monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Sat 23 Dec, 2017 04:45 pm
Too funny not to share,

Twas the night before Christmas and all through the land,
The swamp creatures were worried, cause a line has been drawn in the sand.
The indictments were sealed and sent to the courts,
Plans being made to cut off escape and cancel passports.

The people were all nestled all snug in their beds,
While visions of freedom danced in their heads.
Trump in the White House and Kelly guarding the gate,
History in the making with WAR declared on the deep state.

When out on the lawn at Langley there arose such a clatter,
The media tried to ignore it but Patriots know what’s the matter.
The shadow government being invaded by the Marines,
Bound and determined to restore the Republic by any means.

Documents and computers and hard drives, too,
Evidence and proof of treason collected and the JFK coup.
Time is counting down on these long time traitors,
Draining the swamp of these dangerous gators.

While the media and their lapdogs try to cover it up,
We’re finding out the “Russian collusion” was just a setup.
Not surprising given the Clinton crime family’s treason,
The depth and breadth of the deception is beyond reason.

As Santa checks his naughty and nice list for the holiday season,
The overriding theme of the naughty list is high treason.
At the top of the list, it’s replete with ex-Presidents,
Soon, they will be calling prison their new residence.

Followed closely by the cabal infested DOJ and FBI,
No longer will the country and Trump turn a blind eye.
Their dastardly deeds are being exposed,
The will of the people will soon be imposed.

The witch hunt continues, looking for Russian collusion,
The people know by now, it’s all an illusion.
The only collusion that’s being exposed is by the deep state,
Ironically, the people have woken up and will no longer take the bait.

The cabal controlled media bears much of the blame,
They’ve become so desperate, they’re all without shame.
Continuing to push their insane fake news narrative,
Charging them as conspirators has become imperative.

Further west can be found more names on the list,
Realizing predators and pedophiles are in our midst.
Yes, Hollywood is the target of much attention,
Their undoing is by their own invention.

As Santa closed the book, a tear rolled down his cheek,
He knew this is a time not for the timid or weak.
The US should be the strongest on the block,
But under Bush, Clinton and Soetoro has become a laughingstock.

He wiped the tear and looked up to speak,
He knew his words must be strong and not weak.
Now was the time to invoke his reach,
He gathered himself and began his speech.

“We must protect our children throughout the land,
If we fail them that, then we’ve had a hand.
In the despicable destruction of our own nation,
For its time we find our higher vibration.

And gather together in person and online,
To rid this scourge and begin to shine.
The light on the traitors and pedophiles, too,
The responsibility to take back our Republic is all on you.”

He paused for a moment and gave it some thought,
And recalled with a growl what the predators have wrought.
A nation deceived and a world denied,
It’s time to stand tall for those who have died.

“Gather your children and friends all around,
In your states, cities and all over town.
Unite together and always stand strong,
The abuse and destruction has gone on for too long.

Save your children and your souls before it’s too late,
There’s still a chance this world can be great.”
With that he rose and climbed into his sleigh,
He hoped the citizens would soon find a way.

To rid themselves of the pestilence, fraud and pain,
And in so doing they would have much to gain.
He had packages to deliver and good will to spread,
As he prompted the reindeer and up went the sled.

He smiled and gave all a big wave as he rose out of sight,
“A Merry Christmas to ALL and to all a good night.”
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 05:16 pm
Documents and computers and hard drives, too,
Evidence and proof of treason collected and the JFK coup.
Time is counting down on these long time traitors,
Draining the swamp of these dangerous gators

That's what I'm talkin about!
0 Replies
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 05:28 pm
You can't quit, you're fired:

Trump's tweets take aim at top FBI officials

“FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe is racing the clock to retire with full benefits,” Trump tweeted. “90 days to go?!!

His tweet appeared to be in reference to a Saturday story published by The Washington Post saying McCabe plans to retire in several months after becoming eligible for benefits.

Trump also commented on the news that Baker, the bureau’s top lawyer, is being reassigned to another role at the FBI.

“Wow, “FBI lawyer James Baker reassigned,” according to @FoxNews,” Trump tweeted.

The newspaper reported that Baker “had been caught up in a strange interagency dispute that led to a leak probe and attracted the attention of senior lawmakers"....On Friday evening, the website Politico published a story saying House Republicans were interested in Baker’s contacts with a liberal reporter from Mother Jones in the weeks ahead of the 2016 election.

Ya can run, but ya can't hide, election saboteurs.

