monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Tue 7 Nov, 2017 08:33 am
I believe, now more than ever, that Trump really was compromised from day one. He was in the Russians pocket before he ever decided to run.

****'s gonna get real very quickly here boys
That's certainly possible. It is the case that a LOT of people around Trump (and Trump himself) have been lying about ties to and activities in Russia. People don't lie like this if they don't feel they must.

Aside from what we've begun to learn now about the significance and dangers of Russia's messing with elections, there's a very real danger that the Trump/right wing media propaganda program centered on the phrase "fake news" will cause a very particular strain of getting-real-**** in America. That propaganda program does not allow for the possibility that Trump and those close to him are guilty. Indeed, findings of guilt by Mueller will only serve to validate the right wing media's propaganda line. Any serious criminal finding by Mueller - quite regardless of evidence - will be rejected by millions of Americans who conclude, axiomatically, that the FBI, the justice system and the mainstream media are all just shill for Hillary Clinton and other "Trump haters". Then what?
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 08:51 am
Despite the fact Trump won, the people you are referring to are actually only about 40 or less percent of Americans. According to most polls, most already think the Trump administration did something wrong in regards to the Russian issue.

Approval of Mueller's handling of Russia investigation, skepticism of Trump cooperation (WP)
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 08:58 am
First, let's quote Ted Cruz, a fine christian and an honest, principled man.
“Evil is evil is evil,” Cruz said on CNN, “and will use the weaponry that is available.”

https://cdn.vox-cdn.com/thumbor/z81-rUD6DNn6cy66ZHH94HJj0VQ=/800x0/filters:no_upscale()/cdn.vox-cdn.com/uploads/chorus_asset/file/8319829/gun_homicides_developed_countries.0.jpg Vox
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:03 am
Yes. The problem lies with those millions of others.
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:07 am
I know what you mean. Somehow there is a disconnect between what the majorities of Americans want and who actually gets elected and what kind of bills gets passed. I am not exactly sure what all the factors are involved which would cause that disconnect.
Brand X
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:10 am
What's worse, that it happened, or that Trump supporters don't give a fawk.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:13 am
revelette1 wrote:

I know what you mean. Somehow there is a disconnect between what the majorities of Americans want and who actually gets elected and what kind of bills gets passed. I am not exactly sure what all the factors are involved which would cause that disconnect.

Too many of our politicians' first loyalty is to their donors - pleasing the gun lobbyists rules their action (non-action) on gun control.
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:18 am
Then what? Indeed. No telling to what lengths the soulless orange-man administration and his GOP majorities in the legislative branch might go to subvert any kind of application of punishment.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:18 am
For the life of me, I can't understand why Trump would think well of this Wilbur Ross fellow.
Ross has been advertised as among the richest of President Trump’s Cabinet secretaries, which counts as a major qualification in this White House. Forbes, famous for its rich-people rankings, listed his wealth at $2.9 billion last year, but became suspicious after sifting through the financial-disclosure forms Ross filed when he entered government, which showed a net worth near $700 million. Ross told the magazine the real number was actually closer to $4 billion, and that the missing money was tied up in family trusts. But …

After one month of digging, Forbes is confident it has found the answer: That money never existed. It seems clear that Ross lied to us, the latest in an apparent sequence of fibs, exaggerations, omissions, fabrications and whoppers that have been going on with Forbes since 2004.

The magazine emphasizes that this fits a pattern with Ross that says something about his moral character:

“Wilbur doesn’t have an issue with bending the truth,” says David Wax, who worked alongside Ross for 25 years and served as the No. 3 person in his firm. Another former colleague, who requested anonymity, was less circumspect: “He’s lied to a lot of people.”
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 09:21 am
I take it you're being ironic in wondering how Trump could like this crooked Commerce secretary?
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 10:02 am
They appear to be so remarkably dissimilar.
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 10:28 am
0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 10:51 am
The probability that tRump goes home to Russia with Putin during their visit in Viet Nam has gone up tremenously due to Mueller's and other's revelations over the past two/three weeks!
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:12 am
I do think Trump and Putin will be planning something for Trump to abscond to Russia if things get much heavier. If Trump resigns suddenly and then leaves the country on a private jet within an hour, I don't think they could arrest warrants up in time to prevent Trump, now a private citizen, from flying to Moscow at his own expense.
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:16 am
A very pictureous (not a real word I know) prediction, I could literally see the whole thing play out like movie.

On that note, I had better to do something besides what I am doing, like housework...
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:23 am
Thanks. I shortened the post slightly. Now that Mueller is apparently looking into the deal Trump was negotiating during the 2016 campaign to get the contract to build the Moscow Trump Tower, the whole gig should be up quickly. I don't see Trump hanging around waiting to get arrested and sent to jail for 30 years.

Besides, Putin, whose paid trolls tirelessly portray him as the people's champion against The New World Order and The Rothschilds, would gain a tremendous propaganda boost giving protection to an ex-US president forced out of office by what he claims are evil forces running the US government.
0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:43 am
You guys aren't seriously thinking Trump might be a flight risk?
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:45 am
I wouldn't put anything past him at all.

0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 11:53 am
Yes, he knows his ass is grass and the gig is up! His running a crime family, figuratively and literally - in private life, campaign and administration. All three are crime families!
0 Replies
Tue 7 Nov, 2017 12:09 pm
I expect the chances of Trump taking a hike are about zero. His assets would be frozen and he would lose his properties. He'd lose access to media which seems to define for him his personal value. His travel options would be severely limited. His golfing would be at other people's courses and he'd have to restrain himself from driving his cart onto the green.

Further, consider all the stuff he's already gotten away with. Consider the various people he's been associated with (Mafia dudes) who get away with stuff regularly.

Snuff you pipe. It's a silly dream he'd run.

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