monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:19 am
Pot and kettle .. . I do better in this language than you habitually do.

Do you have any comments on President Plump and relevant contemporary events? Or have you just come here to take the p*ss--which is about all you ever do here.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:34 am
Do you have any comments on President Plump and relevant contemporary events?

Do you? In the last ten pages, your total contribution has been to call him plump, and attempt to chastise others for not joining in on your peurile attacks.

Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:44 am
You misspelled puerile, Mr. Proper English. Just a few posts above, I have characterized several of his cabinet appointments as setting the fox to guard the hen house. Of course, you would have had to have actually read other people's posts, rather than just come here to take the piss. And, of course, to use classic conservative ploys to divert the discussion, which is what you are attempting now.
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Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:46 am
Builder wrote:
In the last ten pages, your total contribution has been to call him plump,...
That's really not correct: in the Bavarian (Bavarian Palatine) home region of his grandparents, it's pronounced "Drump" which only sounds like "Plump".
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:49 am
I sometimes wonder why Builder is such an unpleasant, bitter male harpy. But really only for a nano second. He reminds me of those unhinged strangers you see in public places who appear normal until you accidentally make eye contact. I’ve sat near them in doctors offices, they pop up in department stores and pharmacies and meat markets and occasionally they operate a business for a short time. It used to be puzzling when I was very young, because it didn’t make sense.....but as I’ve gotten older it’s easier to spot them, and avoid them because they will never make any sense and they have problems I can’t solve.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:55 am
I sometimes wonder why Builder is such an unpleasant, bitter male harpy.

You're such a poor judge of character, kiddo.

I like this place. You kids are so much fun to play with.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 12:57 am
@Walter Hinteler,
in the Bavarian (Bavarian Palatine) home region of his grandparents, it's pronounced "Drump"

I thought it was Drumpf, but I don't mind bowing to a local knowledge entity, Walter.

You'd also be aware that the house of Windsor is a sham; that fam being German in heritage, just like Bush and the Clintons.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 01:10 am
The culprit here is Olivier, who claims to be French, although the evidence at this site is both that he can't write worth a damn in French, while displaying an excellent command of idiomatic American usage. That was the core point of my remark. I don't believe he's French, and any Frenchman who was not an academic dedicated to the study of the United States and its political institutions would not be likely to understand that arcana.

You're still speaking about little me and my Frenchitude??? Why would I lie, and WTF is it to you anyway?

Your statement that I "can't write worth a damn in French" is a damn lie, as everyone who's ever conversed with me in French can attest. You are not competent to critique any sentence in French anyway, so how would you know?

Your obsession for other people's nationality, and what they ought or ought not speak of depending of where there were born, is not healthy. In fact it stinks to high heaven.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 01:12 am
Setanta wrote:

This does not address Olivier's apparent inability to express himself properly in French.

Stop lying.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 02:05 am
S'il y a menteur ici, c'est toi.
Walter Hinteler
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 02:12 am
Setanta wrote:
Ross is also implicated in close ties to Putin and a Russian oligarch, for his participation in a corporation of which he has not divested himself.
Interesting, at least, is as well that "U.S. President Donald Trump vowed to fight the power of global elites and told voters he would put "America First." But surrounding Trump are a number of close associates who have used offshore tax havens to conduct business."
Explore The Influencers: Donald Trump’s allies in the Paradise Papers
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 02:15 am
@Walter Hinteler,
But surrounding Trump are a number of close associates who have used offshore tax havens to conduct business.

Shall we list the donors to the Clinton foundation who are sharia law misogynists, Walter?

BTW, what happened to all that charity money??
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 02:31 am
Si tu mens, on a bonne raison de ne pas croire ce que tu dis. J'ai raison de croire que tu te dispute seulement pour le plaisir d'un argument, et non pas parceque tu sais or bien te soucies au sujet.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 02:33 am
@Walter Hinteler,
That Paradise Papers gag is going to be very entertaining, n'est-ce pas?
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 03:31 am
Labor unions in the United states, particularly in the private sector of the economy are dying of their own contradictions and the destructive effect they have on the health of the businesses they infect.

Labor unions aren't dying a natural death; similarly to the ACA, they have been killed off, starting with Taft-Hartley, and suffering death by a thousand cuts. Public service unions, where the most active unionization still survives, were never meant to be organized in the model of the industrial unions and are "labor unions" in name only. Many of the benefits of unionization have been achieved for all workers through social legislation. The intent wasn't to undercut the material success and security of the workers as much as it was to deny them recognition as equal partners in the process of production.
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 03:35 am
Indeed; in many cases, employers have provided some benefits to non-unionized employees so as to discourage them from joining unions.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 03:54 am
Setanta wrote:

Si tu mens, on a bonne raison de ne pas croire ce que tu dis. J'ai raison de croire que tu te dispute seulement pour le plaisir d'un argument, et non pas parceque tu sais or bien te soucies au sujet.

All due respect Set, but this stuff is as disruptive to the thread as anything else.
0 Replies
Mon 6 Nov, 2017 04:31 am
blatham wrote:
because it is giving the movement conservatives and corporate interests pretty much everything they've long wanted.

Is it, though? Seems like there are two contradictory narratives.
That's a fair point, nimh. It seems to me that both arguments are true, though seemingly contradictory.

On one hand, because Trump is a the sort of Look-At-Me! pathological narcissist that he is, rather than an ideologue and loyal party member, he can be an impediment to the goals of someone like Paul Ryan or Mitch McConnell or the Koch network. They obviously can't count on him to line himself up with their messaging/PR needs or to focus on many issues they deem ought to be the focus (and that is the most common criticism we hear from them if they dare to criticize - "I wish he wasn't so noisy"). And they are certainly concerned with his polling and what that might mean next November. I suspect there might not be a single GOP rep in either house who would not prefer Mike Pence over Trump. And more broadly, most or many of those around him in the WH are incompetent and this is making things even worse for the people we're talking about.

But on the other hand, recall that Grover Norquist said five years ago that the only thing the GOP needed in its next President was "enought working digits to handle a pen (to sign movement conservative policies into law). In this sense, Trump has been a pretty agreeable patsy or placeholder. The first clear evidence of that was the slate of department heads Trump signed off on.

One further point. Winning the trifecta (WH, Senate control, House control along with the significant power of choosing committee heads) can be less absolute or overwhelming than it might seem. Though Obama enjoyed that situation for a time, it's certainly not the case that he steam-rolled the place - though I admit he was a far, far less cynical individual than McConnell or Pence or Trump.
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Mon 6 Nov, 2017 04:45 am
A Pentagon assessment has declared the only way to completely destroy all parts of North Korea's nuclear weapons programme is through a ground invasion.
Rear Admiral Michael Dumont expressed the opinion on behalf of the Joint Chiefs of Staff in a letter to Congressman Ted Lieu.
Mr Dumont said calculating "even the roughest" potential casualty figures would be extremely difficult.
He also gave some detail on what the first hours of a war would involve.
"The only way to 'locate and destroy - with complete certainty - all components of North Korea's nuclear weapons programs' is through a ground invasion," he wrote in response to Congressman Lieu's questions about a potential conflict.
The risks involved included a potential nuclear counter-attack by North Korea while US forces attempted to disable its "deeply buried, underground facilities", he said.
"A classified briefing is the best venue for a detailed discussion," he added.

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Mon 6 Nov, 2017 04:47 am
You have failed to answer either of my two simple questions nor cited any data to back up your assertions. I don't quite get how you might imagine this is intellectually sufficient.
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