monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Finn dAbuzz
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 12:51 am
It is weird.

All those people in the room and they can't all seem to agree on what he said. Considering the widespread outrage generated by the reports that Trump very specifically used the word "shithole" it's a little weird that it didn't create such a lasting impression in their minds that there would be no confusion or conflicting memories.

Although outlets like CNN and the NYT have repeated printing the word so often that maybe it's played tricks on some memories. The infantile obsession with the word by CNN, in particular, is at once both a riot and quite transparent.

My brother-in-law who is 16 years my junior had three of his nephews (two of whom were my sons) stay over at his bachelor pad so, in part, he could play Cool Uncle Genaro with them. One of the fun games played was "Use Whatever Words You Want!"

At some point in the early evening Gerry and the boys went shopping for snacks and during the trip "Use Whatever Words You Want!" was in full play and effect. My youngest son was seven or eight at the time and the word he decided he wanted to use, to the exclusion of all others, was "crappy." I, of course, wasn't there (what fun would that have been?), but my oldest son, who would have been nine or ten, was and both he and his Uncle Genaro recounted that the word "crappy" was flying in the air like bullets on a battlefield. Apparently, #2 Son revealed just how crappy he thought the world was and everthing and everyone in it. Crappy old ladies were pushing their crappy shopping carts too slowly down the crappy aisle where crappy snacks and crappy softdrinks we stocked. The crappy store's crappy parking lot was filled with crappy cars and so were the crappy roads. On the way back to brother Gerry's pad, #2 Son was so jacked up on crappy Coca Cola and the intoxication of sin, he rolled down the car window and yelled at a motorist driving beside the crappy-mobile, "Hey you crappy cop! Move your crappy car off the road!" Fortunately, the crappy police officer was unable to hear #2 Son's words due to the crappy wind and didn't pull out his gun and shoot him dead. They returned home without further crappy incident.

When I saw that at last count, CNN had run the word "shithole" 37 times, for some reason I immediately thought about Crappy Night With Uncle Genaro.

What's transparent about CNN and other outlet's repetition of the word despite FCC rules and regulations and any concerns about the horrible effect such a horrible word might have on sensitive or young viewers, is their motivation.

Damn it! It's outrageous that Trump used that word and they are going to make damned sure you know he did.

And no editing for taste and decency for them! Nope. Their viewers have to experience the visceral horror that is "shithole" in all it's obscene glory. Using copouts like "S-hole," "The 'S' Word Hole" or even "Sh*thole" just doesn't cut it. You have to see it on your TV screen or hear it from the mouths of CNN anchors and contributors to fully experience just how vulgar and demeaning the word is!

It's just like how they never bleep out profanity used by college football players, BLM protestors and Robert DeNiro when they rip into Trump, or how they always show the shredded, bloody bodies of cops slain by politically motivated assassins. Their viewers demand and deserve the full, unvarnished experience, no matter the sensitivities of some or the bad light it might cast on the guilty parties!

It's also weird that people are quick to assume Trump lied when he claimed he didn't use the word, but don't give a moment's consideration to the possibility that he lied if and when he bragged about it.

BTW - The conclusion of the Crappy story is that we had to pick up and take home #2 Son after he got sick and puked up the three quarts of Mountain Dew, six bags of candy and an entire sleeve of Crappy Pringles he consumed. Now that Uncle Genaro has three kids, he won't drink in front of them and gets angry if anyone curses around them.
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 04:32 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
All those people in the room and they can't all seem to agree on what he said. Considering the widespread outrage generated by the reports that Trump very specifically used the word "shithole" it's a little weird that it didn't create such a lasting impression in their minds that there would be no confusion or conflicting memories.
Certainly no chance they are lying.

No one cares that he used the word "****". The point is how he used it - to describe nations with mainly colored populations which were set against the more perfect source for humans, socialist Norway. When African shitholers leave the states to go back home, they'll be fine in their huts. When Mexicans return to their proper country, they'll just take to raping again and crushing border guards with heavy bags of drugs thrown over the wall.

But there's no evidence that Trump is a racist. And we should take him at his word because he's an incredibly honest man, perhaps the most honest man who has ever lived.

0 Replies
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 05:25 am
Good for Graham.
Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-SC) said on Monday that his memory “hasn’t evolved” in regards to the explosive immigration meeting during which President Donald Trump reportedly called Haiti, El Salvador, and unnamed African countries “shithole countries.”

While again refusing to explicitly confirm whether or not Trump made those comments, Graham told the Post and Courier “My memory hasn’t evolved. I know what was said and I know what I said.”

Also, kudos for best use of "evolved" I've heard from a politician.
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 05:32 am
Trump spends Martin Luther King Jr. Day at golf course

But we ought to acknowledge that, in an act showing respect for the day, Trump used a black caddie.
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 05:53 am
In the words of Philip Roth
Trump, by comparison, is a massive fraud, the evil sum of his deficiencies, devoid of everything but the hollow ideology of a megalomaniac.
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 05:54 am
In order to respect where Dr King was coming from he probably didn't pay him.
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 06:06 am
That would be the traditionalist's approach to the situation.
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 06:12 am
Today's installment in our Voices From The Right series
Sometimes it is necessary to begin with the obvious. The claim that America needs more Norwegian immigrants and fewer Africans from “shithole countries” is racist. It is not the same as arguing for a higher-skilled immigrant pool. That argument might go something like: “We need a higher-skilled immigrant pool.”

