blatham wrote: Some of you may be familiar with the "recovered memory syndrome" movement
I'd agree that this might be a factor re MeToo if regular/ongoing/normalized sexual harassment wasn't something women have talked about in kaffeeklatsches/locker rooms/knitting circles/book clubs as far back as I can recall.
It's like the sexual assault of children by religious leaders that I remember the boys in my Grade 5 class talking about - in regard to the choir master in my hometown
http://www.thewhig.com/2016/02/23/new-charges-against-kingston-choirmaster the boys talked about it in the schoolyard - but not to parents/teachers - for years.
The next school I went to had this guy
http://www.thewhig.com/2017/04/19/former-teacher-sent-to-prison-for-sex-assaults again - the boys talked about it with classmates .
Parents were shocked when it came up 30/40 years later.
People have been talking about the assaults/threats/fears in their immediate circles forever. People not in those circles and/or perceived as being threats wouldn't know/hear.
People in power.
Maybe they talk about what they do in their circles. I don't know. I do know that they have been talked about - with private warnings.
I once worked in a setting where we all kept something purple in our desks. If we were worried/feeling nervous/threatened, we'd put the purple item on so that co-workers would know to keep an eye on us if went to speak to a particular manager - there would be an interruption/excuse if things went more than about 10 minutes. Did we talk about it outside our immediate work setting? no. not until someone started seriously self-medicating with alcohol and their health practitioner contacted the company doc (who he knew from a university fraternity).