Will Trump's healthcare plans hit his supporters the hardest? Majority of people who rely on the subsidies he vows to SCRAP are in states which helped him win the election
Obamacare started walking with the left foot. The idea was make it "mandatory" to obligate rather than foment the total participation of people.
Millions of Americans did prefer to pay the penalty and refuse Obamacare.
Several millions of Americans can't be covered anyway because lack of fulfilling the requirements, making this "universal health care insurance" a failure.
The other biggest problem was the subsidies.
Here is where the problem always sticks and stays.
When the government offers subsidies, private companies abuse of the system. There have been lots of cases where people had surgery to stop the function of a nerve controlling perspiration. This is needed for some people who sweat uncontrollably, but surgeons offered the surgery to people who didn't need it, and even these people were paid to have such a surgery.
Private companies abuse the system because there is no way to control their wrongdoings, unless they are exposed by a patient or by chance an event, even IRS audit finds it out.
There is no guarantee that a new proposal from Trumps administration will solve this problem of abuse of the system.
But surely Obamacare is causing a great spending without control.
Congress members receive donations for their elections and re-elections from companies participating in the current health care universal insurance, and for this reason many of them can't go against Obamacare, because their necks are tighten if they go against their donators.
In my opinion, taking out the subsidies might cause a temporary problem, but companies won't want to get broke, so they can't increase the premiums to unattainable levels because at the end their own business is at risk.
It will be threads against Trump administration because the cut off of subsidies, but there is no other way to stop the abuses of the system.
A better organized health care insurance must be posted, where the government can observe where the money is going, review sporadically the case history of patients to verify the necessity of surgeries, etc.
It is not government control in private companies or people, but checking if the subsidies are used properly, which is what the government must do.