...On this issue, Trump has not earned a single benefit of the doubt. His racial demagoguery in the Central Park Five case . . . his attribution of Kenyan citizenship to Barack Obama . . . his references to Mexican migrants as rapists and murderers . . . his unconstitutional attempt at a Muslim ban . . . his moral equivocation following the deadly protests in Charlottesville . . . his statement, reported by the New York Times, that Nigerians would never “go back to their huts” after seeing America . . . all of these constitute an elaborate pattern of bigotry. Trump makes off-hand racist comments, he promotes racist stereotypes and he incites racism as a political strategy.
Michael Gerson
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Tue 16 Jan, 2018 06:28 am
The President and the Porn Star
In 1998, the professional moral scold William Bennett published a book titled “The Death of Outrage: Bill Clinton and the Assault on American Ideals.” In it, Bennett described blasé attitudes toward presidential adultery as corrosive. Clinton’s promiscuity, he argued, implicated his fitness for governing: “Chronic indiscipline, compulsion, exploitation, the easy betrayal of vows, all suggest something wrong at a deep level — something habitual and beyond control,” he wrote.

I was reminded of Bennett’s words by David Friend’s fascinating recent book, “The Naughty Nineties: The Triumph of the American Libido,” about the sexual scandals and cultural upheavals of that decade. In retrospect, the dynamics of the Clinton-era culture wars seem blissfully simple, pitting a sexually libertarian left against an aggressively prudish right. It is a cosmic irony that, 20 years later, it is conservatives who’ve finally killed off the last remaining unspoken rules about presidential sexual ethics.

On Friday, The Wall Street Journal reported that, a month before the 2016 election, Donald Trump’s lawyer Michael Cohen arranged a $130,000 payout to the porn star Stephanie Clifford, known by the stage name Stormy Daniels, to stop her from discussing a 2006 dalliance with Trump. The New York Times added new details. The Daily Beast then reported that another porn actress, Jessica Drake, who had accused Trump of offering her $10,000 for sex, signed a nondisclosure agreement barring her from talking about the president.

In any other administration, evidence that the president paid hush money to the star of “Good Will Humping” during the election would be a scandal. In this one it has, so far, elicited a collective shrug.



Tue 16 Jan, 2018 08:19 am
elicited a collective shrug.

I guess that is one advantage of creating new outrages everyday, big scandals just kind of melt into the scandal broth which is served to us every single day by this administration.
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 08:47 am
There's a colored map at that site. Take yourself a little gander, eh?

Once you get to countries without a Mediterranean coastline, EVERY county in Africa is 75 or below.

Furthermore, NO other country in the entire world outside of the Caribbean falls in that range. IQ-wise, these are truly the world's shitholes.

The Durbin plan is just perfect for the cheese-eater mentality. No wonder they're willing to shut down the entire U.S. government to pack in more immigrants from there, eh? They represent the typical Democratic voter, caincha see? Furthermore, the chances of them being on welfare for life is extremely high, and they best vote for the party that rewards them for that if they want to stay on the gravy train, ya know?
Walter Hinteler
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:11 am
Lynn and Vanhanen [2006 with data from 2002] based their analysis on selected IQ data from studies which covered 113 nations. For another 79 nations, they estimated the mean IQs on the basis of the arithmetic means of the measured IQs of neighbouring countries.
Lynn and Vanhanen calculated the national IQs in relation to a British mean of 100 [Nota bene the lower US-IQ in their study].
Their study has attracted widespread criticism.
Walter Hinteler
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:14 am
@Walter Hinteler,
WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Deporting immigrants who came to the United States illegally as children will not be a top federal law enforcement priority even if lawmakers do not pass a program to protect them, the U.S. Department of Homeland Security chief said in an interview aired on Tuesday.
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:14 am
@Walter Hinteler,
Walter Hinteler wrote:

Their study has attracted widespread criticism.

And rightly so, eh, Walt? This scientific study is based on empirical facts.

Every cheese-eater knows that facts are RACIST, eh?
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Walter Hinteler
Tue 16 Jan, 2018 09:18 am
@Walter Hinteler,
The Trump ‘shithole countries’ flap takes an even more ridiculous turn
Just when you thought the lawmakers involved in that “shithole countries” meeting at the White House on Thursday hadn't covered themselves in enough shame, here comes a new development.

The Washington Post reported Monday night that the source of the dispute is less about the thrust of President Trump's “shithole” comment and more about the second syllable of that vulgar word. It turns out that the statement Sens. Tom Cotton (R-Ark.) and David Perdue (R-Ga.) issued that sounded as though it was crafted by a dozen lawyers was written that way for a reason: Cotton and Perdue, according to three White House sources, believe Trump said “shithouse” rather than “shithole.” (The New York Times has a source saying the same thing.)

This is apparently all the difference that they needed to issue their statement, which assured that “we do not recall the president saying these comments specifically.” That last word lingers hugely; it means they get to deny one specific word and feel good about having been technically honest. Never mind that the second syllable of that word doesn't change the meaning of Trump's comments one iota.
... ... ...
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