Quote:Occam's Razor, anyone? Just like the MSM avoids calling the man the inveterate liar that he is, they avoid even the hint of suggestion that he is a freaking traitor. Why?
The press, for some while now, has been openly describing Trump as a liar, and that word is used often. If we could do a search of media commentary/reporting on Trump using the terms "Trump" and "serial liar" or "pathological liar" or "inveterate liar",
lots would come up.
But it is one thing for a paper or news show to describe him as a "liar" but quite another thing to use the term "traitor" or "treasonous". Those terms have formal and legal connotations that "liar" does not. One can easily imagine findings from Mueller that would make the charge of treason quite arguable but we're not there yet and I don't think we want media outlets taking the place of courts.
Each of us can consider Trump traitorous (I do) but there I'm using the less formal sense of the word, as in "Trump is traitorous to the valuable norms and principles long held by American culture as regards honesty, civility, maturity, empathy, kindness, etc"