monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 13 Nov, 2017 04:45 am
Politico has some very good reportingon Mueller's team and what can be deduced from it about the investigation.
What Mueller's org chart reveals about his Russia probe
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 05:06 am
Winner of our noted "And Who Better?!" award goes to Roy Moore. Congrats.
Moore seeks to refocus campaign on conservative religious values amid firestorm
WP headline
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 05:48 am

Of course not. You should know that.
I dont but I needed to have it established that you seem to also be speaking for the masses of hunters.

I hunt for small game and Im thankful for gun reports so I dont have to suffer the pain of being shot by some eager nimrod. Silencers for hunting is just plain STUPID.
If youve ever had a shell hit a branch above you followed by the shot report, only then do you then know here to protect your ass from ELmer Fudd and his buds. SHot reports are a saftey feature for hunters to guide on.(Especially for big bore rifles). A silencer is just something more you gun loonies wanna push . Non of that crap has any mention in the 2 Amendment ,

Youve been markedly quiet about changing from lead to some other metal for bullets or shot
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 05:54 am
I don't know about a pathological narcissist, so much as a life-long narcissist, almost totally divorced from human reality. One wonders where it all went wrong. Frederick Trump was as sharp as a carpet tack, making him a formidable businessman; but he was also a philanthropist, donating land for building and donating buildings to many charitable organizations involved in medical treatment and research, as well as such building contributions or new building projects to hospitals. So how did Donald miss out on that aspect of human relations? That's why I say he was divorced from human reality.

In the 1992 presidential campaign, James Carville used the expression "The economy, stupid" to focus the campaign workers and Bill Clinton on the major message of the campaign. It was an insider thing in the campaign, but the press knew about it. George Bush's approval rating had slipped from an all-time high at the time of the Gulf war to the point that well over half of polled Americans disapproved of his performance, and the economy was the reason.

Bush was his own worst enemy. Thinking to portray him as someone in touch with the people and their economic concerns, Bush was taken to a supermarket to make some inconsequential purchases for a "photo op." He watched the clerk scan his items, and was just amazed. He went on and on about how wonderful that was--I'm sure his handlers were saying to themselves, "Shut up, just shut up!" Reporters, familiar with Carville's focus on the economy and the slogan for campaign workers, began to say, and eventually to put into print the slogan: "It's the economy, stupid." They were talking about Bush, of course. The man was driven to school by a chauffeur as a child. He probably hadn't bought anything for himself since he had left the Navy.

President Plump seems even more out of touch with reality and the lives of ordinary people. The incident in which he mocked the disabled reporter was the kind of thing which no parent with more than two brain cells to rub together would tolerate. Most of us, 99% or more, learn such lessons in the school of hard knocks, in school, and even more on the playground or the streets, after school. It appears that Plump never learned any of those lessons. Truly, I have never seen a public figure less in touch with others, possessing less empathy and consideration.
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 05:58 am
Aside from Trump so obviously (even proudly) being a narcissist and liar and profiteer, probably the most dependable observation one could make about Trump is that he really doesn't give a crap about lesser people.
The focus on President Trump’s political strength among white working-class voters distracts from a truth that may be more important: His rise depended on support from rich conservatives, and his program serves the interests of those who have accumulated enormous wealth.

This explains why so few congressional Republicans denounce him, no matter how close he edges toward autocracy, how much bigotry he spreads — or how often he panders to Vladimir Putin and denounces our own intelligence officials, as he did again this weekend.

The GOP leadership knows Trump is tilting our economy toward people just like him, the objective they care about most.
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 06:16 am
Is the rape victim “trolling” too?

It is the height of hypocrisy to complain about the sexual assault of one while cloaking the same or worse behavior in another. It discredits your comments.

Juanita Broaddrick
Yeah, @chelseahandler I can imagine. I was raped by the Arkansas AG who then becomes Governor & President and NBC held my interview explaining the rape until after his impeachment hearing. But I'm sure you don't want to go there.

