Quote:I'm wary of a guy who was known to readers of the New York Times as Bill "Always Wrong" Kristol.
Yes. And we ought to be wary. Bill has a fairly length trail of sins behind him. But he is a sane, thoughtful guy and I think we'll be better off if we celebrate rationality rather than party membership. For the US to regain some semblance of sanity, we have to allow for bridges between the left and the rational right.
The coup in Fuckistan was engineered by my mother-in-law who, at a younger period in her life, was known as Helga, She-Wolf of the SS
Yes, unhappiness is built into the electoral system and below that, in our nature as self-conscious social creatures. On the other hand, the "throw the bums out" tendencies we have does have the benefit of working to keep a singular party or group or family or individual from capturing and holding power.
Finally, I do agree that this consumer culture produces goals and thought-patterns which can work serious damage on civic life. If Moses had any inkling at all of the false gods and idolatry up the road, he'd have just dropped those tablets and said, "**** it".