monitoring Trump and relevant contemporary events

Fri 3 Nov, 2017 08:06 pm
One would have to be a complete fool not see that all right wing efforts lately have been to move the spotlight off the national embarrassment in the oval office.

As opposed to the revelation that the DNC was bought and owned by a neoliberal warmonger, before she even nominated for the presidency?

Such was the depth of her narcissism, that she wanted to cover all bases before throwing her hat in the ring.

I understand why you side with such a beast, Set. You're cut from the same cloth.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2017 08:23 pm
I know. And I appreciate both the focus and your reason for it. Thank you.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2017 08:27 pm
Setanta wrote:

You claim to be French, which I don't believe. So the machinations and the mechanisms of the Democratic Party should be well beyond your ken.

So, less than a week after Finn tried to tell Blatham that he didn't really have any business discussing US politics because he's Canadian, we have Set telling Olivier he doesn't really have any business discussing US politics if he's actually French. There's one silly argument that apparently knows no partisan boundaries..

The US is pretty important and has a pretty big impact on most of the rest of the world. Therefore, what happens in US politics (Republican and Democratic parties alike) is pretty relevant to people around the world. Seems a simple enough concept.

(On top of that, of course, there's absolutely nothing wrong, suspicious, unwarranted or even particularly surprising about anyone taking an active interest in the politics of another country even regardless of the above -- academia, journalism etc are full of people doing exactly that, and the world would be a better place if more people did.)
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 08:44 pm
Your analogy fails because the situations are not analogous. Canadians are far better informed about the United States than Europeans. Most of the population of Canada lives near the border, and they readily have access to American television and radio stations. Although certainly the actions of the American government may affect the rest of the world, the effect on Canada is usually greater and happens sooner. Trade between the United States and Canada means that economic decisions made in Washington, and in state capitals affect Canada a good deal more than other nations. Additionally, Mr. Latham has traveled and lived in the United States.

I specifically referred to the internal workings of the Democratic Party. Even well-informed Europeans who are not actually academics making a study of the United States would find it difficult to obtain that sort of detailed, arcane information.

But thanks for prolonging and enhancing the efforts to derail the thread. I'm sure the conservative operatives appreciate it.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 08:46 pm
By the way, I see we have a variant on the free speech whine. Whose participation here has been suppressed? Buncha drama queens . . .
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Fri 3 Nov, 2017 09:01 pm
What was it like, that silence? That blissful, peaceful sound
That fell on Earth like Christmas snow when potus’s tweets could not be found?
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Fri 3 Nov, 2017 09:30 pm
Quote oralloy:
It [collusion] is only a crime if there is a statute forbidding it. There is no such statute.

There is indeed a statute forbidding collusion to commit an illegal act. In the case of the Trump campaign colluding with Russia to obtain dirt on Hillary, 52 U.S. Code § 30121 forbids foreign nationals from donating money or anything of value to a Federal, state or local election. As the evidence is mounting that the Trump campaign actively sought the information the Russian government had obtained, that is collusion to commit an illegal act.
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 09:45 pm
Count on this to be what happens.
Paul Waldman‏ @paulwaldman1 8h8 hours ago
.@SenWarren makes key point: a year from now, GOPers will use increase in deficit caused by their tax cut as justification to gut safety net

This has long been a side-benefit from the GOP's insistence on increasing military expenditures. And, once again, these assholes will be bemoaning the threat to the nation that attends having a deficit.
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Fri 3 Nov, 2017 10:29 pm
Extraordinary reporting from AP on the history of the hacking of DNC related email accounts including at least one known alteration of documents by Guccifer AP
Fri 3 Nov, 2017 10:43 pm
at least one known
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Sat 4 Nov, 2017 03:00 am
Can We Please Stop Talking About "Collusion"?
Sat 4 Nov, 2017 03:05 am
@Finn dAbuzz,
If anyone thinks China is a superior country to the US (or Canada) then they should put a sock in it and move to Shanghai.

Boy, haven't heard that old chestnut for quite a while, only it was always "Why don't you move to Russia?" back then.

Yeah, right — move to a country where you don't know the language and would stick out ethnically like a sore thumb. Sounds like a great idea.
Sat 4 Nov, 2017 04:34 am
Perhaps Finn has always dreamed of moving to China to set up a corner store.

And speaking of visits to China... anyone else a bit terrified of what Trump might say or do on his visit there?
Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:06 am
A 10-year-old undocumented Mexican migrant with cerebral palsy, detained last month after undergoing surgery in Texas, has been released to her family.
The release of Rosa Maria Hernandez was confirmed by the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) and Texas Congressman Joaquin Castro.
Her detention, which came after border agents stopped the ambulance taking her to hospital, caused an outcry.
Mr Castro said it was still not clear if she faced deportation from the US.
The ACLU had filed a lawsuit earlier this week seeking the child's release.
"Rosa Maria is finally free," said ACLU lawyer Michael Tan in a statement on Friday.
"We're thrilled that she can go home to heal surrounded by her family's love and support."
He added: "Despite our relief, Border Patrol's decision to target a young girl at a children's hospital remains unconscionable. No child should go through this trauma and we are working to make sure it doesn't happen again."