"Racing the clock," heh.

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Finn dAbuzz
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 08:19 pm
hightor wrote:

The bogeyman of "government waste." Spoken like a true progressive. Of course you're right. It doesn't exist and if it does, it can't be helped...it's a force of nature.

Local and state governments don't have the luxury of deficit spending.

Really? What is your definition of "deficit spending?"

This was simply the first article I found on local and state debt. There are dozens more.


Just a few years ago, most experts estimated that state and local governments owed about $2.5 trillion, mostly in the form of municipal bonds and other debt securities. But late last year, the States Project, a joint venture of Harvard’s Institute of Politics and the University of Pennsylvania’s Fels Institute of Government, projected that if you also count promises made to retired government workers and money borrowed without taxpayer approval, the figure might be higher than $7 trillion.

Most states have restrictions on debt and prohibitions against running deficits. But these rules have been no match for state and local governments, which have exploited loopholes and employed deceptive accounting standards in order to keep running up debt.

What I do see, in my poor state, is an enormous need for spending on infrastructure, schools, and health services — including treatment of addiction.

Oh how nice. You're worrying about the opioid eaters now.

I have lived in different towns and cities in three different states and I never lived anywhere that didn't have a working firetruck (or six). Are there places that don't? Probably. If so, then they may need to increase their taxes. Again, who is seriously making the argument that all government spending is a waste and that there should be no taxes?

My city (it's more a town than a city but that's what they call them here in Texas) has bright shiny firetrucks and an excellent school system. It also has a brand new traffic light system that stops working every time it rains, and fancy ass street and "attraction" signs that cost ten time what they should have. I'm pretty sure that if left to the citizens, we could have identified a competent contractor to take care of the lights (all it would have taken was a few phone calls to other cities and towns) and the very same signs we have for at least 50% less (we would have done some research instead of relying on a guy we went to college with as it turned out was the case). However, like I said, isn't this the sort of stuff we hire and pay government officials to take care of? I don't want to do it, but that doesn't mean that I want incompetents to, and it's not like it's a dirty job no one wants. Illegal immigrants aren't running our city because we can't find American citizens who will. (Hell, they would probably do a better job.)

Don't get me wrong, I like where I live and by and large, the city services are very good, but I pay a lot in taxes and before I will be OK with paying more I want to see them spend all that I give them wisely. Over the years, my bosses never said to me or anyone else that I know of: "I know **** happens and you couldn't help costing us all that money on all those deals, so here's a raise." I know all of my employees are working hard and that mistakes are inevitable, but when any of them have repeated mistakes that cost me money, they were terminated. None of them, despite the screw-ups, got to campaign for their jobs every two or six years and make bullshit promises they had no intention of keeping.

If you don't see government waste every day then you are probably not looking.
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 08:29 pm
Interesting point-by-point dissection of the prez Trump's latest executive order.

0 Replies
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 08:42 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
If you don't see government waste every day then you are probably not looking.

Or wouldn't know it if it hit you in the ass, eh? As I recall, the city of Charlottesville planned to pay about $90,000 to have a statue of Robert E. Lee torn down.

The very same vandals, thugs, commies, and criminals who they solicited and turned loose to maim citizens would have gladly done it for free in the course of a few minutes, if just left be, eh?

Is that "waste?" Well, kinda, but it's more like illegal kickbacks coming from corrupt "statue-removing" contractors, I suspect.
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 08:48 pm
... it's more like illegal kickbacks coming from corrupt "statue-removing" contractors....

Can't have those kickbacks going down, especially not in this season of joy and goodwill towards all men. Baby Jesus won't stand for it.
0 Replies
Finn dAbuzz
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 08:51 pm
Are you really trying to suggest that you didn't use "opioid eaters" as a slur?

It occurs to me every day that a more worthy government would be doing all sort of wonderful things for people and at a lower cost, but we have the government we have and just about any tax reform is better than no tax reform. This tax reform is.

How much money the government takes from its citizens is very much a criterion for my judging its performance, along with how it spends what it takes and on what. Do you regularly purchase goods and services without consideration for how much they cost? Normally only very wealthy people can manage that. Congratulations.

When the government takes less of your money it is not giving you a gift. The extra money in your paycheck was yours to begin with.

If someone vastly overextends their credit and is spending more than they make, one solution is to make more money. A much easier solution is to spend less money.

Sat 23 Dec, 2017 09:27 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
What is your definition of "deficit spending?"

