layman wrote:
Facts? We don't need no stinkin facts!
Quote:The Center for Immigration Studies has exhaustively examined welfare use by immigrant area of origin. Central America and Mexico are at 73 percent, the Caribbean at 51 perrcent and Africa at 48 percent. Europe was far lower at 26 percent. East Asia was at 32 percent and South Asia the lowest of all groups at 17 percent. And such disparate outcomes for immigrants by nation-of-origin continue multi-generationally.
The U.N. has a "Human Development Index" for all 188 countries. You can see it here, if you want to take yourself a little gander:
Pakistan is WAY down the list at 147th, yet it is still put in the "medium" human development category. Only those below Pakistan are considered by the U.N. to be "low human development" countries--
absolute shitholes, ya might say.
Haiti was 163rd, and every single one of the 25 countries ranked below it (with the exception of the garden spots of Afghanistan and Yemen) was in Africa.
Like, whooda thunk, I ax ya?
If you check that U.N. list, Norway is #1. I wonder why that is? Oh, I know, there could only be one possible reason, right? Because most of them are white, not black, eh?
There's no OTHER difference between Norway and the lowest country on the list, Central African Republic, surely.