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Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:07 am
I try to avoid long quotes but Gail Collins can be soooo delightful. Mr. Smart Glasses is a perfect subject for her.
Oh, that Rick Perry.

Our secretary of energy was in South Africa recently, for Africa Oil Week. Whenever the word “oil” is mentioned, Perry responds like a dog on the scent of a hamburger. So no surprise there. We wouldn’t even have noticed he was gone, except for the part where he suggested that fossil fuels would protect women from sexual assault.

“Let me tell you where people are dying is in Africa,” he told an audience after he returned, launching into a story about a young village girl who yearned to be able to read by electric light instead of a smoky fire.

O.K. so far …

“But also from the standpoint of sexual assault,” Perry continued. “When the lights are on, where you have light that shines, the righteousness, if you will, on those types of acts. So from the standpoint of how you really affect people’s lives, fossil fuel is going to play a role in that.”

Now we all support electrification of rural villages. But where the heck did the sexual assault part come from? The Department of Energy wasn’t really forthcoming. It just issued a statement saying that while Perry was in Africa “he was told how light can be a deterrent to sexual assault and can provide security in remote areas.”

Environmental groups quickly pointed out that there is a hefty sexual assault problem in places that have more electricity than they know what to do with. But let’s be generous. Maybe he was still quoting that village girl. Do you really think she insisted that the light come from fossil fuels? Inquiring minds want to know.

Rick Perry is an absolutely terrible secretary of energy. We all remember that he took the job without realizing that his central responsibility would be overseeing the safe handling of nuclear materials, a topic he knew nothing whatsoever about. Interested bystanders recalled sadly that Barack Obama’s first secretary was a Nobel Prize-winning scientist and the second a nuclear physicist.

On the other hand, Rick Perry once shot a coyote while jogging.

He claims.

Anyhow, Perry and Donald Trump are of one mind about the Department of Energy’s new mission, which is making our nation “energy dominant.” Once it was all about energy independence, and that’s going pretty well, thanks to solar and wind power and natural gas. Now, the administration’s obsession is to find new ways to market our fossil fuels, including an increasingly large amount of excess oil.

Perry’s the perfect person for the job. This is a man who once explained that the law of supply and demand is: “You put the supply out there and the demand will follow.”...
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Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:13 am
Sure has been a lot of lying from people in the Trump circle regarding whether or not they've met with Russian officials. It's almost like a pattern.
Carter Page, a foreign policy adviser to the Trump presidential campaign, met Russian government officials during a July 2016 trip he took to Moscow, according to testimony he gave on Thursday to the House Intelligence Committee.

Shortly after the trip, Mr. Page sent an email to at least one Trump campaign aide describing insights he had after conversations with government officials, legislators and business executives during his time in Moscow, according to one person familiar with the contents of the message. The email was read aloud during the closed-door testimony.

The new details of the trip present a different picture than the account Mr. Page has given during numerous appearances in the news media in recent months and are yet another example of a Trump adviser meeting with Russians officials during the 2016 campaign. In multiple interviews with The New York Times, he had either denied meeting with any Russian government officials during the July 2016 visit or sidestepped the question, saying he met with “mostly scholars.”
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Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:19 am
Today's edition of... (cue trumpet blast)...Voices From The Right
Bush 41 and Bush 43 Worry Trump Is Blowing Up the G.O.P.

President Trump is not a favorite in the extended Bush household. Former President George Bush considers him a “blowhard,” only interested in feeding his own ego. Former President George W. Bush, his son, thinks Mr. Trump fans public anger and came to office without any understanding of the job.
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Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:22 am
It's good to know Trump has got his priorities right. My brackets.

In Tokyo he (Trump) is also set to meet Piko Taro, singer of the Pen-Pineapple-Apple-Pen earworm that swept the globe.

http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-asia-41773310<br />
Sat 4 Nov, 2017 05:26 am
And speaking of visits to China... anyone else a bit terrified of what Trump might say or do on his visit there?

I'm ready to be embarrassed to the point of sickness.

His first stop is Hawaii — maybe he'll visit Obama's birthplace???

"China is a lovely country. A big country. I love China. I love chop suey. Believe me. I love the Great Wall. Bigly."

Say, anyone notice the absence of Kushner news these days? Is he part of the president's entourage? Back in the early days of this administration he made a big hit in China where they considered him a "prince". Maybe he's busy, working in secret to solve the Arab-Israeli problem.

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