If the terminology is wrong, my apologies. Cities and states can't print money; that's what I'm getting at. My town requires a balanced budget and so does my state. Of course they can incur debt but they can't operate on a structural deficit.
Municipalities and states don't carry eighteen billion dollar debts.
Oh how nice. You're worrying about the opioid eaters now.

(As I explained previously, the term opioid-eater is employed in the particular context of this thread as a rejoinder, and is only figuratively referring to use of narcotics.)

I listed addiction treatment as an example of a possible municipal expense which might be covered by local taxes. And why shouldn't I worry about the people in my community? I live and work with people who are afflicted with and affected by the opioid crisis. I'm aware of the toll it takes. I don't get your point here at all. Why so snotty?

edit: (posted before I saw yours from 9:51)
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 09:32 pm
Municipalities and states don't carry eighteen billion dollar debts.

Still not paying attention, young fella?

The city of Detroit, Michigan, filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on July 18, 2013. It is the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history by debt, estimated at $18–20 billion, exceeding Jefferson County, Alabama's $4-billion filing in 2011.
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 09:40 pm
The city of Detroit, Michigan, filed for Chapter 9 bankruptcy on July 18, 2013. It is the largest municipal bankruptcy filing in U.S. history by debt, estimated at $18–20 billion, exceeding Jefferson County, Alabama's $4-billion filing in 2011.

But they have to pay it back. The federal government can keep extending its debt, which is why the USA has a 18 trillion dollar debt. (Yes, I meant "trillion" originally. My town's total annual budget only amounts to 1.3 million so 18 billion seemed phenomenal. It's not.) .)
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 10:07 pm
But they have to pay it back.

It's a bit like talking to a post, here.

On July 19, 2013, Judge Rosemarie Aquilina of the Thirtieth Judicial Circuit Court of Michigan ruled the bankruptcy filing by Detroit violated Article IX, Section 24, of the Michigan Constitution and ordered Governor Rick Snyder to withdraw the filing immediately.[4] On July 23, an appeals court stayed the circuit court ruling pending future rulings on Michigan Attorney General Bill Schuette's appeal.[5][6] On July 24, the Bankruptcy Court added its own, federal stay of the state court proceedings.[7] On August 2, the bankruptcy court set a hearing date of October 23, 2013, for trial on any objections to the city's eligibility for Chapter 9 bankruptcy, and March 1, 2014, as the deadline for the city to file a bankruptcy plan.[8] After a nine-day trial on eligibility, the Bankruptcy Court on December 3, 2013, ruled Detroit eligible for Chapter 9 on its $18.5 billion debt.[9] On June 3, 2014 the Michigan Legislature passed a package of bills to help Detroit avoid further bankruptcy proceedings.[10] On the same day, Governor Snyder pledged to sign the package of bills.[10]

After a two-month trial, Judge Steven W. Rhodes confirmed the city's plan of adjustment on November 7, 2014, paving the way for Detroit to exit bankruptcy.[11] Creditors and insurers were expected to absorb losses totaling $7 billion, with creditors receiving between 14 and 75 cents on the dollar
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 10:51 pm
Not omly is that some of the worst poetry ever written, it is nonse cr too
Same old Climton conspirpacy nonsense
xame old atte.pts to obfuscate Tru.p collusion. It is why half the country wants himimpeached and only anout 30 prtcent don't. He has lied so much only the truly gullible believe him and those who like incompetent poets. Merry Christmas, lock him up

Sat 23 Dec, 2017 10:51 pm
@Finn dAbuzz,
Finn dAbuzz wrote:
Are you really trying to suggest that you didn't use "opioid eaters" as a slur?

I think "opioid eater" was intended as a counter to "cheese eater". Sort of like how I coined "freedom hater" as a counter to "gun nut".
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 10:54 pm
Not omly is that some of the worst poetry ever written, it is nonse cr too

Did you type that with your elbows after scoffing a flagon of moonshine, Jack?

Sat 23 Dec, 2017 11:33 pm
.no. As i have said repeatedly small virtual keyboard, large fingers and asmall hard to read phone screen. What is your excuse for the malarkey you post?
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 11:35 pm
What is youe excuse for the malarkey you post?

Define malarkey, Jack. Unlike most here, I link to my source every time.

Sat 23 Dec, 2017 11:39 pm
There are a whole lot of shitty sources..in computer speak GIGO.
Sat 23 Dec, 2017 11:46 pm

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