@Walter Hinteler,
Quote:"Keep America safe" - the deadliest mass shooting committed by an individual on US soil happened a short time ago.
Exactly the same we have here in the US with fake news from CNN and NBC and other news media, in UK there is "the media code of silence".
The UK government with the media cover up the real truth, that the increase of crime is caused by the arrival of the Muslim refugees.
And I will prove it to you right here, right now.
Lets check just 3 years ago, before the arrival and settling of the Syrian refugees to UK
Tough case to crack: the mystery of Britain's falling crime rate
Quote:But it is not just the people of Northampton who are perplexed by crime trends. Surveys have shown that while most people in England and Wales believe lawlessness to be falling in the area where they live, the overwhelming majority believe it to be rising nationally, when it has actually fallen to its lowest level in decades. The Office for National Statistics (ONS) believes this may be explained by the way some crimes are reported in the media.
The experts are just as baffled as the public: like the economists who failed to foresee the global financial crisis, criminologists were taken by surprise by what happened during the years of recession that followed the crash. Public spending was cut, unemployment rose, incomes were squeezed, families resorted to food banks. And yet, against all expectations, the number of recorded offences fell.
You like it, eh?
But, two years later, when the refugees settled in the cities of UK
Homicides in England and Wales up 14%
Rise in knife and gun crime brings decade of downward trend in murder rates to an end
Quote:The number of homicides in England and Wales rose by 71 to 574 in the 12 months to September 2015 - an increase of 14% fuelled by rises in knife and gun crime, official statistics show.
The rise in the number of homicides brings to an end a decade in which the murder rate in England and Wales has been falling despite the continued growth in the population.
The quarterly crime figures published by the Office for National Statistics show a 6% increase in overall crime to 4.3 million offences as recorded by the police in the 12 months to September alongside an apparent 6% fall as measured by the separate crime survey of England and Wales. The ONS said the 6% fall was not statistically significant compared with the previous year’s estimate.
The police-recorded crime figures include a 9% rise in knife crime and a 4% rise in gun crime, which are thought to reflect a rise in gang violence largely in London and Manchester. The rise in gun crime is the first recorded for eight years and includes a 10% rise in London.
The official statisticians say that a 36% rise in sexual offences, including the highest number of rapes since 2003 – at 33,341 – reflect a greater willingness of victims to come forward to report such crimes rather than a real surge in attacks.
The police-recorded figures also include a 27% rise in violence against the person offences, which the ONS said was largely driven by a 37% increase in incidents involving violence without injury as a result of increased recording by the police. The detailed figures also show falls in the number of robberies and snatch thefts.
But here some more.
As the UK government is doing nothing to stop the delinquency from the Syrian/Muslim refugees, people are "defending" themselves.
Most London knife crime no longer gang-related, police say
Three-quarters of knife injuries among the young are not linked to gangs as knives are carried for protection and status, Met says
Quote:Most knife crime in London is no longer gang-related, as young people increasingly carry knives for protection, status and safeguarding “criminal interests”, the Metropolitan police commissioner has said.
Sir Bernard Hogan-Howe told the capital’s first knife crime conference, which was convened by the mayor, Sadiq Khan, that the trend was changing.
He said: “By and large, it used to be gang members, but that’s not the case now. We’ve seen an increase in the number of other young people carrying knives, young people with no links to gangs. So at the moment, some 75% – three quarters – of all knife injuries among the under-25s are not gang-related. The 25% that are – this is around 450 offences in the last year, so about one a day – tend to be more serious, and gang members remain the most dangerous knife carriers, but the changing trend is clearly a concern.
President Donald Trump is absolutely correct.
The Syrian/Muslim refugees are causing delinquency in all European countries that received them and settled them in their cities.
And now all those governments have declared the "code of silence" by doing nothing and less admitting publicly their great mistake of accepting those refugees and settling them as members of society in the cities.
We don't see these kind of problems in the US thanks to president Donald Trump, and to Republican senators and governors in president Obama administration as well.
Quote:Congressional Republicans voted on Thursday to make it more difficult for refugees from Syria and Iraq to come to the US as the fallout from last Friday’s Isis terrorist attacks in Paris continues.
In addition, more than half of the US’s governors have said they will no longer provide placement for Syrian refugees, arguing that they pose too great a risk to national security.
New Jersey governor and Republican presidential candidate Chris Christie has said his state will not take in any refugees – “not even orphans under the age of five”.
And president Trump today's policies are in agreement with the policies of the GOP
Quote:Louisiana governor Bobby Jindal has said he has directed state police to “track” the Syrian refugees in his state, something his state police have played down.
GOP presidential hopefuls Ted Cruz and Jeb Bush have suggested the US government prioritize Christian refugees.
Barack Obama has pledged to veto the legislation, and has condemned the anti-refugee comments as “un-American”, but experts worry the backlash could have dangerous consequences if these claims go unchecked.
“Sowing fear of refugees is exactly the kind of response groups like Isis are seeking,” said Iain Levine, deputy executive director for program at Human Rights Watch, on Thursday. “Yes, governments need to bring order to refugee processing and weed out militant extremists, but now more than ever they also need to stand with people uprooted from their homes by ideologies of hatred and help them find real protection.”
Rather than criticizing negatively the good and best policy of president Trump and the GOP for PROTECTING YOU from criminality caused by those Muslim refugees, you better start to recognize that you are wrong, completely wrong when you stand against president Trump in this issue.
The plain truth is that the criminality in UK is caused by the Muslim refugees and people in that country is protecting themselves because their government don't want to do their job.
What a chaos.