monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 8 Dec, 2017 08:07 pm
CNN is a national laughingstock to all but Trump haters.

The spook's propaganda branch.
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 08:09 pm
I got a homey who has a homey who knows a guy who speaks russian, so 30 minutes ago we had this guy call CNN and tell them he worked as a room-cleaner in Moscow and removed urine-stained sheets from a hotel room where Trump had stayed the night before.

Then a a russian-speaking homey of his said he was there and saw it too. Of course they both refused to give their names.

CNN will be reporting it later tonight.

The chumps.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 08:15 pm
0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:02 pm
Ya don't say.....

Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:09 pm
This whole tale seemed pretty indefinite from the beginning, eh?

0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:23 pm
There's plenty of schmucks here banging on about confirmation bias, while practicing it daily. Only last week, they all tripped over their own tongues applauding that dick who got a four-week suspension for feeding their bias.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 09:43 pm
Speaking of all these woman who appear, ex nihilo, to make accusations of "sexual assault" against prominent public figures, why do we never hear from them again when there's 19 of them (in Trump's case) who jump into the limelight in the same week late in the campaign? Who rounded them up in the first place? Why do they disappear just as suddenly, I wonder?

Lurking in the background of the roiling debate about harassment and assault in American society are the allegations made against President Trump by at least 19 women, many of whom came forward after the release of the Access Hollywood tape in October 2016. Trump vociferously denies any wrongdoing. “Is the official White House position that all of these women are lying?” a reporter asked Sarah Huckabee Sanders, the White House press secretary, in late October. “Yeah, we’ve been clear on that from the beginning, and the president’s spoken on it,” Sanders replied.

1. Kristen Anderson Year: Early 1990s Status: Anderson has not spoken to news outlets since the election

2. Mariah Billado Year: 1997 Status: Billado has not spoken to news outlets since the election.

3. Lisa Boyne Year: 1996 Status: Boyne has not spoken to news outlets since the election.

4. Melinda McGillivray Year: 2003 Status: McGillivray expressed anger toward Trump when she spoke to The Washington Post in October 2017 about the allegations. “What pisses me off is that the guy is president,” she told the newspaper. “It’s that simple.


They're all listed there, with some rather humorous tales to tell. Most of them have not spoken to the media since the election. Others come out to say that they don't want Trump to be president.

0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 10:27 pm
If some of these bulldyke feminists had their way, they would make it a felony for a male to be horny.

It's like when a bloke will dose another guy's drink at the bar, to wipe out the competition for the night.

I always wonder: If they hate men so much, why do they try to be one?

This is a whole other thread. The boiler suit and boots and short back and sides.

How about their girlfriends? If they hate men so much, why are they attracted to a butch who tries to mimic a male?

Because water finds its own level? I don't have the answers.

That's the kinda **** I guess I'll never understand.

Join the queue.
0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 11:01 pm
The last nine posts on my screen:

Fri 8 Dec, 2017 11:13 pm
Don't look like you're gunna get much action from your homeys in this thread no more, eh, Blicky?

No matter how loud they cry, or how long they cry, a baby will always eventually cry itself to sleep.

After a year of crying, with nobody to come change their shitty diapers, they've all gone to sleep--exhausted from fruitless wailing, know what I'm sayin?
0 Replies
Fri 8 Dec, 2017 11:39 pm
Ditto, plus your post plus one more irrelevant post, hmmmm nothing on this page - yet!
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 12:08 am
Ditto, plus your post plus one more irrelevant post, hmmmm nothing on this page - yet!

That's how it is, when you're waiting on confirmation bias reports. You had a surprisingly rabid three days, followed by the biggest downer of the year, when it all turned out to be the usual utter bullshit.

The rest of us don't hold out for messianic help. We just share what's really happening. No expectations of amazing outcomes or revelations from beyond the grave.
0 Replies
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 02:03 am
Blickers wrote:

The last nine posts on my screen:


As the wise 'Our Gang' sage Buckwheat was wont to say, "Me too neither, Spanky!"
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 04:57 am
Zardoz wrote:
The real truth about the Republican tax plan has finally come out and the Republicans plan to screw the working class anyone making less than $86,000 a year will find themselves worse off according the Tax Policy Center a non-partisan think tank. Tax cuts do not take place in a vacuum it is like throwing a rock into a pond the tax cut will cause ripples through out the system. The Tea Party was founded on the principal that the Nation's deficit was the number one problem facing the country today. The Tea Partiers swept into office on the promise that they would do something about deficit but they are the very ones voting to increase the National Debt by $1.5 trillion to cut taxes on corporation in half when corporations are raking in record profits.

