Quote:Suppose Trump had referred to them as "extremely impoverished nations," instead of "shitholes," eh?
Quote:Would he still be roundly condemned by the cheese-eaters? Sure.
You're right, sure. Because he contrasted black majority countries with Norway, a white majority country. (As if
any Norwegian would want to emigrate to this shithole.)
Quote:In everyday lingo, "shithole" is just another way of sayin the same thing.
Maybe it's commonly used that way in your social circles but we're talking about elected representatives acting in their official capacity. No doubt they all use those terms in private conversation but they're usually canny enough not to reveal themselves as vulgarians in public.
Quote:But it wouldn't give them the same liberty to play the role of a prude subjected to an EXTREME MORAL OUTRAGE, which is the kinda pretense they thrive on.
Except that no one's playing the prude here. The reason anyone's making anything out of this incident is that it confirms long-held suspicions that Trump will play the race card for political gain, even if he can't be proven to be an actual racist himself. And it also reveals him to be unguarded, reckless, and crass, not characteristics USAmericans usually wish to see in the person they elected to guide our country and represent it to the world.
Quote:The phoniness and hypocrisy is self-evident, eh?
No, the only thing self-evident here is that you like to frame phony arguments based on your own deliberate misrepresentation of events.