Lash wrote:
You might remember Pelosi, Schumer et al (Hillary too) saying single payer would never happen. They didn’t feel pressured to change their minds or rhetoric until Bernie’s rise.
It's still never going to happen, and shouldn't. Single-Payer isn't the best model for us out there, nor is it some sort of panacea that will solve all of our healthcare problems. This is also what I'm talking about WRT the disconnect between our current society and the preferred one; the process of moving from where we are today, to a fully single-payer HC society, would mean massive disruptions to many industries and huge job losses for many states. This makes it really difficult to envision happening, and the proponents of single-payer avoid discussing this at all costs.
Quote:They wouldn’t even talk about $15. hr until Bernie.
Once again, I'm not entirely sure that a national minimum wage of $15 is really a great idea. I'll give you this one though because he really popularized the idea.
Quote:Changes are being made—despite roadblocks by Republicans and Democrats.
Oh, really? Which changes have been made? I see a lot of talk... but not much actual changes occurring. Maybe I'm wrong tho so go ahead and point out the actual legislation that's passed that improves things in ways that Bernie is proposing.
Quote:I’d have thought you’d be behind this wave for change instead of supporting corporate stooges.
Our demands are legitimate, and congress members need to be backed up against a wall for legitimate answers on how they vote, why, and where they get their money.
I only get behind ideas and plans that are well thought-out. Both of the things you've specifically mentioned are poorly thought out, from both a policy and a political process perspective. And supporters of most of the very far-left positions are really reluctant to ever discuss that fact. It's not enough to have an idea, even a good one; you have to have a workable plan to make that idea reality, and y'all are completely missing that right now. Bernie certainly had no workable plan to get any of his proposals from the last election passed in Congress, and it showed.
Quote:I have deep desires about my country too. I just don’t want anybody to get a pass on corruption.
Russia didn’t create this problem. Our elected officials did.
Russia took advantage of our divisions, and used the anonymous nature of the online discussion sphere to heighten those divisions. And y'all just eat it up left and right, because there's nothing a highly partisan person wants to hear more than people agreeing with them and urging them to be even more partisan and extreme than they used to be.