The best estimates say that at least $1 trillion of the Republican tax cut will have to be paid for by cutting other programs or raising other taxes. It is unlikely the Republicans will raise one penny of taxes on the their rich donors so that only leaves the middle class. The Republicans have decided how they are going to pay for their $1.5 trillion tax cut. They are going to make cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid. Wait this is like getting exactly what they asked for, for Christmas. The Republicans have been trying for years to make massive cuts to social security, Medicare and Medicaid and when they found out that the majority of voters were against the cuts. The Republicans decided the only way they would be able to cut those popular programs was to bankrupt or almost bankrupt the country so they would have absolutely no choice but to cut those programs. This is what they have wanted all along at a time when business are making record profits and the baby boomers retiring they will give a trillion dollars to businesses who are rolling in excess profits and slay social security at the same time. What we are seeing is a huge transfer of wealth to the ungodly greedy and robbing the social security system to do it.
0 Replies
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 05:05 am
The Roy Moore "forgery" story is so typical. Get a half-truth out there and let the doughnut-eaters run with it.
Roy Moore's Fake Forgery Claim
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 05:21 am
I posted this on the "Me Too" thread and I'm putting it here as well:

Kick Against the Pricks

The political demand of the moment is for men to be better men: we want them to give up the toxic masculinity and vestigial behaviors that impede women’s equality. But are there vestigial aspects of femininity too that are similarly maladaptive for the modern workplace?

0 Replies
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 05:50 am
Okay? It's fine with me if you hold that opinion.

It's also fine with me if you don't hold that opinion.

I personally stay out of discussing the politics of France and most other countries because I have no personal knowledge of it,

Oh I know a thing or two about US politics, having lived there ten years... I just don't know much about the Appalachians, beyond its geology which I vaguely remember from high school.

don't get upset when others point out that you're wrong.

I'm not wrong, I just present a POV you are uncomfortable with. And I'm not the one who's all upset; you are.
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 06:11 am
hightor wrote:

The Roy Moore "forgery" story is so typical. Get a half-truth out there and let the doughnut-eaters run with it.
Roy Moore's Fake Forgery Claim

Half-truth, you say? This Slate article wants to focus on the "other" accuser. What supposedly happened there? Well, they say:

We also now have an additional piece of evidence. It comes from Debbie Gibson, a woman who says Moore dated her when she was 17 and he was 34. Gibson hasn’t accused Moore of mistreating her.

...Last week, Gibson dug up an old high school scrapbook from her attic. The scrapbook had a note in it, written by her in 1981: “Wednesday night, 3-4-81. Roy S. Moore and I went out for the first time. We went out to eat at Catfish Cabin in Albertville. I had a great time.” The scrapbook also had a card taped to it. The card says: “Happy graduation Debbie, I wanted to give you this card myself. I know that you’ll be a success in anything you do. Roy.”

Let's say Moore did buy a meal for the daughter of a friend when she graduated from high school. How does that make him a "child molester" as he is characterized by his political opponents?

Sat 9 Dec, 2017 06:25 am
Let's say Moore did buy a meal for the daughter of a friend when she graduated from high school. How does that make him a "child molester" as he is characterized by his political opponents?

It doesn't. I'm glad the girl enjoyed herself. Not surprisingly you either completely missed or have just chosen to ignore the substance of the article and have simply thrown out a red herring. There was no "forgery". Nice try.
Sat 9 Dec, 2017 06:38 am
I haven't paid the least bit of attention to this Roy Moore hullaballoo because, frankly, my dear, I don't give a damn.

But I see Wapo wants to give a full account of this "sexual predator's" relationship with Gibson. Among other things, they say:

Gibson said she remembers Moore handing the card to her at the Etowah High School graduation ceremony in Attalla, Ala., where Gibson grew up about 10 miles from Moore’s home. She remembers reading the inscription and writing below it: “Roy Moore inspires me because he is such a successful man himself. Also, he is about the only person I know of who seriously believes in me. I appreciate that. He’s got to be one of the nicest people I know.

As she flipped through the scrapbook last week, Gibson said, she realized it contained other indications of her relationship with Moore...

On a page titled “commencement,” under “My own guests,” she had written “Roy S. Moore,” just above “mom” and “dad.

As Gibson previously told The Post, she said that she and Moore dated for a couple of months. She said he kissed her by the swimming pool concession stand at a local country club, that he played his guitar and read his own poetry to her, and that things ended when she went off to college in another part of Alabama, though they still kept in touch.

She said she helped Moore when he was campaigning for circuit court judge in 1982, and remembers tucking fliers under windshield wipers at the Kmart parking lot.

She said that when she became engaged, Moore insisted on meeting her fiance to make sure he was “good enough for me.” She said that when Moore was first appointed as a circuit court judge in 1992, she sent him a gavel engraved with his name and a congratulatory note and that her family and his exchanged Christmas cards some years.


Purty obvious, aint it? This guy belongs in a maximum security jail cell with others who kidnap 4 year old girls at public parks and sexually abuse them. A god damned CHILD MOLESTER, I tellzya!!!

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