, ya know? Except here the kids are adults.

In light of the latest revelations, I almost feel sorry for these peeps. Almost.....
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 03:43 am
The truth? You can't handle the truth....

Below viewing threshold (view)
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 04:08 am
Uhh, actually, naw, I aint.

I see 'em runnin'; and I see 'em hidin'.

That's enough for me.
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 04:17 am
Builder wrote:
I see 'em runnin'; and I see 'em hidin'.

0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 12:50 pm
Didn't you see? The Schummer Shutdown is over.

Who blinked first?
Finn dAbuzz
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 12:51 pm
Activist = PITA gadfly who sits on his or her ass posting crap on the internet
0 Replies
Mon 22 Jan, 2018 12:52 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:

Didn't you see? The Schummer Shutdown is over.

Who blinked first?

I think they compromised Finn. Neither side wanted it to continue. The Democrats actually wanted to have 'normal order' in government and get something on the legislative agenda.

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