monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Wed 13 Dec, 2017 12:28 pm
Well, of course they are
Senate Republicans bravely denounce Roy Moore the day after he loses
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 12:32 pm
You really have to celebrate the level of journalistic excellence at Fox
Fox & Friends downplays Democrat Doug Jones' victory in Alabama Senate election: "It is not that much of a win"
Ainsley Earhardt claims sexual misconduct allegations made the election “a referendum on Harvey Weinstein, not on President Trump"

Unfortunately, what's missing from this text account is these people's Russian accent.
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 12:42 pm
Fox News throws Steve Bannon to the wolves over Roy Moore’s defeat

If you have tuned in to Fox News since the network called the Alabama Senate race for Democrat Doug Jones over Republican Roy Moore, you may have had the sublime pleasure of watching its commentators drive a bus over Breitbart honcho Steve Bannon, back the bus up, and drive it over him again. Bannon was perhaps the most vocal supporter of the confirmed racist and reported child predator, barnstorming the state on Moore’s behalf both during the primary run-off against Sen. Luther Strange (R-AL) and during the general election, and wielding Breitbart’s resources in support of Moore’s campaign. And Fox isn’t letting its audience forget it, warning viewers that Bannon’s penchant for waging war against the Republican establishment could be hazardous to the party’s electoral position and President Donald Trump’s agenda.

Bannon is “a man we’ve been given to believe was a master political strategist,” senior political analyst Brit Hume sneered moments after Fox declared Jones the winner. “But he went down and he really did go all in for Roy Moore. And this is a state where it’s very hard for Republicans to lose and his man lost.”

It will be interesting to watch how Hannity and Ingraham slowly move to the consensus position.

I just checked the Fox News site. One small mention on Alabama a ways down from the top
Doug Jones facing early pressure to vote with GOP, after upset victory
Isn't that precious.
But the big coverage right up top is this
Rosenstein praises Russia probe as incredulous lawmakers fume over damning texts, ‘insider bias’
Sheesh. One could easily make the mistake of thinking that Lash is doing header composition over there.

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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 12:50 pm
From Frank Rich
The GOP Is About to Tumble Into Full-scale Panic
I am one of those pessimists who thought Moore would eke it out in Alabama. How happy I am to be wrong! I am also one of those optimists who firmly believes that Donald Trump will look for a White House exit before the end of his first term — whether he’s done in by the Robert Mueller investigation, a desire to rescue his family business and the two relatives in gravest legal jeopardy (son Fredo and son-in-law Jared), or his diet of junk food and Diet Coke. That optimism is bolstered by yesterday’s Alabama vote. Jones’s victory will further destabilize Trump both psychologically and politically. Psychologically because he hates being seen as a loser, and his futile all-in endorsement of an alleged child molester for the U.S. Senate implants a big L on his chest that no Twitter rant can erase. This scarlet letter will drive him crazy — or, perhaps one should say, crazier. Meanwhile, he will be imprisoned in political gridlock. The GOP, having lost a safe Senate seat in one of the nation’s reddest states, is about to tumble into full-scale panic as it tries to ward off the erosion and possibly the evisceration of its Congressional majorities in 2018. It will not even pretend to do Trump’s bidding while swing voters are watching closely.
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 12:58 pm
Right now, power behind the scenes is working to accomplish something you want, so you approve it. If I knew the corruption would stop there, I wouldn’t have so much to say.

But every time they get away with running game on the people, they become more powerful. They’re operating in plain sight now, like the cute game of ‘can’t prove it’ with the Clinton Foundation.

Your problem is: before much longer, when they come after something that means something to you, there will be no touching them.

You’re going to lose then because you let them get away with everything.

Trey Gowdy led an investigation. He didn’t change FBI findings.
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:02 pm
Posted later on last night
Franklin Leonard
Roy Moore liked this night when it was much younger.
7:28 PM - Dec 12, 2017
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:11 pm
From Elizabeth Drew
“You know who’s going to get hurt by this?” a member of Congress asked me recently, referring to the about-time uprising of women against predatory men. “Women.” He explained that male members of Congress are now going to be reluctant to hire a woman when they have the option of hiring a man for a job, and that very attractive women would be particularly at a disadvantage in obtaining jobs on Capitol Hill. (Buxom is out.) Self-protection, in other words, might well lead to a new form of discrimination. And this could travel beyond elected politicians, though they’re feeling especially worried now.
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Real Music
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:16 pm
I don't understand your thinking here. A majority of voters in the South are opposed to women's rights, unions, environmentalism, affirmative action for minorities, homosexual rights. I'm not making this up; the results of nearly every election show the majority of voters to be quite conservative. So you want Democrats to start campaigning to roll back environmental laws, deport illegal aliens, and bring back Jim Crow laws? How are you going to mine those votes?

