monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 6 Nov, 2017 04:52 am
Good post.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 04:58 am
Labor unions aren't dying a natural death; similarly to the ACA, they have been killed off, starting with Taft-Hartley, and suffering death by a thousand cuts.
I didn't bother. You are more optimistic than I that georgeob is amenable to questioning of his certainties. About 10% of the US workforce is now unionized. In Canada it is double that and in Sweden, it's around 80% (if I recall correctly). If george's thesis was sound, Swedes would look like Biafrans. But they don't and the nation consistently ranks far about the US in measures of citizen happiness and desirability of living there.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 05:14 am
Another mass shooting in the US by a dude in a ballistic vest and one of those3 cool semi-automatic rifles designed to blow apart the heads and torsos of people attending Sunday service. Fantastic! Let the bells of freedom right loud!
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 05:16 am
Builder wrote:
Shall we list the donors to the Clinton foundation who are sharia law misogynists, Walter?
You are a member of International Consortium of Investigative Journalists? The Australian Financial Review is their media partner in Australia ...

Edit: Oops, you can't be, since you obviously even now don't about the research,
because you wrote:
BTW, what happened to all that charity money??

The research was different: 13.4m files revealing secrets of the world elite's hidden wealth who have sheltered their wealth in secretive tax havens.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 05:35 am
At least nine people in Trump’s orbit had contact with Russians during campaign and transition
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 05:43 am
blatham wrote:

Another mass shooting in the US by a dude in a ballistic vest and one of those3 cool semi-automatic rifles designed to blow apart the heads and torsos of people attending Sunday service. Fantastic! Let the bells of freedom right loud!

It is a damn national shame that we can't agree on some simple gun regulation.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 05:47 am
I think there should be a law against a reporter shoving a microphone in the face of a family member who just lost someone in an insane massacre. There is no good purpose for this. It is the height (or depth) of exploitation and appeal to sick curiosity.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:06 am
If only all the people who attend Sunday Service at every church across America come with automatic weapons and lots of ammunition then American church-goers will finally be safe.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:08 am
EJ Dionne on why the Virginia governor's election tomorrow is so important It's here
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:11 am
I love the military. Here's some examples of men being all they can be as they stand in defense of American freedoms.
The “Fat Leonard” corruption investigation has expanded to include more than 60 admirals and hundreds of other U.S. Navy officers under scrutiny for their contacts with a defense contractor in Asia who systematically bribed sailors with sex, liquor and other temptations, according to the Navy.

Most of the admirals are suspected of attending extravagant feasts at Asia’s best restaurants paid for by Leonard Glenn Francis, a Singapore-based maritime tycoon who made an illicit fortune supplying Navy vessels in ports from Vladivostok, Russia to Brisbane, Australia. Francis also was renowned for hosting alcohol-soaked, after-dinner parties, which often featured imported prostitutes and sometimes lasted for days, according to federal court records.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:12 am
Gun ownership and the 2nd Amendment apparently has little effect on protecting us from deranged folks who are armed .
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:45 am
Certainement pas. C'est toi l'imposteur, le débile intolérant et haineux qui polue ces pages de ses déjections mentales enrobées d'une solide couche de pédanterie verbeuse, puant la connerie à vingt pas.

Tu te prétends américain mais je pense que tu es zimbabwéen ou chinois...
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:49 am
This is just so cool.
The congressman who said he “would love to invalidate” the Endangered Species Act is closing in on his goal.

Rep. Rob Bishop (R-Utah) recently shepherded five bills out of the Natural Resources Committee he chairs that would dismantle the law piece by piece. Many Republicans on the panel say the proposals are necessary changes that would modernize the 1973 law. Democrats and conservationists say the bills would whittle away the law’s ability to save wildlife from extinction.

The two utterly compelling reasons that the above is way cool are:

1) God gave the world to humans to harvest. Humans, by God's design, are to dominate all other animals, which are, of course, without souls.

