Though it may surprise some, I actually have a lot of affinity for what Kristol says here:
Quote:I guess I’ll make this point. You mentioned earlier about people being so unhappy. There’s something a little crazy about our discourse now, I think. I mean, America in 2016, 2017 is not the worst country in the history of the world to live in.
The liberal world order, with America at its core over the last 70 years, has not produced the worst 70 years in history of the world, let alone in the history of the last 100 years.
We kind of know what the first half of the 20th century was like. It’s not so that there hasn’t been progress in a huge number of social spheres. Here, I will argue against conservatives and give liberals some credit for that.
People are just too unhappy with the status quo, in my opinion. If you came down and looked at America and at the world, you’d say there’s a fair amount to be happy and be grateful for.
And that’s always what conservatives were pretty good at, actually, was making the point to progressives that, “Hey, slow down here. There’s a lot to be grateful for, and you shouldn’t take it for granted before you race off to change this or that.” That’s a kind of sensible conservative instinct. And it would be nice to have a bit of a return of that.
I think we've all seen that knee-jerk and unthoughtful claim or presumption from progessives like myself that "If it's old/traditional, it stinks and stultifies, so get rid of it, the faster the better". And the converse from some conservatives that "The new is untested and pushing for it will very possibly bring down working systems that time has proved stable". So he gets that right, I think.
Also, Kristol makes a profoundly important point when he says that the US (and we could include modern western nations) isn't a hell hole. I, for example, have never been hungry. It doesn't follow from this that the institutions and laws and norms we've built up apply equally to everyone of that we shouldn't fight for improvement. Likewise, it doesn't follow that our institutions, laws and norms, as positive as they are, will protect themselves or us in the future. People like Steve Bannon will always be around, with the goal of tearing everything down, and they will find followers.