Yea, and the other guy that I think I saw mentioned re hunting elephants, maybe Kushner. Don't trust me re names that flash on by.
Also, I've a bone to pick re what I think is my side re all the sexual harassment going on as if it is about to go out of style.. one can only hope harassment and flirting are clearly distinct one of these days. Also, women have been known to lie too.
Maybe we need teens to learn how to flirt but not harass; I figure that might be tricky. I went to catholic school, and was a relatively long time dolt about flirting at all, and how to. Luckily for me, some good men flirted with me.
Sin sin sin, sin sin sin, there ought to be a song.
I see I'm way off topic about Trump not caring about elephants, hiss - but I won't erase it.