This is only a conjecture on my part, but I do believe the democrats can win in the south running on democratic party ideals. Again, all of what I am saying is only conjecture and theories. First, I think the black population in most of the southern states are significant. I am only speculating. I am guessing the black population in the various southern states are probably 25 to 35 percent of the population in each of the southern states. I am also guessing that there many colleges and universities throughout the southern states. I am speculating that the overwhelming percentage of African Americans of all ages vote democrat. Probably at least 90 percent, if not close to 100 percent. Also, I speculate that the majority of college students will vote democrat. Who knows, maybe 65 percent of southern college students will vote democrat. Yes, I believe most of southern white voters, especially older white voters vote republican. There still is a small percentage of southern white voters who vote democrat. Also, I speculate that southern white college students probably lean more democrat. All of these different segments of democrat voters add up.

Before any of the following strategies would have any chance of working, the following strategy must be heavily funded with substantial sums of money and resources. I believe the first strategy is to open many democrat campaign offices all over the south. Also, ensure that there are many offices located in each individual southern state. Second strategy is to get virtually all African American and all college students in every southern state registered to vote. The third strategy is to recruit strong democrat candidates. The 4th strategy is to run tons of television ads and radio ads. Put up many billboards, and yard signs. The 5th and most important strategy is get a super high percentage of those democrat voters to the polls to vote. Constant knocking on doors and constant phone calls to get the dems to the polls is a very important piece of the strategy to win in the south.

One last thing. The demographic make up has been changing in some of these southern states. Virginia was a solid republican state. Virginia then became a republican leaning state. Now Virginia has become a slightly leaning democrat state. North Carolina was a solid republican state. Now North Carolina has become leaning republican state. Georgia is still a republican state, but the demographic make up has been changing. I speculate the demographic changes that are occurring in Georgia will eventually help the democrats.

This is all conjecture, theories, speculations, and opinion.
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:27 pm
USA Today’s editorial board had some scathing words on President Donald Trump Tuesday: He is a “uniquely awful” figure whose “sickening behavior is corrosive to the enterprise of a shared governance based on common values and the consent of the governed.”

It is perhaps the most epic editorial Trump takedown of 2017 — and from a publication that has traditionally treaded lightly in politics.

“A president who would all but call Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand a whore is not fit to clean the toilets in the Barack Obama Presidential Library or to shine the shoes of George W. Bush,” the editorial board wrote, referring to Trump’s Tuesday morning tweet saying that the New York Democrat “would do anything” for campaign contributions.

With any luck at all, this will encourage other editorial boards to gain backbone.
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:34 pm
@Real Music,
I think that most everything you are wishing for will be greatly facilitated by an evidence-based consensus that we're heading into a wave election. And it looks increasingly probable that this is exactly what is going to happen.
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Real Music
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:35 pm
One reason the Republicans own the south is because Democrats have conceded the territory even before most elections, in almost every case, calling the people of those states the worst sort of names, collectively, and campaigning elsewhere. There are votes to be mined, but you have to be a miner to mine them.

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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:51 pm
A question to which we all know the answer.
Steven Greenhouse‏
When Scott Brown was elected to replace Teddy Kennedy, Senate Dems showed him the courtesy of delaying Obamacare votes until he was sworn in.

Will McConnell show Doug Jones the same courtesy in delaying a Senate vote on tax bill?

Or will hyper-partisan McConnell ram it through?

It's how they roll. Raw political power - regardless of all else - is their goal.
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 01:54 pm
I can't figure USA Today out. Most weeks they're all Trumplove all the time, and then other weeks, not so much.
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 02:16 pm
I used to check them out most days but ceased a year or so ago. I had no idea what their editorial stance was during that time.
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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 03:21 pm
Man, anyone looking to add salt to their diet should cruise the right-wing side of the web today. Just, absolutely delicious commentary and finger-pointing

Wed 13 Dec, 2017 03:47 pm
Jones is gonna serve but 2 years unless he turns heads and his pervponent will probably become the governor.
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 03:48 pm
farmerman wrote:

hes gonna serve but 2 years unless he turns heads and his pervponent will probably become the governor.

He's in until 2020

0 Replies
Wed 13 Dec, 2017 04:12 pm
A special election for the United States Senate in Alabama took place on December 12, 2017, to fill a vacancy in the Senate through the end of the term ending on January 3, 2021, arising from the resignation on February 8, 2017, of Jeff Sessions, to serve as U.S. Attorney General. Doug Jones declared victory over Republican candidate Roy Moore, by less than a two percent margin. Jones is the first Democrat to win a U.S. Senate seat in the state since 1992.

On February 9, 2017, Governor Robert J. Bentley named Luther Strange, the Attorney General of Alabama, to fill the vacancy until a special election could take place.

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Wed 13 Dec, 2017 04:13 pm
farmerman wrote:

Jones is gonna serve but 2 years unless he turns heads and his pervponent will probably become the governor.

He can vote with the R's half the time for all I care as long as the D remains next to his name, then it's 1 more (unplanned for) seat that the D's need to gain control of the Senate, and most importantly it's agenda, in 2018.

Still a lot of work to do to make that happen, but this Alabama win was an unexpected gift!!!
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