monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 5 Jan, 2018 01:23 pm
Session's pot stance still has a lot of older Repuklian establishment support. And, it is a way for THEM to get revenge on the non-white! More Repuklian establishment support.
As you know, GOP strategists who aren't insane understand that continuing to count on a base that is in their sixties is extremely short-sighted. And yes, racism is a key element in this issue and that has relevance to Sessions' worldview and right wing thinking.

But I'll make the guess that Sessions won't be permitted to get too feisty on this. The Koch crowd, being much more savvy and forward-planning, will find ways to curtail what Jeff wants.
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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 01:27 pm
That's a given. And because he's the leader of a cult, many followers will buy the story. The real problems come into view when one imagines such a situation while Trump is heading up government. Of course, an economic debacle isn't the only matter which prompts acute concern, for the same reason.
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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 01:52 pm
what a maroon.
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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 02:46 pm
(...) Republicans have become the Grand Obstruction Party. Why?

The answer, I think, is that the cynical bargain that has been the basis of Republican strategy since Reagan has now turned into a moral trap. And as far as we can tell, no elected Republican – not one – has the strength of character to even attempt an escape.

The cynical bargain I’m talking about, of course, was the decision to exploit racism to advance a right-wing economic agenda. Talk about welfare queens driving Cadillacs, then slash income taxes. Do Willie Horton, then undermine antitrust. Tout your law and order credentials, then block health care.

For more than a generation, the Republican establishment was able to keep this bait-and-switch under control: racism was deployed to win elections, then was muted afterwards, partly to preserve plausible deniability, partly to focus on the real priority of enriching the one percent. But with Trump they lost control: the base wanted someone who was blatantly racist and wouldn’t pretend to be anything else. And that’s what they got, with corruption, incompetence, and treason on the side.

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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 03:14 pm
Someone burned down the house of one of Roy Moore's accusers today.

'Why don't these people come forward sooner?' is the continual question from the right-wing. Well...

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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 04:05 pm
Trump and Sanders - the least funny joke in town. Asked about Trump's threatened suit to stop the publishing/sales of Wolff's book, Sanders replied as follows...
“The President absolutely believes in the First Amendment. But as we’ve said before, the President also believes in making sure that information is accurate before pushing it out as fact when it certainly and clearly is not,” [Sarah Huckabee] Sanders said when asked about the legal threats and whether Trump believes in the First Amendment.

And is there even a single GOP politico protesting this move by Trump?
Fri 5 Jan, 2018 04:09 pm
Of course not. They've fallen into line completely and one can only hope that they all go down together in the end.

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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 04:23 pm
Obviously he believes in the 1st Amendment for all his lies, but not for the truth!
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Fri 5 Jan, 2018 05:54 pm
The chumps, them:

'Gorilla channel' warfare: Parody book excerpt fools Trump trashers

The “Fire and Fury” fake-out clearly exploited an environment where journalists were hastily tweeting excerpts as they devoured the salacious book filled with alleged anecdotes of aides trashing the president and Trump himself munching through cheeseburgers in his bedroom while glued to multiple TVs.

Amid the firestorm, Twitter user @pixelatedboat sent out a spoof excerpt, then commented on it by saying: "Wow, this extract from Wolff’s book is a shocking insight into Trump’s mind."

The wild tale involves White House staff appeasing Trump’s demands for a “gorilla channel” by compiling footage of the combative apes, only for them to have to edit it further as Trump complained that they weren't fighting enough.

The story finished with a Wolff-style quote from an “insider."

“‘On some days he’ll watch the gorilla channel for 17 hours straight,’ an insider told me. ‘He kneels in front of the TV, with his face about four inches from the screen, and says encouraging things to the gorillas, like ‘the way you hit that other gorilla was good.’ I think he thinks the gorillas can hear him.’”

The tall tale was picked up by some credulous Trump trashers. MSNBC contributor Scott Dworkin circulated the ancedote, mocking Trump. He later deleted it, but it was preserved here. He later said he wasn't fooled at all.

Eric Garland, who came up with the now infamous phrase, “Guys it’s time for some game theory” admitted that he got “totally punked” by the tweet.

By Friday afternoon, @pixelatedboat had changed his Twitter name to “the gorilla channel thing is a joke” just in case.

Ya gotta see the whole tweet to see how hilarious this all is. It's here:

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