2) the only proper and legitimate role of government is to ensure that wealthy, powerful individuals and corporations are not impeded in their desire to accumulate greater wealth and power. Just as humans are designed by God to dominate other species, the rich and powerful are naturally designed to dominate other humans.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 06:51 am
Setanta wrote:

Si tu mens, on a bonne raison de ne pas croire ce que tu dis. J'ai raison de croire que tu te dispute seulement pour le plaisir d'un argument, et non pas parceque tu sais or bien te soucies au sujet.

That's a very poor attempt at French. Google translating much?

J'ai DES raisonS de croire que tu NE te disputeS QUE pour le plaisir DE L'argument, et non parce (SPACE) que TU CONNAIS ou te soucies DU sujet.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 07:15 am
Donald Trump's commerce secretary says there is "nothing improper" about his business links to Russian figures who are currently under US sanctions.
Wilbur Ross was accused of misleading senators after leaked documents showed his interests in a firm in which some shareholders have ties to the Kremlin.
He told the BBC that the US had not sanctioned the company, Sibur, so "there's nothing wrong with that".
Mr Ross also denied he had failed to disclose the information.
Earlier, Democratic Senator Richard Blumenthal called the revelations of the Kremlin links "inexcusable".

0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 07:45 am
We desperately need a win, I am really hoping Northam pulls it off.

If Gillespie prevails, Trump will, for all these reasons, be very, very happy. Independents and Democrats who are thinking of staying home should ponder whether they really want to put a big smile on the face of a president who is busily tearing apart political norms and undermining a legitimate investigation into his campaign.

This goes for midterms too where democrats and left leaning independents never seem to care enough to show up at the polls.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 07:50 am
Before Trump could know anything about the gunman he claims he has mental problem and it is not a 2 amendment issue. As though one excludes the other.

Trump: Texas shooting due to "mental health problem," not a gun issue (Reuters)

He also claimed the gunman was killed by a resident who shooting in other direction before the authorities know whether the gunman shot himself or was killed by the resident who was chasing him.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 08:37 am
georgeob1 wrote:

blatham wrote:

Yet very, very few present GOPers in the House or the Senate are doing anything visible to curb or even criticize the administration because it is giving the movement conservatives and corporate interests pretty much everything they've long wanted.

Agreed. And the effects on our economy are so far very beneficial for nearly everyone. GDP growth rates are up from their previous levels; unemployment is decreasing. Next we need some wage growth and a reversal of the depressed work force participation rate, inherited from the previous administration. In each area there is already detectable optimism and expectation of continued beneficial changes.

Just, not due to any actual actions Trump or the GOP have taken. They certainly haven't passed any bills that would lead to such a result.

I think this is a great example of the 'animal spirit's theory that drives Republican thought. No real logical explanation for why the actions of the admin have led to the result you like - and in fact, there's a great deal of evidence that the economic choices of the former administration typically carry over into the first year of the new one due to the fiscal calendar not matching the actual change of control of the WH - so you simply assert that It Is So and build your arguments off of that.

I shouldn't have to point out that this is a poor foundation for an argument
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 08:58 am
Cycloptichorn wrote:

Just, not due to any actual actions Trump or the GOP have taken. They certainly haven't passed any bills that would lead to such a result.

You have restricted the issue to the passage of legislation, without regard to the obvious facts of the many very significant regulatory changes that have occurred, and others promised by the new management of our increasingly bureaucratic state installed by Trump. Take a look at the trajectory of numerous government economic indices, including unemployment, job creation and quarterly GDP growth. They all point to a change beginning this year. Your argument here is weak and contrived.

Cycloptichorn wrote:

I think this is a great example of the 'animal spirit's theory that drives Republican thought.
In fact the theory belongs to economi9sts generally, and not just to Republicans. It partly explains the persistent failures of socialism as well.

Mon 6 Nov, 2017 09:10 am
Take a look at the trajectory of numerous government economic indices, including unemployment, job creation and quarterly GDP growth. They all point to a change beginning this year.
Legislation is needed to make him appear competent. Id say that Obama left him in pretty good shape. It took Obama a bunch of years to reverse the sudden downturn of the Bush regime (Or hqve we conveniently forgotten?)
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