Chelsea Handler
Imagine being molested by an older man. Then that man denies ever doing it and then goes on and gets elected to United States senate. What kind of message does that send to young girls everywhere? And men to all the men who abuse women?
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 08:00 am
He has never tried a case, but Trump wants to make him judge for life

Brett Talley, a 36-year-old lawyer whom President Donald Trump nominated for a lifetime federal judgeship, has practiced law for only three years and has yet to try a case.

Before his nomination in September, he had been unequivocal about his political views. ‘‘Hillary Rotten Clinton might be the best Trumpism yet,’’ says a tweet from his account, which has since been made private. ‘‘A Call to Arms: It’s Time to Join the National Rifle Association’’ was the title of a blog post he wrote in January 2013, a month after a gunman in Newtown, Connecticut, killed 27 people before taking his own life.

Talley, who also writes horror novels on the side, moved a step closer to becoming a federal district judge in his home state of Alabama on Thursday. Voting along party lines, the Senate Judiciary Committee, on which Republicans outnumber Democrats, approved Talley’s nomination, which now goes to the Senate for a full vote.

Talley is the latest federal judicial nominee to draw scrutiny for what some say is his limited experience in practicing law and the level of partisanship he had shown on social media, on his political blog, and on several opinion pieces he had written for CNN. He has also received a ‘‘not qualified’’ rating from the American Bar Association, which vets federal judicial nominees.
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 08:19 am
Sadly, that doesn't surprise me.
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:23 am
I recall that Bush Sr visit to the grocery store. Telling in a different way than Bush Jr's poutine/Cretien confusion. But I think we'd agree that the difference between Bush Sr or Jr and Trump is that Trump sees other humans as food.

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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:24 am
Yes. In such ways, Trump is a traitorous bastard.
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:40 am
I've never used colored font before. But this case deserves it.
A straight-faced Kellyanne Conway says anyone in office who committed sexual assault should resign
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 10:50 am
Swamp-draining lies, edition 682.
When he’s pretending to be a populist, Trump has treated the pharmaceutical industry with public disdain. As recently as a month ago, the Republican president complained, “The drug companies, frankly, are getting away with murder” – a phrase he’s repeated more than once.

Indeed, has even accused the drug industry of corruption, arguing that pharmaceutical companies contribute “massive amounts of money” to politicians as part of a scheme to keep the cost of medicines higher.

It’s against this backdrop that Trump decided to pick Eli Lilly’s former president to run the Department of Health and Human Services.
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Mon 13 Nov, 2017 12:06 pm
Geez, Louise!
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 12:16 pm
My eyes have gone into a total spin cycle.

Mon 13 Nov, 2017 12:19 pm
McConnell calls on Roy Moore to 'step aside' in Ala. Senate race(the Guardian)

Mon 13 Nov, 2017 12:50 pm
Headline fail: Alabama Republicans divided over "sex clams"


At https://www.democraticunderground.com/10029836126 . . .

Xipe Totec wrote:
Roy is coming! Run!
Walter Hinteler
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 01:16 pm
Trump Judicial Pick Did Not Disclose He Is Married to a White House Lawyer
WASHINGTON — One of President Trump’s most controversial judicial nominees did not disclose on publicly available congressional documents that he is married to a senior lawyer in the White House Counsel’s Office.

The nominee, Brett J. Talley, is awaiting a Senate confirmation vote that could come as early as Monday to become a federal district judge in Alabama. He is married to Ann Donaldson, the chief of staff to the White House counsel, Donald F. McGahn II.

Mr. Talley was asked on his publicly released Senate questionnaire to identify family members and others who are “likely to present potential conflicts of interest.” He did not mention his wife.
Mr. Talley also did not mention his wife when he described his frequent contact with White House lawyers during the nomination process.
... ... ...
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 01:36 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
Completely figures. Crooked administration. Nearly every single charge Trump threw at Hillary, of which the stupid public swallowed like gullible fools, he has done way worse.
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Brand X
Mon 13 Nov, 2017 01:49 pm
@Walter Hinteler,
He thought he'd be divorced and married to a 14 year old by now.
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